As I climbed down the stairs which carried the aura of those prison cells, I came across a few characters who resembled that from FFXIII.

Along with them, I went down and reached the ground level of this installation where there were 2 choppers waiting for us to take off. I boarded the first and while the second was waiting for the other team, a red, fuel-like liquid started sweeping across the ground, and the remaining team who could not make it to the chopper were eroded from the feet upon contact. This liquid has real corrosive effect.

Many were killed along with the 'corrosive tidal wave'. As it got worst, I signalled the pilot that we have to take off to prevent further casualties.

While taking off, I somewhat lost balance and backpack contacted a little of the corrosive wave, while I was hanging on to the legs of the chopper. Quickly enough, the pilot maneuvered such that all of us were clear off the deadly effects of this wave. In my backpack were my photographic gear, which were all the possessions that I own, all in an tactical-ops styled bag.

As we got on higher altitude, all I could see was a sea of red, while the remaining installations and lifeforce were consumed in it. A close shave indeed.

Next scene showed me walking into a building, metalled style, and very much like those in FFVII Advent Children's Sector 7. A person whom was like a brother in this saga, told me that he doesn't have much time as it was in a prelude stage of some natural disaster. When the wind broke out, it threw him so hard that he had to talk to me while clinging on to the metal grill gates (resembling my home's entrance), while his voice suddenly dropped to a slurred tone.

That was explained as his vocal audio box cells running low on power. With the wind blowing hard, part of his skin ripped off and I could see some mechanical parts underneath, that revealed he was actually a cyborg.

Next scene showed his 'father', coming to help him up as the wind had died down, oblivious to his actual exoskeleton setup.

Back to chopper scene. We had landed in an armament base where we needed to have some decent armor on our vehicle. Laying around were many savaged tank turrent assemblies, and I managed to find something that gives us that additional protection we need. This base is called SOA, which was in a remote area.

The final scene showed me packing up with the basic necessities and leaving home. I was telling my mum to tell dearie that I'll be going somewhere, and won't be back. Sister could be heard weeping in her room as my mum told me that 'guess you guys are not fated to be together'. My life was coming to an end as my cells are weaning off it's last bit of energy; thus I'm going somewhere to 'settle down' as the cell power is fully depleted, and not wanting dearie to see me in that state. At that point, my mum only knows that I have to go away on grounds of relocation of work.

In the small box shaped like the Obelisk of Light in C&C I carried off, there were just a couple of things; 2 engine-like bulks which contained some important technology for raising the next generation of...Cyber Sapiens.

My brother in arms helped me along as I make my last walk off this home.

At that point in time, I had thought through about why things have to be coming to an end so soon? I had wanted to live on to see more of the world ahead.
Sent via my BlackBerry

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