It may be an eve, but not much activities as city streets are flooded with people heading for the countdown events.

For me, I had chosen the opposite; staying indoors and finishing up some backlogged work, which is definitely outside Mainstream.  Short breaks in between the long hours, the challenge goes on.

This is the first time I'm doing this for a "year end closing event" which no doubt to many may be mundane, but I think it's something good to keep me going.  Afterall, it's my nature to be working harder and on longer hours as my biological engine knows I do not require so much rest.  Guess that's why I'm "engineered" to function this way?

Lots of reflections to wrap up end of this year.  Looking back on the pages written for this year in my life, they had certainly been fruitful and I have accomplished something I wanted.

Right now, the continuation of work runs.
Was SMSing or Whatsapping an ex colleague and learnt that Albert had left as an 'SAS' which I was wondering if it was a AM level.

It was a time of us catching up about Christmas; quite a surprise that he had left.

638am. It was a dream.
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I had walked through a place which looks like a holiday resort of some exotic places.  From the sidewalk around the resort, I could see a breathtaking skyline of the sea, with a mixture of various layers that resembled the sight of the shores of Maldives.

Across the left, I saw a water "wall", that is made of of a large curtain of sea water being propelled vertically into to the air, just like those fountain displays infront of shopping malls, hotels, or certain buildings.  From the place I was walking, I could already see it being such a magnificent sight; what size would it really be if I'm standing right at it's bottom?

Walking along the sidewalk, I had realised I wasn't properly attired and decided to make my move back to my room.

The scene cut and showed me walking in and out of some dark place, which was like a "dungeon town" of the medival times, where castles, men in lacy cuffs with long hair walked.  I had walked past a few whom were from the vampire clan, with their pale looking faces and the aura they carried.  Following them, I went through the door and right into their "town".  That's where I saw Jianxiang (he had been keeping long hair all these while) who opened his room door which I went past, and shortly afterwhich, I made my way off from the vampire town.  I had spotted myself with the long hair of those vampires.  Cool look, something I had always wanted.

Next scene, back to the dungeon town where I had a melee battle using my "pet" (just like those MMORPGs) and defeated my friend, Alvin Tay's pet.  It was a situation where his pet didn't have a chance to retaliate against my attacks and eventually, defeated.  I was walking off to leave that town and his partner came in, analysed the situation and also could not find any foul play.   A big butterfly with black wings and blue motifs flew in, and Alvin's companion took it and detached its body from the wings; and strangely, the body has 2 plugs which was to fit the wings this butterfly does look like a living version of those toys where you could change certain parts of the figurine that are also connected via plugs.

After my exit, it was time to wake up.  7am.
Hunger, but it's already past 2am and definitely a forbidden time to eat.

Today's run was definitely past my usual distance and certainly a fulfilling session as I had ran without much difficulty except during the start up before the muscles had warmed up. The unusal feeling in my left knee had faded off along as the run peaked.

Such a cooling evening deserves a good run, while sightseeing around each area I had passed. C1 till G and back to C1.

Hope I can enter slumber soon.

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Another sleepless night after that 5 hour snooze that I had overlooked fetching dearie after her classes. I must had been substantially tired and had been running on Overdrive mode.

One more round of some CRM familarisation and ironing out some issues, but now my stomach is feeling the emptiness from the enhanced fuel consumption at this hour.

Hope I can return to slumber soon so as to regulare the correct sleeping hours.

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A very short and unusual number that called me at this early hour.
A foreign number had called at this hour.  A scam?
Reading and dozing off. That's one really classic situation of a book sapping a person's mind out.

I had been going through this for a few rounds and decided to take a break after a few chapters. I had to finish the other half of the textbook where I had left off the other time. Cumulatively, this is my 5th round on the textbook and had just started the 6th.

In my mind, I had been thinking, which set of questions would they give me this time round? Not going to think about how the verdict will be as doing my best matters most.

1130pm. Finally answering to the pillow's call.

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It was another evening of a 'closed door meditation' for today's battle. A dream on series of collection basis occupied me during the slumber hours.

I'm on schedule in the already packed, and still breathable 'can on track' that will bring me to my destination. The only thing is that the facilities at the examination centre is not opened till almost time for the papers.

Being the first paper of the day does have it's constraints in this sense - without proper a proper place to do some final touchups.

My ride is coming home today at last after a week that placed me at such great expenditure of time that I could use them on more important events.

Hope dearie had a good rest last night.

All the best for my battle later.

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I'm going through another round of my revision again.  Battletime: 0900hrs on 14122011.

Time is quite against me as I have less time to do the same or more amount of work at Mainstream.  With a bigger responsibility while the management is away for 2 weeks, this will be a time where I will need to pit the best I can to make that mark.

The previous week had ended on a pretty consoling note in the midst of all the hustle and pressure.  What's left now is to clear that one, single, paper-load full of information and knowledge that I have to face.  Last week had already been brimmed so much so that I didn't have proper time to settle down to run through the notes to refresh myself.

Time to rest and recover for the evening; a rainy evening hence the run had to be converted to a muscle-pumping session.  After a month or so of hiatus, the momentum, strength are all still running good.
Got a call from this number once but didn't hear from them thereafter.  From this source, it seemed like another telemarketing attempt:
Dinner made by dearie; a wonderfully tasting plate of noodles, completed with mushrooms and cabbages.

Nothing beats home-cooked food especially when it comes from the angel of my heart; it makes the evening more cosy and warm in the heart as we all dine under shelter in her parent's cosy abode.

I had not got sufficient space in my backpack hence the revision could not be "revved up".  Most of the time had been spent on my Macbook, continuing the research for the next trip.  

A short trip over Christmas definitely sounds good.
This was one of the latest time I had to stay after settling in.

I had been given positive news of getting my cut after an affirmation that I had been considered as their "1st class citizen".  After 3 years in the same line, 6 years in all since I left the armed forces, my foot had finally been firmly placed in a place where I can be providing my contribution.  The initial 2 months had been a little of a concern as I had many things going on; ICT, and above that, settling in really well and getting in to be doing it.

It was certainly a good note and thank God that I was here at this time.  My dinner had to be settled alone as dearie had a company dinner to attend.  Hence, the best reward for myself was to settle down for a foot-long sandwich at Subway.

Finally, one of those nights where I could sleep a little more peaceful.
It was an unusual encounter as I had been startled to my awakening from a scene in Mainstream where the Mdm had been talking about work.

What a fright.  I had since stayed up during the early hours in the morning.  Since I'm already planning something, this will be a good for me to do some homework online for my next backpacking journey.
This number just called again.  I hope this is a service call with response to my feedback.  Let's see if they call again.
They have called me once again.  What are they up to this time?
Hot day, an unusual in the midst of a rainy season.

Had my lunch and now hidden back to the cooler area - in a shopping mall.

I had fallen asleep so early the night before - little did I realise that I had been tired, and still unwell to a certain extent. Slumber had commenced at around 10pm and I had awoken at 4am. Had not been able to sleep since then.

The weather's picking up on the 'heat' today. But that could also spell a swing of climate later in the afternoon. Let's see if the aircon turns colder all of sudden as a sign of that weather swing.

I should be up and ready for the next season of run after these few days of rest since those coughs, phlegms and runny nose syndromes have been clogging up my respiratory systems since that contact with rain during lunch hour last week. This time, it had seemed pretty bad and I'm glad it's recovering well.

Let's hope tonight will not be a rush hour, considering that there's a fair bit to do in a 'compression of time' season.

Hope dearie has also rested and recovered well by today. Mine had been quite a tormenting season when I can run, hit that new mileage / timing and sweat it all out. Weights training is still on the hiatus till I've hit that momentum.

I sure look forward to having a clear respiratory system soon. Just a few final clearouts today.

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I appeared at a place which looked a little like PLAD - green buildings with staircases elevated above ground level, and masses of people who are milling around the various complexes.

Another scene showed me fleeing from war-torn zone which later turned out to be a prank rather than a real military-operation. The place where people started fleeing were just along a dust-track with an informative shelter set up in the middle of the road.

At the building where these people were gathered, I saw a few familiar faces, like Alex Lee, Wan and then some scenes of the 'advanced prototype' of the Playbook. Wan was showing me this tablet that had various facets; one flick and you could access a secondary panel that was about 2/3 of the 'master panel's size.

That reminded me; these people were attending the devcon for Blackberry that had been shifted from Thailand to locally in view of the bad weather. The complex that I had visited then later morphed into something like that of Singapore Polytechnic; with porches, carparks and the typical type of building stucture like that of a 'standard polytechnic'.

Seems like this time, I had travelled to extensive places.

By the time I had awoken, it was near 7am and a sore throat accompanied me.

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Been many days since I last wrote here as I've been battling that damn paper which had boggling me for the past fortnight.

Today's the 2nd attempt after a 1-week cool off and re-org period.

