Revision of ComGI, round 1 done.

I had been having funny dreams during those studynap hours and just when I was thinking about Serene, her message came in to ask what I was doing; I must've been asleep and didn't reply that SMS at 5:17PM, afterwhich another came.

It has been a compression of time while I finished all chapters within less than 24 hours of revision and she commented that I'm very fast...likewise, I have lots to catch up with her too; she's already doing a degree and I've not obtained a Diploma it's counter-complimenting to each other that makes our relationship even sweeter...

Weather report "live" from Serene tells me that the temperature is 15 Degrees Celcius in Genting now; an optimum weather for me as I recalled not wearing any jackets while walking around in Genting in 2004, when I went with Jeff and a few friends. I enjoy the coolness of such weather as it doesn't require me become sticky at the end of the day and smelling bad; might be going again myself one of these days...

Time to expend those high-graded bio-octane which I've wolfed a whole plate of noodles during dinner, for the purpose of car washing and making the whole car smell good and cleaner to the appearance.

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