Once again I've hit midpoint of the week.

Yesterday was a little liberated in the time after the regular office hours which such EFOs occur a couple of times a week. So it's not like the rate where we have stay late everyday. If that was what it's meant to be, I might as well consider boondocking by setting up my mobile home nearby office.

Wan's back for a vacation but all of us are busy, so not a chance to meet up for a meal. Good thing is that we're constantly in touch.

There's a mixture of feelings when thinking about the long hours spent at office as I also want to avail sufficient time to wearing the other hat, so I hope these long hours do not translate into something habitual, resulting in losing time and business.

Wearing multiple hats is one thing which is inevitable in today's world, so with the available time in a day, let's see how much time we can allocate to wearing each hat.
Sent via BlackBerry from SingTel!

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