Oh well, didn't make it again. Looking through the result slip, it once again showed the sections where I'm lacking in passing but it doesn't matter now that I had been thinking which part had gone wrong?

Or maybe I had been too stressed up by the result outcome that I had missed out some important information retention mentally.

Anyhow, the day's over and I had just sauntered around the shopping mall near Mainstream as a way to take my mind off the stress. I seriously need some entertainment. A gaming machine...will that help?

Time to RTU.

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The runs had given me deep sleeps each night I hit home. Tonight will be the last 'outstation' for the week and most probably, another run to be done.

The runs had steadily been picking up, and I've finally got something decent to secure my music player to my arm which also, keeps track of my fitness level.

Keep that run going. I'm getting the hang of it.
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Had a doze-off after running into 4 chapters of re-revision just now. So now it's another moment where I might have a little challenge getting into slumber.

That doze off was not even half an hour.

Despite having done a 10km run, the body doesn't feel as tiring as having to run in the baking heat yesterday morning. Awesome achievement for the mid week and allowing me to take my mind off that mental disturbance from the morning.

I might go for another round tomorrow as an 'evaluation run' which I do at the end of each week's running phase. And Sitex is here, and I can finally lay my hands on that Backbeat 903+ which is at a deal!

Hope dearie is sleeping soundly with her favourite ding beside her at this time. It had been a rough mental struggle for me till I had settle in for that re-revision. Though those text can be challenging to read, I have to go through it and I'm glad I started it tonight despite having the resit 7 days away.

Let me try entering slumberland. Hopefully, I can go through an adventure.

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It's the time of the afternoon again after lunch, but the mind remains at it's maximum alertness since the morning defeat.

Not that I'm dwelling on it, but rather, it seemed that the preparation had not been all done well despite having a thorough revision. Sometimes, I'm just at a loss of words after the defeat, probably still in a state of disbelieve.

As I look at things around me, it all seemed so different; at this place I am now, there isn't anything that's delighting, but yet, there's some kind of serenity that I need to keep my mind in a decent state of stability.

Even the social networking portals are a little quiet after a few rounds of interactions. Hope it's not this 'wrath' that's causing a reduced socialising phenomenon.

Another half of the day to go. I have to clear this paper quickly before their 'wormhole' closes for the year end.

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That test is over and I didn't make it. Life still has to carry on but it's definitely something which really deemed the fees being wasted.

I hope it wasn't an information overload but had always told myself, that failure is not an option. Have I just been too sensitive, that certain reactions from people only suggests a jeer on my defeat?

Another attempt next week and I had better make it. So for now, all social activities will be sealed off till I clear that paper.

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Quick charging as I ran through 4 chapters at 1 go. The week for that paper had finally arrived.

While revising, got to chat up with Kevin while he was at Norway; weather seems extremely cold and scene looks wonderful. He'll be there for 2 weeks with his wife. Just learnt that he also went with another in numbers.

Good trip.

Super Gangsters Chalet 1996 played in the background as I ran through my books, tickling me each time, without fail, after hearing those funny remarks made by our group of people. During those times, the only way to record was via the conventional cassette and mic. Super Gangsters will be published separately.

After finishing the 'audio entertainment', a fair bit had been done, hence it's time for a rest.
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Another day at mainstream and it's lunchtime.

A run in the morning certainly was a good booster for me after an 'In the Line of Fire' (now play that C&C soundtrack) yesterday. I call this 'inner circle', the Firing Chamber.

Had just completed a round of revision which will prepare me for another attempt for the paper tomorrow.

Weather's extremely hot today especially now that this place isn't airconditioned - a sheltered area just outside Macdonald's.

Hope I can leave earlier tonight so I can go for another round of this revision to better prepare me for that event tomorrow.

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The weekend's over so soon. I must have been too tired from working on that 13 incher when I was at dearie's place. Sometimes I wonder why did Steve Jobs design the unibody Macbook till it weighs so heavy...was it in view that Air was in their big picture to be the mobile flagship?

It's a little unusual that I had felt so sleepy since I started making my way to base today; the mind was consistently in that 'soul sleep' mode till I had finally awoken after completing one cup of coffee. Could this be the effects of mind-muscle exhaustion?

Still 1/2 a day to go but am definitely looking forward to that refreshing run after I can leave battlebox.

Hope dearie had a good rest last night. From the news that colleague brought me, it had seemed that things look positive in my place, so that kind of settle my mind down so that I can make plans for bigger things, such as dearie and my big day, our love nest and many more things.

There's another 15mins to go, but keeping myself occupied here will be a good way to let the mental engine stay active.

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Just wanted to write about the fine for non-displaying of parking coupon on a Sunday wee-hour morning, which the following Monday is a make-up public holiday.

Not sure if many people had been affected by this, but considering the fact that the following day is a public holiday, I thought that a motorist should not be penalised for not displaying coupon.  As a matter of fact, it's quite ridiculous for having such a "7am - 10pm" free parking rule.  Logically speaking, the actual day of free parking starts at 0000hrs on Sundays and ends 2359hrs; so any penalty should come in only after 2359hrs.

I guess I have to write this to bring to their attention before more people are penalised.
Another week coming to an end and most things have been done pretty well.

Things look pretty ok on the mainstream now, just that the book digging I have to go through over the weekend.

Waiting for dearie now in the open, while hoping the perspiration-flavoured top I have will be dry in due course as I wasn't amply-prepared to bring something fresh from my vehicle after the morning run.  Hence, I had to rely on this top to keep me properly covered since I'm not doing any runs int he park this evening.

Weather seem good enough for another round, but I guess I'll keep the evening to spend with dearie.  She certainly sounded like she had a busy day; all of us deserve a good dinner tonight.

I have another 0.5 day to go tomorrow but that's not too bad a thing for me.  Dearie can have a good rest so after that, we can have the afternoon together.
It had been a full recovery day last evening as I had a straight, 7 hours of uninterrupted sleep. Been awhile since I did a 5km run and that was just as close as I had done yesterday.

Seems like the kick of running has came in, so I'll be doing more runs these few weeks, while in sync with an upcoming examination preparation.

Dearie had saw some travel photos of her colleague to Switzerland; a spell of envy flashed through her eyes and that had hinted to me that she also desires to travel. I definitely look forward to that since I'm a person who has to be on the move.

Weather today is turning a little cloudy now as I write, so I might be a better option to stay indoors this evening after mainstream hours are done.

I have ample time to write today, so hence, more can be read here till my breaktime is over.

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Woke up at 5am and commenced my routine workout.  As I had finished early and fresh, hence, I’ve decided to make my way here so that I can have some personal time before work takes those time away from me.

I had just learnt about the death of Ricky Hui one of the Hong Kong comedians of the 1980s - 1990s along with his two brothers, namely, the Hui Brothers.  Death is really inevitable, but at least he had lived till a pretty decent age.

That triggered my mind to read about some notable deaths.  Many of these have lived up to a pretty old age, but again, there are some people whom I’ve not heard / read about that had passed on as early as 32 years old.

Sometimes, I had wondered why the very talented people had passed on so young, and some of the cases were due to SUDS, which I learnt from a documentary show “Unnatural” hosted by Darren Lim.  Could it be their exceptional talent that they have reached their maximum “exposure” that it’s time to be called home, or like my mum says, that they’re too good till the gods are jealous? 

I’m not sure if I had written something on this before, but this had been something on my mind for awhile, and since I might have left off on this topic sometime back, I thought, it would be a good idea to go deeper into my thoughts on this subject.
I saw an old friend, Pheng Leong, whom I had not met for many years, with his Facebook profile showing a well-composed shot that was definitely done through dSLR.  There was a contact number shown and I had taken it down, and suddenly, it flashed to a scene where I’m driving through Punggol, a road that had not been fully developed into a public lot.  Dearie and I were trying to find out way out of this vegetation which seemed a little thicker than expected.  While finding our way, it seemed we have reached a place which looked unfamiliar, and I decided to debus and scout the area by foot, with dearie following me.

There was a cave-like landmark which was beside a shady vegetation where some clearance could be seen.  I spotted some foreign labourers there, which one of them tried being funny and approached dearie.  In defence, I had swung my torchlight and hit him on the head while we made our escape; more of these people could be seen in that shady vegetation and it caught their attention as we made our escape.

It was one pretty dangerous situation that, thankfully to God, had never occured in reality.

That was when I had awoken.  4:54am read the clock.  Thank God it was only a dream.
Lunch done after a stormy and wet morning. I had made it to mainstream with a well-sheltered umbrella that kept me pretty dry; just that the rain had been unusually heavy.

Lots of work done in the morning. Guess it makes quite a fair bit of difference when one of my colleagues is away on long leave.

The long dream during the night had kept me in 'soul sleep' mode this morning; it was only after the walk through the rain that got me awake at the normal alert level. Thank God that the journey to my outdoor base this morning was safe.

