Stripey wanted to follow me home last night after playing with her for awhile at her usual spot. From her gestures, she seem to be pretty inclined to be near human contact.

Unfortunately I can't let her stay at my parent's place hence I had to leave her outside while I had returned home late.

She is the 4th resident at my block's strays whom had been increased only recently. The rest had been around for awhile and I had started noticing them recently after reading about some articles in CWS about the happenings and things done for these strays around our heartland.

I must admit that I have a soft spot for animals. However, from the heartbreaks sustained after the passing on of Sunshine and Jack, I swore that I won't keep another pet to avoid seeing their end.

The world had been made beautiful with the presence of all these animals, and once again, life and death are part and parcel in a typical life cycle that are inevitable.

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