Puffing and wheezing cough all held back with my chakara which came suddenly when I was revising ComGI at the void deck of Serene's place.

It had been a little drizzly when we went to Compasspoint as she needed to withdraw some cash for her Genting trip with family tomorrow; a shoe store happened to be open and got something I like; this can be worn on Wed as information disseminated was to dress down.

We stayed at the void deck reading and chatting occasionally; it's really fun to have each other's company despite those silent moments when we had to read. Serene commented I was reading with a high level of concentration and wanted to learn from me; it just happened to be a trait when I'm reading...ComGI is pretty interesting too.

It was near 8pm when she had to go up for dinner and I waited for her while reading...soon I was asked if I wanted to eat carrrot cake which her neighbour made, "yes pls" was entered and e-replied. For a moment, I had thought it was fried carrot cake which Serene also laughed about when she came down with it. It won't be filling but could give me a little energy while we went somewhere to find food nearby; but stores were already closed and the discomfort was building up...

She had constantly asked if I'm alright which I've assured her that I'll be fine while fending off those cough spells within, and when she asked if I'm alright with the suffix "my dear", a special warmth surged through to which I just smiled to assure her on my well-being...phew free parking since we took only less than 10mins to check out the place.

We didn't stay too long as it was getting a little late as she needs to get her luggage ready for the trip tomorrow too...took some Poh Kee pills after dinner, TV-faceward with Kung Fu Hustle and we spent the evening together on the phone after 12:00 AM.

The progression from the time we met up in person was indeed less than a month, but I'll work on the basis to nurture a healthy relationship between us...surely it's our personality that matches well with each other and the beauty of her kind heart has always been the initial drawing-factor. I recall reading from a self-help book that nuturing relationships healthily can be through activities together such as sport, hobby or even acts of service, just like the nail-trim I've done for Serene during our studytime together.

Sweet Sunday.

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