Looking at the lockscreen wallpaper of dearie and myself had always reminded how fortunate I am, to have found such a beloved angel of my heart. It's definitely not by chance and I thank God for her.

That reminded me of where I had left off in our planning for the big day, that will be bringing all of us closer when I'm already pretty close to her family now.

Alright, time to return to battlebox.

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Another long weekend and it's coming to the last day of this short holiday.

It's almost time to turn in after doing some work.  Might be going exploring later since I've acquired a higher capacity memory card just during the evening.

Dearie is sound asleep, but since after watching Paranormal Activity 3 yesterday, she had been pretty fearful of those "demonic presence" as featured in that show.  Had managed to catch the prequel of this series, Part 2 on video just now and it was also, the same kind of fear.

Oh well, the presence of demons sure appeared so real in those shows.  They are around, just that many of us do not have the same encounter as them.  Or should I say, there are many, but unspoken.  Not just being a superstition or "western folklore", but whatever's potrayed in the movie does have some facts somehow.

Ok, time to rest for now.  Continue again tomorrow on this topic since I've started it.
A sliding session after lunch. Now I realise how slippery this pair of shoes are on a rainy day.

Fortunately, just some abrasion on the elbow.

A long weekend lies ahead; though I have plans to visit Plaza Angsana, it might be a better idea to hold this till a later day as dearie has classes tomorrow afternoon.

Just 1/2 a day more before I call it the end of today. Hopefully, no massive extended hours.

The previous night was a little sleepless as I had already recovered quickly under my hyper regeneration, and the mind had gotten active once more...without realising, I had finally dozed off around 130am after tossing in bed for a couple of hours.

Hope I won't have the same sleepless issue tonight.

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Another midday break. One more day to the forthcoming long weekend.

Rainy season had been usual greeting outdoors. With such a climate, travelling might be a little unsuitable especially in the SEA region. Might be a better idea to do it when climate becomes drier.

I've had my Iron Session this morning, so at least, a major routine task had been completed for the day on a personal level.

Hope dearie had rested well yesterday evening without seeing me; it had been a little mentally challenging with all the ongoings lately.

Still in the midst of finding the best solution to a makeshift workstation which doesn't take up too much space. Hope I can get everything settled before the long weekend, so I concentrate on those backlogs.

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Well, it seemed like a grenade-lobbing had been avoided and I look forward to settling this soonest.

Energy had been drained a little more yesterday and dozed off earlier than I expected. When I awoke this morning, I thought Friday had arrived but it hadn't. Still another day to go.

Resuming my workout before continuing to write.

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Midday checkpoint.

Done with refuelling and putting up at my 'reflection station'. Had finally found the cause of the jam-up in my MUP. Someone had apparently assumed that things are all online when it has not even been actioned on.

For a moment, the world today felt like I'm non-existent; many people whom I usually keep in touch with, had not responded to my message. Could it have been a busy day for everyone? Or was it simply the 'state of fury' now had caused many to shun away from me?

I only shared about this issue to a handful of people; certainly unnecessary to go full scale.

Another harboured thought was, is this how a MUP is being handled considering the fact I'm the only person who has to attend the annual ICT? Or the person handling it 'simply put aside' considering the quantum being 'small' in their eyes?

After all these mentally disturbing nights, I had wondered if this is the place I will attend my only ICT at with the bad MUP experience. A reconsideration.

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It's already the next morning; no doubt I had awoken even before the alarm clock sounded, I had been returning to slumber for a number of times.

Final awakening at 730am and it's time to get ready.

Even when I had a deep slumber, the disturbing thoughts about the MUP issue was still disturbing me, just like an ant in the shoe biting my toes and I can't ease that irritation immediately.

It's almost time for me to go up, and find out what had been going on during my ICT.

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The thundering through the highway had been a little on the upper limit this time.

While on the road, constant reminder of the unsettled MUP had been on my mind. This had been the first time I had encountered such a delay when I attended ICT, that made the overall experience now, toppled to the negative side. With that, it only made my maneuvers more aggressive.

Just what is the cause of this big hiccup? I'll soon find out in a moment's time when I step into mainstream office later.
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Almost time to enter Battlebox at mainstream but just a quick recap of things.

Time really flies; it's already coming to the end of the year where all of busyness will come in, but still, a good thing as time will pass faster that way.

Weather hadn't been really good lately but cooler is always better than searing heat.

I don't know how long will I be staying here. As far as things are now, they look fine; just that my mind knows very well where I should be fitting perfect with despite many years in my current industry. Nothing beats those scenes where everyone is all nicely dressed up and looking good.

Ok, thoughts deposited. Time to move out.

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Here comes another month.

I've just done some reshuffling in my room, hoping that I can make something comfortable out of the makeshift workstation while linking back to my good old 23 incher LCD through my Macbook.

Still not the best but further improvements can still be done.

I'll be moving out to mainstream soon.  Had been a little troubled about the delays on MUP payment which a substantial sum had not been received.  Hope there will be some news today and it'll be settled soonest.
Another short holiday has passed and life's back to normal, the mainstream.

While having lunch, I had been reminded about a dream that a person get's 'terminated' when his / her timer is up, just like the upcoming movie, In Time works. Also, with the recent death of the MotorGP racer, considering their talent in their field, this is where one thing in common have been shared; are talented people made to be short-lived?

If that was the case, it'll be something pretty cruel, to deprive them of seeing and feeling the world they are born into, much longer.

But again, that's part and parcel of life.

November's coming soon; a good time for another vacation after I had been affirmed, but the question now is, whether dearie has any time off her work. Else, I have to travel alone.

Rainy season..let's hope this will not be disruptive for any plans ahead.

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Ok, half an hour more and it's time to get back to the the line of fire.

The schedule had simply been busy, except for some 'rest time' during the weekend that had fruitfully been spent with dearie.

I have to get out though; staying indoors on a weekend is way too much confined somehow.

One week without much contact with my digital shooter. That's way too I have to plan something decent for the evenings ahead since I'm far more mobile with my base planted outdoors. All I need is to execute those planned spots.

Searing hot afternoon makes me decide to keep the rest of the free hour indoors. Let's hope that this evening will not be prolonged on a disruptive basis.

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Seemed like it's been quite a while since I wrote something here.

The past week back to mainstream had been mundane as I still have a major part of my mind on the other, real side of me. Fitness is to be caught up thus I've attempted the preliminary run a few days back at a park where I usually plant base.

Weather? Rainy. Fortunately, dearie and I did not visit Bangkok as it's a Monsoon Ultimatum now with the bad flood.

Rest had been deep as I had been sleeping quite little as I have quite a fairbit of backlogs. As such, the next better option was to catch naps after meals. Locations had to be carefully selected to ensure the best 'tacticalitiy' was adopted.

The first full-fledged civilian weekend is coming though I have to be here tomorrow.
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Alright, I didn't bring my shoes this evening so I had to forsake the run. RTU for weights training though I had already done a 'warm up' from the 10min walk from mainstream portal to outstationed base.

The workout was like a resurrection to the potential of those muscles in 'soul sleep' mode. Using my peak-training program, it was one of the best ways to 'wake them up' into start developing.

What a refreshing workout!

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Target practise.  All of us had to jump up and hit a single floating target in the air.  By doing so, a certain percentage of our energy is used and when it's fully exhausted, we have to wait for it to regenerate.

I spotted a few players who were desperately trying to finish off the target and did not allow the energy meter to fully charge before volleying the next wave of attack.

Sceneshift to show that I had just left a castle-like place where walls of stone in dark grey compounded the area.  Soon I came to a clearing where some old, watercraft artifact was placed in the dust-grounded town backyard which were due to be cleared for commercialisation where they will make non-authentic replicas of the artifact and place many copies of it around the newly developed town.

Next scene showed me taking an aircraft and passing through a city.   Great fogs greeted me which kept me wondering where and why it came about.  Finally, the answer is here; one giant fireball which descended from the sky without visibility of the place where it came from, except for a spiral of smoke where they had departed from the sky.  A flypast showed the effects when the fireball hit the ground; purple smoke surrounding the enflamed area.

The next scene ahead showed an accident which choked the 2nd vehicle to the rear of the 1st, many passengers were frantic as they were stuck in the rear of the 2nd vehicle but no help could be seen coming anytime soon.  There was a flood that came into this town where the accident took place.  I had descended from my airtransport and called the emergency services; some outlaws were running around so I had to avoid being spotted by them as they were a notorious group in that town.

We managed to "hijack" a tower-like air transport that structure was constructed of the most unusual design.  None of it suggested that it could actually fly.  My accomplice, who resembled Rikky in FFX, was piloting the ship as it flew through the dark town of the southern tip, which was pretty deserted and not in a sorry state.  At the tip of the aircraft, it had many buttons around the cylindrical pillar, which I had to switch on each button to see it's features.  Each button, upon discovery, each button has a light function which illuminates different parts around the front.  It took me awhile before I found out which was the best lighting combination to for our aircraft's route.

