Serene and I had a long chat last night and part of the conversation was about higher education. Learnt from her a couple of days back that Kaplan qualifications are not recognised by SIM and only allows progression internally.

It was quite heavy-hearted when I read that I do not fit the pre-requisities of the course and seems that ther is nothing under the diploma programmes in my trait.

I’ve not slipped to put consideration of studying in SIM due to their accredations which will be more recognised compared to a few courses but have to realise that I have to be able to fit in to their requirement; this of course, can be appealed to see if they will take me in…especially when the encouragement comes from Serene…

Sometimes I do feel lonely in the atmosphere of seeking higher education; there are quite a few institutions out there which offers prestigious qualifications; price is not a matter but rather how recognised it would be for my own advancement and benefit; who would want to waste their money on a qualification from an unknown institute?

Energy level is abit depletive later but will be boosting up later during my recharging sesion.
Much has gone through my mind after skimming through those educational sites.

My mind has been shutters of seeing how Serene laughed bashfully when I look at her,or even at that time when I mimicked the new version of ICQ, while bringing her to Tampines Mall for the movie Ip Man…What could this mean?

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