Quite an easy session as it is the first time I'm attending it; though the weather proofed to be conducive for slumber, it's a no-escape as every session is compulsory.

Today was the orientation and only those new routines are executed, such as usage of equipments through gym orientation, Dynamic Stretching; some new moves are added and we could be dismissed at 6:30pm...the only ordeal was the exiting of camp as cars are lined on a singular file where each are checked upon exit. Gave Alex a lift and did lots of catching up while he was in my car, and during the intervals between the RT session.

Serene's very near my home as she is visiting one of her aunt, who happened to be staying in the same town as me; just about 10mins' walk and less than 5mins' drive from my place. Tonight will be the continuation of the remainder portion of Red Cliff 2; we could go elsewhere first before completing the show too...works in progress in my mind now, while planning to study with her tomorrow.
He stayed motionless in his tank even after touching his head and prodding him...that's so unusual for the last few weeks...not eating, not moving, eyes closed.

Mum wanted to send him off yesterday, with 3 Soka chants but he started moving, thus kept him back...

It is indeed that his time has come and he has to go...at least I've known that I've given him a home when he was abandoned by the previous owner many months ago. Somehow, missed those days when he accompanied me in my room, swimming around his little basin home and popping his head out to see me.

His name is 置き皮, meaning Big Shell.

Goodbye, my dear pal...
Just refuelled after eating yesterday's evening's leftover fried rice, dressed in pepper and added some coolant to my furnace-temperated engine.

The MP3 ripper isn't functioning correctly when I was trying to extract a chorus from one of Serene's favourite song, to be succeeding the current ringtone, 蝶恋, which, according to her, is a sad song...oops, didn't notice the lyrics but the composition of the music, along with Queen's voice made a good combi.

Sludge clearance to commence in an hour's time as the oiliness in the cuttlefish balls and sausage has caused a little discomfort in the throat.

ICQ tone came through my phone; it was Serene's message as she had already taken lunch; mine will be in a while as the previous refuelling was for the morning; dad & mum had gone out for their own time together for lunch, sister still in slumberland, with only myself and 5 tortoises awake. Tortoise Lord seems to be unwell and not moving even when prodding him and touching his head...don't tell me that his time is coming to an end soon?

Official lunch is here!
Awoken after an 8 hour deep slumber...anything more will trigger a sensory disruption.

I'll be going for my first RT session later at 4PM...not sure how this ordeal will last.

Warmth of heart passed through me when Serene told me about the comfort of being in my car while we were watching Redcliff 2 yesterday. Though a chilly evening, the shelter provided by the car had made our "mobile movie centre" session pretty comfortable.

Blog choke detected...thoughts have not been properly composed yet but somehow, just want to leave something here...

The volume of blog has increased recently, partly was after knowing Serene better, realising on our personality match and the development of my liking for her...it's her personality that brings out the best of me, such as breaking the icicle formed around my countenance, resulting in me smiling more, shedding the extremist part of myself and learning to take things naturally, while continuing to do my best.

Continuation of the thoughts on a postponed timing.
I had just entered my room after spending part of the evening with Serene, watching Red Cliff 2 on the "mobile movie centre" in my car when we took a visit to Elias Park. Wind chilly carpeted in red sky accompanied us, as I showed her my photos during the army days of which a few had been "shortlisted". Beating the cold to a certain extent, we decided to move "indoor-mobile" as the wind had been getting the better of Serene despite being armoured in a demin jacket.

The hunger had been somewhat subdued by eating a crispy version of the chicken bun, which emitted smoke as if an explosion of the oven will take place while warming it..at least it was warm before entering the bio-fuel processing chamber. The show had been wonderful but Serene was already tired and dozing off towards the 2nd half; we watched till the battery ran flat and decided it was time to send her home; afterall, resting on bed would be the most comfortable haven.

Sweet feelings spurred between us, as we certainly do enjoy each other's company very much; deep in my heart I've developed a fondness towards her...simply want to show special care & concern to her, guard her health, study together...there're so many things that we share in common ...this may be a repetition of what had been said in the past, through my mind, but required as it s a daily reminder and constant emotional check as to why do I like her so much...

There is a long term plan ahead which I've already set in my mind, to make them come to past with constructive actions; first, would be to improve my personal development, diversification of funds while I work and lastly, the Grand Union that will yet be another mark for us both. Despite the condensed time of knowing each other and being so close heart-to-heart, there are still many things that we can explore in each other's heart, to bring out the best and iron out any creases that we may face when moving forward.