After landing at a backyard, we decided to make our way into the town to see what we could find.  An optical shop had a motion banner which the female would blink her eyes at the passerby who makes eye contact with her.

We were there to explore what are the possible causes of the fireball rain.

Before I could go further, 6:45am, marks the beginning of the day.  Good morning world.

Stripey wanted to follow me home last night after playing with her for awhile at her usual spot. From her gestures, she seem to be pretty inclined to be near human contact.

Unfortunately I can't let her stay at my parent's place hence I had to leave her outside while I had returned home late.

She is the 4th resident at my block's strays whom had been increased only recently. The rest had been around for awhile and I had started noticing them recently after reading about some articles in CWS about the happenings and things done for these strays around our heartland.

I must admit that I have a soft spot for animals. However, from the heartbreaks sustained after the passing on of Sunshine and Jack, I swore that I won't keep another pet to avoid seeing their end.

The world had been made beautiful with the presence of all these animals, and once again, life and death are part and parcel in a typical life cycle that are inevitable.

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It's the last week of this ICT. The evening before booking in had been mentally disturbing as I had wanted to have a good rest at dearie's place but I couldn't, so I had to leave earlier to get home, re-org my items and then move out.

The glasses are missing; must have dropped them without realising when I was running to avoid the rain yesterday when I got home.

Is dearie sleeping soundly now? I have to rest soon; just another 4 days and I'll be free to return to unit with my beloved angel; the only peacebringer to my chaotic nature.

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A rainy morning after awakening from a long, yet dramatic dream. Something that reminded me of the Final Fantasy XIII world where part of the mind still resides.

The time so far had been pretty quiet; just a little disturbed after hearing some news of displeasure about my involvement in the 'media coverage' during the period of ICT to date. They have their argument point and I shant contest about it. All I want is to get over and done with this, and life can proceed without such 'disruption'.

In a couple of weeks' time, life will be back to normal. Sometimes, one would just want this 'official' break to last especially when you get the hang of it.

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It's only 8pm and yet it feels like the evening had been swiftly robbed through time.

The journey back to camp later for the rest of the military training will be longsome.  After having some time with loved ones, which just passes so quickly, it's soon time to be going off to complete the rest of my duties.

I have an important task tomorrow for an important ceremony.  Anyhow, it will be a busy day as we all have a sequence of events running up for us back to back.  Let's hope the days go by fast, so that another weekend will be here so that I can reconnect with my loved ones, especially my angel.

Today was a little mentally challenging as I had awoken far earlier to send her to her friend's place as she was helping out at a wedding.  After fetching dearie back from Compasspoint, the evening started to wither off; as darkness was catching up, so does the "freedom moment" which will be over quite soon.

I had better not think with each passing moment; it only builds up on the already unbearing heart.
Some rehearsal shots and catching up with peers.  Without my knowledge, a discovery that this unit has an array of talents.  I was jokingly sharing with one of the officers that all we lack is a photo / video team.  Indeed, this might just be something that will branch out to something good even beyond the NS time.

We're going to be able to book out today.  Considering the dinner that was incancellable, the bookout timing was fixed at 1830hrs.

I had managed to reach home around 8pm after giving Bert a lift to somewhere near his place which does not deviate much from my original course.  A first scent of home.
The room to myself now after the rest of the bunkmates gone for their own activities outside the room.
It's rather a quiet day so far and the mind's still settling in. While one without a partner may not see things so, it affects more for someone who has a loved one who will be missing him outside camp.
Hope dearie's coping well with her lessons despite a series of 3 consecutive days. It's especially tiring and it's just such a pity that I can't fetch her this evening.
Tonight should be a good time for me to catch up on my disturbed rest, caused by the sonic waves of the Pre-Military Syndrome.
It's just how amazing the mind can be powerful. In just a matter of seconds, a thought can lead to constructive or destructive things...and how it can change the way things look.
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Day 1 is almost over. With the bad shoe, I wasn't able to do my run as the condition was really horrible.

Today's quite easy so far; just those endless lectures all cramped into a straight row of 4 hours gave me a bad headache. Lunch was late...and some hiccups caused us having to wait another 20mins after queuing up for 10mins.

Tomorrow should be another lesson-occupied day before things start kicking in the week after this, limited weekend. Timetable has already shown 1/2 Saturdays being burnt.

Just awhile more to dinner.
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As the evening reached later into the night, it got increasingly disturbing as each moment ticked by determined a shorter moment of freedom.
Tomorrow will be a long journey to the west, with a mental 'baggage' as I'll miss my angel so much. Fortunately, I had been able to see her these 2 evenings after her lessons. These time spent with her made my evenings before the 'tormenting' much more pleasant.
I would love to spend more time with her, but it had better be that I return home and touch up the final bit of my baggage for this military journey that will deprive me of freedom, seeing my beloved angel and the time for my own things.

Guess it's inevitable...hope to finish it soon.

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Just another half day to go before the next agenda for preparation: a pack-a-go before meeting up with dearie later in the evening.

Weather here has cleared up so the evening's temperature might pick up; hopefully it's the same over at our destination.

Hope dearie's preparation will be well done by tonight as we have to catch an early flight tomorrow.
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A rainy morning; good temperature to start the day as I make my way out.

While walking through the cool breeze, the mind is still locked on the departure for tomorrow while we embarked on a short trip.

Not gonna think about other factors now; since climate has reached such a situation, the best I could do now is to pray that we'll all have a safe journey.

These 3 days should be enough for us to explore should weather condition not be too tough to hinder our plans.

Could it be excitement that caused me not to be able to turn in early last night?

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Mental whacking - this is what I call the process to keep that mind going no matter how tough things get. My choice of stimulating the mind as many people use mahjong with this purpose with the primary goal of financial gains.

For me, it'll solely be based on physical and mental strength through the wielding of a certain calibre of weights.

It's still a challenge as compared to running as my 'fast twitch' of energy is efficient for workouts but not as strong for runs. I have to raise this up to be on par, or better than that 'burst mode of energy'.

One final day of Mainstream before hitting the airport for our weekend journey to a well-deserved holiday. It has finally arrived.

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Yesterday was quite a mind blowing session; had raised most of the moves with 20 reps more. The session was powerful enough to keep my food intake low after that, thus, it was a good diet discipline dinner. That could be the reason why I wasn't able to wake up in the early hours for a run.

2 more days and I'll be spending my weekend abroad with dearie. Intel has gathered that weather was in its monsoon and there's only 4hrs of sunshine each day. That calls for a wet-weather control measure.

This is the season of what many people would call, the 'holiday mood'; mainstream still runs on but the mind is on the upcoming holiday.

Hope dearie had a good rest as I turned in at quite a late hour after catching some financial news.

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Lunch hour at mainstream. The muscle has somewhat relaxed a fair bit after that big load lugging yesterday.

Just another 5mins and I'll have to return for shelling. Have been on a hunt before refuelling for that DVI to HDMI adaptor but to no avail to what I wanted.

After the day is done, we'll just have another 3 days to our trip! Not too much inventory preparation is needed but still, better to start putting things into that bag this evening.

While there's quite a fair bit of work done, the day has another half to go and I look forward to not a long evening ahead. Hopefully, no last minute projectiles.

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I saw myself going back to that abandoned house that I recently had seen and had not been able to obtain full view of it all as it was cordoned off from.

This time, I had brought a ladder and managed to get a better view and had even entered the premises to get a better view of the place.

What greeted me was a building where its remnants stood with a hint of its past glory. The design of the windows and architecture suggested that this building was at least 70 years old when it was first built.

Ring. 7am and it's a Sunday morning.

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Wonder who this might be? I called back twice but the line is always engaged.
Time flies; it's coming to the end of the 3rd month of Mainstream and things are going on track; steadily.

Also, the holiday that has been planned with dearie is going to be set on course in a week's time.  The excitement simply crawls up to me like an unbearable must be the Bite of the Travel Bug that has once again hit me!

Itinerary planning...already quite prepared but all that's left to finetune is to discuss the details with dearie on where we should go, budget, things to do and the sort; there are so many things to look forward in this well-deserved break from our busy schedule.

Considering the monsoon season that we're going in at, some wet-weather prevention and contingency plans must be in place in case we get contacted by that drizzle.

Dearie has some plans on with her to-wed friend, so this evening will be just me, Macbook, digital sniper and my new pawed friend to keep me company.  Haven't decided on a name for him though but he sure is a rare breed among all the strays I see around my neighbourhood; a Persian.  Had briefly spent some time with him before I reached home just now.

It's been a mentally-challenging week that I had to take a power nap during the lunch break just now; it's something that's good to recover the mental fatigue that stretches one's mind like a tensed rubber band, till the point that I need to release the tension by going through a forty eyewinker to keep it off.  Anyhow, the week had been more interesting as I got to talk to more people, building up that good rapport between business partners and getting things done efficiently.

