I’ve finally declared my true feelings to Serene that I have a liking for her, after these weeks of knowing each other on an accelerated basis…

I’ve come to spot that we share many things in common and have a kind heart by nature…that’s the true part about myself too; the past had driven me to forcing myself to be an extremist in financial possession, which Serene has told me that she dislikes such guys…it’s certainly contrary to my true personality which I’ve told her, that I’m also a pretty family-orientated person; enjoy very much the company of family members and the time spent together dining, watching shows and the like.

That extraordinarily sweet smile on her face had told me that she has the same feelings for me too, and yet bashfully asked me to ask Baby Pooh if he will accept me…thus my response was with a Taoist ritual counting style, the answer was "yes", and she bashfully looked away and calling me with her trademark "lame".

She hasn’t given me the direct answer yet, but I just want the two of us to develop our feelings progressively; get to study together and continuing to know each other more.

Late night chat till 1:38AM before we decided to retire for the night.

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