Time to tune down my turbo which has been much exhausted, but yet naturally regenerated at the sea breeze...
Managed to pick Serene up at 10PM with a smooth flow of traffic as I made my way to to her school. She’s dressed in a beautifully-braid-sewn sleeved top and got her favourite ice-apple tea from the nearby fuel station on the way.

Her lessons aren’t too busy and will not be as tired as attending lessons during a working day. The smile on her face had been very different as that I have seen 3 weeks ago when we first met in person, and getting to know each other in person better.

The journey home was pretty quick as the evening’s traffic was exceptionally smooth, less-populated road and clear weather. Mr Muscle has kept the windscreen cleand & clear , which Serene also noted that the side are clean, later only realising that I’ve wounded the windows down after we reached her void deck and sat in the car chatting about many things about work, study and our relationship..especially how I teased her that the glass panels have been so clean that they have been wiped out of existence! I’m going to get a beating when she reads this…oops :x

The line marking on our palms are also coincidentally similar though not identical…it’s just so unlikely to see such signs around; it doesn’t even exist with my biological twin brother though we look identical at far proximity.
Many thing has passed through my mind every day and certainly every moment…even Serene has reminded me gently and sweetly that I’ve thought too much…maybe that’s a hazard brought over from all unhappiness in the past, but that sorrow has began to fade away as time goes by…it has been amazingly sweet to know that Serene understands me this well despite the short time span of getting to know each other, before realising an attraction developed towards each other.

I guess the Zodiac compatibility carries certain truth as to how we can develop our relationship to this extent…though there’re still many things yet for us to discover about each other, I still want to ensure we are both on the right track, striking a clear balance in emotional development, as well as being able to understand and compromise towards each other’s shortcoming in anyway. These are the two most important factors in any relationship to last for eternity.
The amazing thing is that she is able to bring out the unspoken expression of personal emotions even with her demure personality…certainly there must be something wonderful about herself…that’s just simply her…
20mins more to the end of the rare-hourly lunch. There’s a spread of buffet which is catered for us, so rush of lunch has been evaded, for today.

Serene’s coming back today! She’ll be arriving in 8 hours’ time GMT; though may not be able to see her tonight, but really look forward to seeingher.

I’ve been doing a bio-analysis of the reasons as to why I’ve developed a liking for her; one of the most common activity we share is personal development in the self-education portion…she’ll be having lessons tomorrow night as usual, so I’ll get to see her after her lessons.

This morning, there has been a concussion effect from overdose of slumber, as I had already awoken at 5:30am, but thereafter, returned to rest till 6:30am but had already sustained this feeling when I was making my way to work; that feeling faded nearing the towards the lunch hour.

There’s a couple more hours to go before the end of the day comes; first task after refuelling: completion of 2nd round of ComGI revision.
Advanced ironing for the 2 days done, in view of seeing Serene on Thursday evening after her classes. She'll be home in less than 24 hours...

All's ready for tomorrow's work, and am done with yet another chapter of revision. These 2 days had been study days for me which turned out to be productive since there's nowhere to go, with most of the stores closed.

Mind settled, ready to enter slumberland...
Having redone 3 chapters of ComGI revision, the mind's a little tired absorbing those information to be stored in the subconscious.

Made a quick run to Whitesands and most of the retail stores are closed! This has to be the worst disaster as I have no visitation during this festive season...not a sign of moaning but rather, simply needed to see something around...anyhow, managed to get my stuff and head back home with a $1.50 charge for parking.

Good thing Serene & her mum are fine when they were intimidated by an elderly man but this has been handed over to the Duty Manager...it certainly makes a whole lot of difference without her around, else we could go out to a place away from the city, since most stores will be closed today.

Back to work tomorrow but it'll be a quiet day without Serene at the mailbox, not withstanding the fact that it'll be a regular work day...nothing dampening, just look forward to making my day productive will be the best approach.

I recall that moment of laughter we had while taking the LRT from Serene's place to Compasspoint, where she showed me the photos of her rabbits and bunnies, during her stay at her old place in Chai Chee, and I was able to see her childhood photo that she laughed bashfully when I was smiling...we pointed out the same rabbit fur colour we like coincidentally when she asked me which colour of rabbit do I like. Sadly, her mummy rabbit dropped into a water pod and was drowned, but those photos certainly bring about beautiful memories of her childhood days...a similiar experience I had during my childhood days.