Tomorrow; the weekly cleaning up day at Mainstream and the routine chores when I hit home; might be a good idea to settle the chores this evening so I can go out and "take down those targets' with my digital sniper since the time available during weekdays are just quite limited.  When nightfall hits, there's quite a limited array of targets I can work on; except for the festive lighting decorations that comes by on a seasonal basis.

Hope dearie had done her dinner and is enjoying her evening.
Proning in a position that was facing a small hut-like building, like SAFAB's cookhouse, I was waiting for a target to appear as a sniper. The place was surrounded by vegetation where monkeys freely roamed the place.

The target hunting mission soon turned into a melee battle where I had to move out from my position into the hut and give pursuit. The target? A giant forest owl.

Switchscene showed me in an civilisation building enclosure where 'the witch' as described by some of my peers, gave the displeasing gaze on me as I was in some compression legwear used by athletes. A peer had hinted she didn't like that but I had been on some related activities prior.

7am. Time to get going to the mainstream battlezone.

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What I could do last night, 'long exposure for cloud movements' as suggested by a friend turned out to be a deep slumber. As usual, the dream-inclined slumber persona triggered another series of dreams.

It's mid battle week; exactly 10 days before our trip. Am I looking forward to that!

It had been unusual for me to go on such deep sleeps, but I guess when the fatigue breaches my chakara, that's when a rest and recover is needed to be done.

Hope dearie had rested well last nite despite me missing her calls.

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Hall settings in that of Victorian style and there were some photoshooting event that was going on. At that moment, it didn't look like an actual event of some formality.

I had my backpack, something which I had never used before in a camouflage blue design. In it were a couple of bodies.

As the event went on, I then saw a signboard saying 'Jacz and Ella' which hinted that this was a European ROM. No wonder things look very different on the atmosphere.

I wasn't the main photographer but had bene tagging along for shoots throughout. Nicole was there too. While I was attempting to photograph, somehow my gear became odd. One of the bodies I was carrying became film and some lenses became manual lens. It took me awhile to fumble around. Soon, it was time that the event was over and I hadn't got a single shot.

The couple were then resting on a couch and the bride to be told me that it's ok and thanked me.

Next scene showed me going up an escalator and appeared in the middle of an electronics fair. From all the red-based theme, it looked like a post National Day sale. Bumped into many NSP pals where they were working at the event. It was an impromptu, yet warm fellowship.

Drizzling heard. 5am soon transited to 650am.
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Another exciting weekend was just over.

No it was definitely a blast having to be able to meet up with like-minded people and be at a venue of event, good things as such do have to come to an end.

Come today, Monday, life's back to normal under mainstream.

While waiting at the bus stop, I had been running through some matters of what I read online; an opening that will bring me to that 'gateway' of glory just like how Achillies was told by his goddess mother, about the type of glory that awaited him in Troy, which also ties in hand with his doom shall he choose that path.

Legends are legends and shows are shows. This shouldn't be something that I have to go through.

Aside those thoughts, this morning had been in accordance to plan as I had done all the needy before making my way to the 'battlestation in a box'.

Weather looked abit gloomy today. Will it rain, and rain well before nightfall? Certainly hope it does so that it doesn't affect this evening's plan.
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Entering a digital realm, I saw myself in a place lined with lightings, industrial style in a clean manner and it was just I had stepped into some giant circuitboard.

My attire wasn't like that of Tron's movie character, but more sophisticated with terminal points, polarities and plates of tough, yet light armour.

I quickly entered a close range meelee with a character looking like Clu, this time, without the identity disc which also doubles as a weapon in the movie. Just pure martial arts with a combination of brawling.

At the point where the opponent's HP is low, the plate near his left collar bone will illuminate orange with continuous blink, where upon impact, will complete the match.

I had hit twice in succession on my opponent's 'weak point' and was able to exit the match.

Into another realm, I was in a place with many escalators; surrounding me were scenes of shopping malls and people walking by. Familiar faces were seen but all these were in a transparent aura where things appeared more like a film to me. Only the escalators were real.

Another place was in a Metaltech-floored place where I had taken out my camera linked to so complex gadgets that hung high into the ceiling. A thick cable was also connected to the hotshoe and I could suspend it from the ceiling. Before the camera was taken out, I saw Charlie See, dearie's brother's friend, who came closer to watch me assemble it.

Even the lens are more advanced looking - turbines, engines, hydraulics could be seen moving in them.

I also saw people like Kevin, Ruisheng and Yide whom I was trying a wide angle shot of them while looking through the electronic viewfinder. The speciality about this lens is that it can go very wide, considering all the complexity within.

I was alerted by a group of excolleages, including Gowrie, that it's time to attend the company function. Location? Just up the 7th floor.

The theme was something that looked Peranakan as all of them were in their traditional attire.

Bright lights and cool wind. 7am.
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Another hot day and I'm just not in the right attire to start perspiring. Fortunately, half the day had gone by so I just need to endure for a few more hours to Home Run.

With that deep sleep last night, I have far more energy to last throughout the rest of the day, but would prefer to use them wisely for what I can do in my main scope of interest and passion.

That dream I had about being powered by industrial cell was something baffling; at times, I think how much voltage do I carry in my level of energy, that makes me far more 'awake' than many others around me?

Maybe it's God's blessing to give me that energy level to go far, so I can accomplish more things within a 24hr window each day.

2 more days and the weekend will be here.

I've been catching up with many of my friends lately; something that had not been so accomplishable if not for the availability of social networking sites...especially for those who are not based locally.

The window for the break will be over in 15mins, so this is a good time for me to do some 'thoughts deposit' before going back to the firing zone.

Looking forward to my vacation with dearie in 2 weeks' time!

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As I climbed down the stairs which carried the aura of those prison cells, I came across a few characters who resembled that from FFXIII.

Along with them, I went down and reached the ground level of this installation where there were 2 choppers waiting for us to take off. I boarded the first and while the second was waiting for the other team, a red, fuel-like liquid started sweeping across the ground, and the remaining team who could not make it to the chopper were eroded from the feet upon contact. This liquid has real corrosive effect.

Many were killed along with the 'corrosive tidal wave'. As it got worst, I signalled the pilot that we have to take off to prevent further casualties.

While taking off, I somewhat lost balance and backpack contacted a little of the corrosive wave, while I was hanging on to the legs of the chopper. Quickly enough, the pilot maneuvered such that all of us were clear off the deadly effects of this wave. In my backpack were my photographic gear, which were all the possessions that I own, all in an tactical-ops styled bag.

As we got on higher altitude, all I could see was a sea of red, while the remaining installations and lifeforce were consumed in it. A close shave indeed.

Next scene showed me walking into a building, metalled style, and very much like those in FFVII Advent Children's Sector 7. A person whom was like a brother in this saga, told me that he doesn't have much time as it was in a prelude stage of some natural disaster. When the wind broke out, it threw him so hard that he had to talk to me while clinging on to the metal grill gates (resembling my home's entrance), while his voice suddenly dropped to a slurred tone.

That was explained as his vocal audio box cells running low on power. With the wind blowing hard, part of his skin ripped off and I could see some mechanical parts underneath, that revealed he was actually a cyborg.

Next scene showed his 'father', coming to help him up as the wind had died down, oblivious to his actual exoskeleton setup.

Back to chopper scene. We had landed in an armament base where we needed to have some decent armor on our vehicle. Laying around were many savaged tank turrent assemblies, and I managed to find something that gives us that additional protection we need. This base is called SOA, which was in a remote area.

The final scene showed me packing up with the basic necessities and leaving home. I was telling my mum to tell dearie that I'll be going somewhere, and won't be back. Sister could be heard weeping in her room as my mum told me that 'guess you guys are not fated to be together'. My life was coming to an end as my cells are weaning off it's last bit of energy; thus I'm going somewhere to 'settle down' as the cell power is fully depleted, and not wanting dearie to see me in that state. At that point, my mum only knows that I have to go away on grounds of relocation of work.

In the small box shaped like the Obelisk of Light in C&C I carried off, there were just a couple of things; 2 engine-like bulks which contained some important technology for raising the next generation of...Cyber Sapiens.

My brother in arms helped me along as I make my last walk off this home.

At that point in time, I had thought through about why things have to be coming to an end so soon? I had wanted to live on to see more of the world ahead.
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A day after my 32th marker.

Extremely blazing weather outside...fortunately, there's some breeze outdoors and being able to cool down in the airconditioned mall before moving back to the firing zone later.

This is the best time for me to rest my mind while gathering the next bundle of energy for the next round later. Will there be a phase of 'resistance' to fight later?

Fortunately, Singapore's a peaceful place so many are spared of the agony of war faced in many war-torn countries where physical survival is an everyday issue.

Well, time's battle!
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Oh well, the day had came and a +1 to my age. Life continues as I am still on duty in mainstream.

The sun appeared warm at a comfortable level, which is just right, instead of the usual meltdown temperature.

