Just had a massive cleanup of my room and got rid of even more clutter which had been occupying space; now the place is much more spacious and comfortable!

Serene just woke up from her nap; could feel that she had been resting as she has not replied on the usual frequency; I really enjoyed the time we had yesterday watching movie together despite the late hour; if only time allows, we could chat endlessly even after reaching the void deck near her place...

Weather has been gracious today with lots of wind, making my sitting on my gaming rig an enjoyable experience; while clearing my things, many things came back as I saw my own photos when I was still a child.

Time really passes so fast..already been in working life for a few years ever since I left the armed forces. That move had certainly been a right one, getting away from the restrictions of life as a military personnel. Chinese New Year is just around the corner and would like my room to be as comfortable and cosy to welcome the new year.

Almost dinner time and not forgetting that workout later on.

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