I had just entered my room after spending part of the evening with Serene, watching Red Cliff 2 on the "mobile movie centre" in my car when we took a visit to Elias Park. Wind chilly carpeted in red sky accompanied us, as I showed her my photos during the army days of which a few had been "shortlisted". Beating the cold to a certain extent, we decided to move "indoor-mobile" as the wind had been getting the better of Serene despite being armoured in a demin jacket.

The hunger had been somewhat subdued by eating a crispy version of the chicken bun, which emitted smoke as if an explosion of the oven will take place while warming it..at least it was warm before entering the bio-fuel processing chamber. The show had been wonderful but Serene was already tired and dozing off towards the 2nd half; we watched till the battery ran flat and decided it was time to send her home; afterall, resting on bed would be the most comfortable haven.

Sweet feelings spurred between us, as we certainly do enjoy each other's company very much; deep in my heart I've developed a fondness towards her...simply want to show special care & concern to her, guard her health, study together...there're so many things that we share in common ...this may be a repetition of what had been said in the past, through my mind, but required as it s a daily reminder and constant emotional check as to why do I like her so much...

There is a long term plan ahead which I've already set in my mind, to make them come to past with constructive actions; first, would be to improve my personal development, diversification of funds while I work and lastly, the Grand Union that will yet be another mark for us both. Despite the condensed time of knowing each other and being so close heart-to-heart, there are still many things that we can explore in each other's heart, to bring out the best and iron out any creases that we may face when moving forward.

Time to tune down my turbo which has been much exhausted, but yet naturally regenerated at the sea breeze...

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