The weekend had been swiftly over with family events yesterday. Oh man, just wish that the weekend could be longer.

On an F1 grade bus and with consideration of the detour, it had better be that I had set off earlier so as to give me buffer for more time before stepping into the battlebunker later.

Time for a little mindrest.
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Another break for me to avoid the 'crossfire' while expending the rest of lunchbreak...since I departed from 'battlestation' later, I'll returned as per entitled timing.

Another go for my IPPT tomorrow morning as I missed that 2.4km run by just 1/2 a minute. Once that is clear, I'll be undistrupted before I commence the 'military vacation' at the end of the month.

In a few days' time, I would be stepping into the next band of my life. Just a year's difference and I had already undergone many challenges, such as building up my port - whom I really am and should be, as well as keeping my day hours gainfully occupied.

The final challenge to wrap up this week will be tomorrow.
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This time I see myself in a minibus; scene was like those Hong Kong movie where triads move in vehicles and joining fights. One of the members in the cohord appeared fighting fit like Donnie Yen, and we took a ride down the street in a plain minibus.

Next scene showed us fleeing through a MSCP in avoidance of a rival gang; one of the members in my team had the resemblance of Lydia Sum; only smaller and younger version. She was trying to turn off all lights in the vicinity to avoid visual contact while she was a few pillars away from me. I had given her the sign to shut them off as I run along so as to have visibility ahead of me.

As I ran, the lights are shut in sequence juz metres behind me, row by row.

Donnie had appeared friendly off the scene where we fled; it seemed he was like an undercover professional but all of us had the same, righteous mind as we did not have alliance to any of these triad clans.
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It was quite a sight when I opened my eyes in this world that seemed so real and isn't; I was on a hospital bed that looked far more exaggerating than a regular one-bedded ward kind of setup.

It wasn't those ICT type of rooms where most equipments can fit within a room and still relativitely spacious. It had 2 folds - one on each side, completed with sophiciated machines.

Seemed like a real "mutant enhancement" experiment like Wolverine being injected with Adamantine.

Prior to that, I had saw myself with a row of studs that lined my jawline all the way fro my sideburns. This looked too good tobr true as I had always been deficit in growing facial hair to the extent of what I desired.

Finally, I awoke and realised it's already 715am.
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Another day before the festive season PH. Seems like there had been quite a fair bit of PHs being compressed within this short period of time; so what comes after will be a PH drought that we will face before the next break.

Morning had swifted by and soon, pressure is starting to build up but I'm able to keep this off considering the fact that tomorrow is a break. So one day as a good breather.

Hope dearie had rested well last night. It was a sumptous meal as we all occupied 2 tables in a late dinner which ended around 940pm. No doubt I can't bear to leave dearie, the time in the late evening was to unpack my stuffs and do some settling in before starting the next battle week.

Lunch done quickly as usual; my restzone is more populated today considering tomorrow being a rest day for many. Many might just be on a long weekend ahead.

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Last night was an overdrive while I stayed so mentally awake even after fetching dearie from school. The journey on the road had been such a blast as I thundered through the highway.

While I'm not what many call the street-racer, driving is also a form of mental unwinding that keeps me relaxed, in the fast lane style.

That's also how true this society had been shaped; the fast, rich and smart (not always referring to brainy) makes their mark in their wealth and success.
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A real gesture of cooling to start the day off: a heavy torrential rain that almost hindered everyone's travelling time to work. Fortunately I had moved off from base at an earlier time.

Tomorrow's the big day where the eligibles will choose the country's next leader. Following along were many jokes made in the form of poems that flooded the cyberworld. All's good to be the 'national humor' of the season.

Well, the good news is that tomorrow's a public holiday in view of the election event, so those who don't get an off day on Sat will benefit from it.

Wishing myself a swift and smooth day ahead.
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I had dozed off the night before without turning the lights off. Though I woke up at 5am this morning, a return to slumber quickly was a sign of certain fatigue.

Could it be due to the pressure from mainstream, or just from the concentration done with PP?

It's been awhile since I had this kind of 'mental overdrive' no doubt there's a high level of tolerance. Anyhow, the recharge had been done.

The 'engine-braking' effect was felt again last night; might be a sign of internal pressure buildup. This time it didn't hinder me from entering slumber like the last few occurences.

Midweek again. Wonder what lies ahead for me?
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Another 1/2 hour to kill before returning back to the battle bunker.

Had a blazingly quick lunch and managed to find a seat despite the crowd during this lunch hour. Sometimes, one can be so envious about those who can walk around during the weekdays.

I have about a month more before going back to the 'green life' for awhile as it's time's up for the next phase of training. Well, just finish this quickly so I can be 'free' from such liabilities.

Hope dearie had a good rest last night as I'm starting to feel how I'm gonna miss her during that 'green life' phase.

This lunch hour is one good time for me to do some mental deposits before putting my mind to 'manning battlestation' later.

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The walk to dearie's home, it does bring about a sense of warmth to know that I have a loved one waiting for me at home.

Lugging my gears, with a few cups of Cup Walkers in a hand, I passed through the quiet neighbourhood in the evening while most people can only be seen in the shopping mall area in a town still developing.

Maybe I had been a vagabond for too long that such warmth aren't felt as often as a normal person would?

As I walked no doubt there was fatigue, with energy under good control, I could sustain till the late hours of the evening.
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Once again, on the journey to mainstream. Yesterday was one battling day as I had a tensionised mind when I got home.

Good thing I did the workout that unloaded these from the mind and oozed out those tension through perspiration. It was really a good workout.

At this moment, part of my mind is still on those exciting moments when I am armed with my camera. They made the Sunday afternoon interesting, but sadly, these moments didn't last.

So right now, back to the 'railway'.
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I usually don't have much time to blog during weekends, but since I'm going for a shoot, and while commuting there via public transport, I might as well take sometime to write.

Had a really filling dinner last night with dearie. What still remained in my mind was that red building in Katong that had been cordoned off with zinc panels, standing there in the dark of the night without any human activity. Wonder if it held any glorious past?

Since I'll be at the STCC for extended hours, it'll be some good time to catch up with Leonard who is the only available person in our group to join me.

I should be reaching around 1pm or so.
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It was like a scene down memory lane.

First, I saw myself in an old British barracks setting where there are family members as well as boss from mainstream, some remarks exchanged about faith views.

Next scene showed me trailing a rag-and-bone lady who was shabby and had pooly-maintained appearance. She was going around salvaging scrap metal and we saw this unit in the block of flats we were in, where it was only accessible by a single beam and was all metal-plated up; even the 'signboard' was a kind of shiny metal plate with some Chinese words printed on it like a 'residential temple'.

We decided to move on since there's no proper access to that unit. I later saw dearie and her family in a corridor-unit that resembled those older flats in Bedok North St 3 and I had popped by to ask if they had eaten. Her brother was eating a cake which looked delicious (but had reminded me of an inedible 'ice cream on Oddity).

I saw Gary Ow, an ex-ECA friend who is now a businessman; and his beginning to his current success was also humble. I shared this with a fellow BB friend while on the bus back: according to him, after leaving the forces, he work as a chef with SFI before getting into partnership along with 2 others. Now he is a boss of a food catering chain. While sharing about all these, we had all been commuting via a LRT like monorail where it was quiet and comfortable.

Final scene showed me taking a cab and I had told the cabbie to drive me back to this old camp - where it resembled Gullimard Camp.

7am, time to get back to the real world.
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The heavy-chested sensation seemed to have died off a little when I had left the mainstream 'room' for lunch. This morning, it had disturbed me a little.

While it had been a number of days since I last did some update of market research for my real works, this was a good time for me to catch up. It's better than not touching at all, as that will only add pressure to that disturbing heavy-chested sensation, which, according to Chloe, does not go off soon.

Just wondering what does that sign speak of; was it simply a sign of anxiety, or could it just be stress-triggered?

I'll be returning in awhile, but that sensation does somehow bring a kind of excitement into my life; afterall I am a person who likes to live riding the waves. So may this be a sign for me to 'get up and start the ride'!
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There was a vision of me climbing down the stairs like what I did in the building of the mainstream, where scenes of manual workers napping along staircase landings could be seen.

I reached a particular flight of stairs and saw this person laying in an awkward manner. From his position and attire, it was obvious he had been grossly drunk as his phone was at the flight of stairs above him.

3:30am. I must have dozed off last night.
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I had awoken to the continuous light in my room while having a dozeoff of about 3.5 hours after doing some PP for an event.

The day at mainstream had been on a different battle note. Fortunately the day had been over quick and I could concentrate on what I do with an undying passion.

No doubt I had resumed slumber after tossing and turning on bed for an hour or so, the mind had already started its neural activity on an accelerated basis.

I have to have and action some plans to get myself off this 'mainstream track'.
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Manning and toggling battlestation was how the day went before going for a dinner with dearie and her family.

I had moved to a new workstation where I do not have my own space. Some place where it's somewhat in the middle of all with lesser space.

System hardware had been upgraded so it's taking awhile for many who had been here long, to get used to the new interfaces.

Fortunately, there's valid grounds for me to leave earlier before getting the next 'shot' right from the top. There had been ongoing 'infernal affairs' but I guess such conflicts are inevitable wherever a person works. The best option is not being involved.
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We saw a patch of land that looked like restricted grounds ahead; I had 2 people accompanying me. Of which, one of them is Zack Arias.

Lugging my camera on tripod and along with the 2, we ran across the land and saw an installation that was guarded by patrolling and armed guards. Zack took the 'dive' and ran towards the installation which, without the guards' notice (their guns changed to bows and arrows at this time), close enough to the main entrance.

When we were 'spotted' later, the guard head told us: "Welcome to KHF. You have to surrender all weaponary and if caught inside the premises with an unsurrendered weapon, you shall be sentenced to explain a valid the muzzle of the firing squad.". As he ended the sentence, he held the muzzle of the AK-47 slung around one of the guards to gesture it.

Weapon surrendering. That was when we realised we have a belt of weapons worn. One of the 'weapons' carried by my companion was also classified as one, as the main shaft of it is detachable from the handle.

We moved through the barracks and by a row of toilet cubicles, we found a few of them sitting in their cubicles, either looking asleep or simply unconscious. Hygiene level wasn't good. On the other side was the beds in neat rows.

Our mission here was to look for an object hidden in the premises; and we got a sign that it was hidden beneath bedsheets in a bed that was placed in the centre at the far end of the bunk.

7am. I had missed the morning's workout.
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One of the evenings when I stayed back later and managed to evade dining with mainstream owner.

Tonight's a Journey to the West - fetching dearie from her school before she fetches her parents later from the airport. It might just be a longer Night Battle on the road.

Hunger is what I've already been feeling for the past 1/2 hour since I had been dragged into a whirlpool of work before I "escaped"; the "den". Better get home fast to refreshen and recharge for tonight's battle.

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Home run. I've done the best of what I can so I have to leave the rest to be continued tomorrow.

This is my chance to catch my workout before dinner as I had missed it in exchange for that dreamland experience in Wild West. After that, then, will I have some decent time to finish up the rest of my work on another hat.

A heavier breathing; is it a sign that I have charged enough for the day to my max? Or simply because I'm hungry, tired or simply focused on accomplishing my next important task for the evening?

Hope dearie is not held up in office at this hour.
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I had been thinking about how to keep dearie entertained when she comes to my place. 1st thing was that my desktop had broken down; and being the only source of 'digital entertainment', she'll not have anything to do since I don't have a TV in my room.

Getting one might solve this problem in one way, but again, being a non-TV serial watcher, it'll once again be another problem for myself on the under-utilisation basis. So up comes to my mind about a console, but think again, how much time do I spend at home each day to be able to play those RPG like Fatal Frame, Silent Hill and related paranormal thriller titles?

A tablet will be a mobile solution, so it might just not give that 'ultimate entertainment', especially it fulfills a single-user's satisfaction only.
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Lunch hour.

Learnt that schools are also given an off day today; is there some kind of perks with the recent National Day.

Oh well, that explained why there are so many school children roaming around in malls today and dressed easy. The bus this morning was atrociously delayed; what had went wrong? Not a demoralising sight but still something worth thinking over the lunch hour.

Aside that, the sneezing spell somewhat had been subdued, but still good to keep tabs on the slightest condition of the nose irritation level that might improve / deteriorate.

Hope this day goes on smoothly to closure so I may have some decent time for myself.
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Another SMS scam of winnings:

"You won £500.000 pounds,MICRO SOFT FREE LOTTO PROMOTION 2010/2011.For claims send us Email name,mobile no,& country, address to:"
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I saw myself in this place which resembled those dining halls, or rather, the kind of Victorian building where a function was held; saw some familiar faces like those from DA like Jessie, Ivan, Charles, and some military people. The ongoing event was somewhat like a high tea.

After walking out, there was a pool onboard the vessel where I saw Darell, and the water was very chilly; he was in the water with a comrade, as they were doing some maintenance out in the cold temperature; surrounding the ship was some iceland where massive mountains of ice surrounded the chilly waters.

Next scene showed a village-like surroundings where I saw Martin, a common friend whom I had seen at a few outings with ex colleagues, jumping into the water (which was supposed to be freezing cold), but yet, the surroundings appeared to be like those tropical countries like Thailand or Cambodia. Everyone was swimming, treading water in some kind of fellowship in that wood-building architectured "water village".

It switched to some "regimental" settings when it was mealtime; everyone was supposed to queue up to get our share of food; prior to this, it was "free for all" and everyone could take their food in their own ways till Chan Min (my ex BB officer) came and controlled things. He said "take your share properly, cos that's going to be what you will only be entitled to".

Oh well, some reenactment of those old days in BB camps.

Next, I opened up a map and look at where Red Sea was; someone who resembled May told me that if only they can go to there and "swim" from Red Sea to Dakota...strangely this map is all blue and the places didn't seem to be in the right geographical order.

I woke up. 8:15am...what a dream.
It's already in my 3rd hour since my awakening. An quiet scene in the bus as most people are already on a long holiday over the weekend. For me here in the mainstream, I can forget about any long leave as the very limited staffing will result in a big percentile of downtime when there is one less person in office.

Oh well, tomorrow's a public holiday so it's something to look forward to.

While I had been up at those early hours, it's one of those good quiet hours where your mind can do a thorough thinkthrough of whatever short / long term action one is in.

Seeing joggers on the street, the rather quiet street this morning does bring about a feeling of the holiday mood in action. It's something which many look forward to; covering the solo working day before a public holiday to go for an overseas vacation. I definitely need one some day. Afterall, we're born into this beautiful world and if we don't travel out of our homeland, I feel that one would have lived in vain on this aspect.

Mindbrake for now.
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I saw a familiar scene of driving towards Pu-Yi's place, which is just 5mins drive away from dearie's home.

There was a minor scene of a reenactment of familiar faces, when I saw dearie's colleagues at a departmental gathering. Her superior, Jolene, had bought some breakfast, amongst which, Jwee Kueh was my favourite but later on I had learnt that it was being ate up by Nicholas. Oh my...there goes my favourite...

A few scenes of eating KFC and related fried stuff for 3 meals within a day caused the disturbance and woke me up well before the alarm clock sounded. A 6-hour sleep.
The weekend had been spent wonderfully with dearie as we went to NEX for a meal, some walking, but the sneezing spell had been troubling me. Had taken some Panadol flu Max but the effects had not maxed out to disspell those sneezing reoccurence.

I hope it's just an aerial allergy and will go off after sometime. After a short nap at her comfy room, it was soon time for me to go back as today is a day in mainstream doing "covering fire".

As I lay on bed, soon, Sandman had showered his sleeping sand on me.
Good morning world.

This is yet another Saturday where I had been up early; no doubt I had prepared for slumber even at the early hours last evening, actual slumber commenced at a delayed timing.

I had been trying to get Infinity Blade into my phone after that exciting experience with Samurai Vengeance II, which, apparently, screen on my phone had been too tiny for comfort, is causing my eyes to be more tired than usual.

Oh well, short term entertainment.

It was an attempt to try sitting still to try to get into the 'slumber atmosphere' like how dearie usually does - her style is to snuggle under the comforter and in no time, she'll already been in slumberland.

A little mentally challenged due to mainstream intense and preoccupance of mind on what I really am looking forward to.

I was intending to set off earlier to hang around the early hours, but there had been some considerations of what goes into my bag. Thus, the setoff timing was identical to my usual.

After 1pm today, it marks the completion of Week 5.
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Another morning and approaching the 46th National Day which I could not see any patriotic mood in the atmosphere.

I came across an article online that the editor talked about how saddened he was when he did not see many Singaporeans fly the country flag. Following comments are somewhat sacarstic about the recent measures of increased cost of living against the winner in the recent General Election.

As crude as it may sound, but that's how many perceive as to why there is nothing to celebrate about this independence.

Yesterday was another earlier night as I had done quite a fair bit of work at night after that mindblowing workout. Slumber came on quickly before the clock even reached 1145pm.
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It wasn't some of those recent warzone, oldtown scenes that I had seen this time, but the atmosphere was a little blurry and dreamy like that of 9D.

Waterfalls, mountains and lush greeneries greeted me when I landed in a pugilistic world which could only be read about in novels or watched on TV.

Lightfoots and mass leaping were the normal way of travelling over great distances.

I saw myself in this brown rugged attire with leather greaves, woven boots and completed with bracers. Those were used only by unarmed martial artists as these were worn over the greaves.

Next to me was my companion, Fen, who was in a flowing pastel-colored dress, exquisite hairdo and a sword that reminded me of a swordplay that can only be executed successfully when the hearts are linked together.

The next series were scenes of actions of moving through woods, valleys and wastelands with weapons fully unsheathed.

Disturbance by the clock. It was already 7am.

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I managed to split the full version of workout into 2 sessions today; had just resumed the full version after a couple months of "tuned down" version in view of the high mental energy consumption prior to DX.

The usual goes; little refuelling done after that massive, sweatout workout; something which I have not got a chance to enjoy after so many months, especially after a mind battling session at mainstream. Reduction of carbo intake is the key to maintaining of a good physique.

Mind's a little more relaxed but shall remain in my own world now to finish what is needed to be done for the evening, daily.
The setting appeared in an old shophouse not of the local settings, where there were a handful of townsfolk. It was like a rest place for the group of people I was with; a little like I'm on site for some media production. 1st sign of the female singer, appearing to be a budding talent.

Switchscene and I saw a lady whom reminded me of Fish Leong / Lorraine Tan, 2 singers whom have a close resemblance of the aura they carry. Apparently, I saw this singer earlier at Lot 1, where there was some kind of publicity event. She just had her haircut which I spotted earlier at the old town. But this time is when she's fully attired.

Another scene showed me entering some 'bunker' where a small group of peace-keeping troops were at, all resting, along with their commander. They appeared to be ready to move out after their 2-week tour of duty at this area. A reminder of my days during a peace-keeping mission during my actual tour of duty.

Final scene of seeing myself at a mountain ranch, with dimmed skies and a beautiful array of floating, scarf-like, complete with a silky touch in the skies...Northern Lights!

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There has been a few things on my mind after completing the first month at mainstream. Not only have I survived the long hours, the other thing is that I've got those who nagged at me to be silent.

Everyone has a tolerance level of how much they can when being ranted on. For myself, it has brimmed and tipped. A fortress has been erected around since then.

I thought this would be the best solution for situations like this. No struggle and verbal wall.

Just plain silence.
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I've hit the slumberland button at 1230am after the full blown version of workout and doing some reading on qualities required for another hat.

I was back home earlier than usual, as I could not be held back waiting till the cows come home.

For a moment, I had thought that the slower-paced things were contrary to my personality, but for the sake of gaining the needful experience, it is best to stay on for awhile more before considering the move-on.

Total rest time was about 7 hours, so it was a fair bit of decent rest.

Hope dearie had a good rest too despite having to work late hours.
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The scenes of the dreamland had not been very clear as my mind has started to disengage from the trails of occurences, just like how vapor trails in skies dissolve into the surroundings till no trail could be seen.

It was definitely something of the kind of world I look forward to be in; some of extremity and harsh, while some are just breathtaking.

The cause of these scenes running through my mind could also be due to an unsettled mind which I entered dreamland with. In time to come, these dreamland occurences could be extracted into literature.
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The first day after the 1st month@mainstream had been done.

Many thoughts came to my mind after meeting up with dearie's secondary school friends yesterday afternoon. I made some humorous gestures towards the end of our meetup and the whole group broke into laughter...I guess that part of me can't remain under cover. Or maybe I lack an exposure to peers of our age category?

A month more and I'll be hitting the next milestone in my life journey; that's the time to check on my self-achievement.
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The previous night's slumber had been deep enough that I could wake up before I hear an alarm. Workout could be the most important factor in providence of an ease and comfort in slumber.

Bus is passing the plot of undeveloped hill jusr behind Bedok Reservoir Park and I caught a glimpse of the sunray through the leaves. That reminded me of being close to nature once again.

I had a good catchup with Vincent's wife; maybe being on the same age and personality thus we click pretty well; and since I've introduced her to dearie, I hope by that way, dearie will start to know more of the female friends I have; so yesterday was mass chatting; 2 on Whatsapp and 3 on Facebook...even busier and more 'operational' than mainstream.

I really seek a certain balance in my hours against mainstream as that's something which should be the case; so I hope I can anchor in soon and have a decent schedule. And definitely, decent time for my photography.

The juggling of multiple hat-wearing has to be timely.
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Survival is coming to a full month closure at mainstream. Challenges come on and off. Being still quite green, things are being picked up along the way.

No sign of Nejichiro when I tried entering the dreamportal last night. That snowy mountain scene is unforgettable.

I'm still thinking how I can be part of the travelling cohoarde who are paid to travel as it is part of their work nature. No doubt being heavily mobile, it's still something more interesting than being deskbound and inline with what I really want to do.
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There was a green metalled building which appeared to look like a factory, which was pretty spacious inside. A scene where I could see some triad members along with their henchmen, that reminded me of a show that Samo Hung starred in as a ring leader.

Within the scene, there was a lady who resembled Elynn, one of the models I had photographed before at events.

Switchscene to a remote place which was in the mountains, some remote tribes could be seen. This scene was 'loaded' from a save slot like those RPG games where you can save your progress.

Battle began. Personal combat between 3 individuals.

Switchscene again, this time back to the mountains in a snowy scene. Elynn spoke to 3 tribe elders while deciphering a message written on some ancient script which is handed down from a generation to another.

She read "To each name that forms a floral motif when placed together, that person shall lead: Nejichiro".

The leaders smiled heartily and told her, that's her name and she shall lead the tribe for the next generation. Nejichiro, is dressed in hides that had the style that represented the black uniform in Asia Auto Salon.
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Another Saturday morning and I'm on my way back to the mainstream. Yesterday was a real late day and I only managed to settle into slumber at 230am this morning after doing the essential with another hat.

I talked too much last night as I should keep the nature of mainstream minimal from my family.

As much as I do and learn in my mainstream, I know very well where my heart lies and will go far. So in I'm trying as much to avail time to pick up fast with my forte and build up from there. So help me God.

Why am I stretching myself like this, is also something which I hope dearie will understand, accept and support. For now, I guess only God understands why, and how this can be achieved.
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That back muscularache is still at large when I change from a sitting to standing posture, persistent discomfort, but no, absolutely no drugs.

I just hope this pain will fade off quickly so life gets on as usual, without any interruption also, for my weights training.

Sitting down at my usual spot after lunch is a good way to recollect occurences that had taken so far for the day. Do I lack something which can make life more exciting, such as having more outdoor activities over the weekend with dearie?

There's still a pretty lot more of places locally that we have yet to explore together, no doubt I have covered many places on my own. It does make a whole lot of differences having my partner to trot this land we live in - 1st locally then internationally. Afterall, not travelling mean a serious regret in life.

Grant me speedy recovery God so I may travel the world you created.
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An unusually uncomfortable muscle strain from yesterday's workout. Hope there aren't any complications underlying.

Walking pace is now a little scaled down as each step I take brings some discomfort in the strained area, however, I'm not taking painkillers as they only mask off the discomfort which wears off after awhile, just like how anesthetics work.

A 3rd Friday has arrived and so far, things has been moving good. Hope I don't have to stay hell late tonight considering it's a Friday. Hope my back will be well by Sunday so I can have a good week the following, which upon completion, marks the 4th week complete at Mainstream.

Just reconnected with an old friend from church whom I could sense the genuinity in friendship. It's sad to know some fellow brothers and sisters in Christ cringe their countenance after learning that I no longer attend church - when only God can judge me, what are these people doing?

Be real and give me, and many others a break.

I guess such perceptions are inevitable, but it's for God to deal with them and not me. Most importantly for me now is, I'm streetwise enough to know what's around me, and better off than many who seemed to only know what's within the church.

Personal observation.
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Shiva had called in me this afternoon so I had to leave earlier than planned.

A vapour trail caught in the sky while awaiting for my Transport home.

It must have been the chill caught in the morning while on the way to the Mainstream Centre. Lots of commuters on this journey back and limited seats in a pathetically designed vehicle.

It's an early night to call as a chill storm is stirring up within.
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Once again I've hit midpoint of the week.

Yesterday was a little liberated in the time after the regular office hours which such EFOs occur a couple of times a week. So it's not like the rate where we have stay late everyday. If that was what it's meant to be, I might as well consider boondocking by setting up my mobile home nearby office.

Wan's back for a vacation but all of us are busy, so not a chance to meet up for a meal. Good thing is that we're constantly in touch.

There's a mixture of feelings when thinking about the long hours spent at office as I also want to avail sufficient time to wearing the other hat, so I hope these long hours do not translate into something habitual, resulting in losing time and business.

Wearing multiple hats is one thing which is inevitable in today's world, so with the available time in a day, let's see how much time we can allocate to wearing each hat.
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Back to the mainstream after a long day yesterday. A journey to the west.

There are mixed feelings when I think about what I dol now in the day. Though it's something different, I still wouldn't place the word 'proud' in what I do there. For the sake of practicability, and a future with dearie, I have to grit my teeth and move on.

Coming to think of the hours, a week could easily put me in there for 59 hours.

For now, I just look forward to finish this day good so my mind can be switched back to what I really like.
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