Is Serene asleep already? The fondness of the heart has been increasingly strong with each passing moment; wished there was an economical way for us to chat without her having to incur overseas mobile charges ie SMSes, let alone call charges, thus, I'm refraining from calling her...

There are games in my comp to keep me entertained, but somehow do not want to strain my eyes and not in the mood of playing them; just wish to clear my ComGI and to be booked HI exams before moving on to engage in DGIRM to bring me over to be trained in underwriting.

Am thinking of switching over to Singtel but kind of like this number; the contract will end only 14/05/2010 where I can then port my service over to Singtel and get the MIO service?

It's only 10:16 but somehow can't sleep despite wanting to enter slumber earlier...

A final revision of the next chapter!
Doubleshot workout done with certain resistance at certain phases.

Serene just woke up around 11:30am and has replied me; she'll be returning with her family tomorrow...somehow can't wait to see her! Miss her voice, sweetness and those studytimes we had on Sunday...

Going to get my deep sleep after a good shower so as to enhance optimum muscle repair and growth. Today's the 2nd day of CNY and there should be some stores open for business; so will be taking a spin around the neighbourhood later; might drop by Whitesands to see if there's anything worth grabbing with my balance NTUC vouchers won from the lucky draw last Christmas.

Skimmed through Autobacs website and saw some promotions of car accessories going on but the main priority is to get those dents and engine oil servicing done which may amount up to a substantial at 1 go...still considerable to do engine oil servicing at Comfort Delgrio as I'll get 5x Linkpoints, but the latter might be closed today; so Autobacs is an alternative...can consider repairing / changing my ICE / rims but these are secondary although they will add up to more comfortable driving experience.
The rashes and cough disappeared without a trace after returning to sleep around 4am...I could not find a single inch of itch now when I touch those itchzones which was terribly unbearable when awoken by the wheezing cough.

Pooh bear kept me company while the skin felt really burning and red last night; been thinking about Serene; she'll be back with her family tomorrow but I can only see her later in the evening.

Is this what they call lovesick?

Plans for the day: Double shot workout and Round 2 of ComGI revision; actual exam's on 17th so it'll be well ahead of schedule, but I have to do smartstudy of the notes with full understanding so as to minimise the no of attempts for the exams.

Learnt from Songjie that this rash is a chemical reaction in the body that causes it to appear, and one remedy is to sleep early and lots of water intake; he had this before on a daily basis upon waking up from rest.

Moving out!
Sudden attack of breathlessness disabled my slumber after sending a message to Serene at 1:15AM. Itch was detected around my arms, neck and back and the shortness of breath was way beyond comfort and I had to sit up, while the itch continued appearing all over at a swift pace. Serene has mentioned to me about the same breathlessness discomfort she had when her cough was not fully recovered yet but this combination had been utmost queer.

I had to take a bath to cool off the body, to which the itch ceased a little, but skin still appears reddish.

Hope I can re-enter slumber without any discomfort in awhile, and these reddishness will disappear when I wake up later...
Revision of ComGI, round 1 done.

I had been having funny dreams these days; it could be a sign of unrested mind just before hitting the Slumber Gates.

What was in my mind was to get a thorough understanding of the topic, while running a text-absorbancy sweep to gather those information for the examination.

No matter, keep on trucking.
Revision of ComGI, round 1 done.

I had been having funny dreams during those studynap hours and just when I was thinking about Serene, her message came in to ask what I was doing; I must've been asleep and didn't reply that SMS at 5:17PM, afterwhich another came.

It has been a compression of time while I finished all chapters within less than 24 hours of revision and she commented that I'm very fast...likewise, I have lots to catch up with her too; she's already doing a degree and I've not obtained a Diploma yet...so it's counter-complimenting to each other that makes our relationship even sweeter...

Weather report "live" from Serene tells me that the temperature is 15 Degrees Celcius in Genting now; an optimum weather for me as I recalled not wearing any jackets while walking around in Genting in 2004, when I went with Jeff and a few friends. I enjoy the coolness of such weather as it doesn't require me become sticky at the end of the day and smelling bad; might be going again myself one of these days...

Time to expend those high-graded bio-octane which I've wolfed a whole plate of noodles during dinner, for the purpose of car washing and making the whole car smell good and cleaner to the appearance.
I saw myself returning home after taking a lift when hearing Roland to press "3rd floor if not happy" and there after, climbing up the stairs to 6th floor, only realising I should be going to the 5th instead.

Corridor scene was point-block style which was like my old home at Bedok North, and when I opened the door, I saw that the whole place was very bright; peach-coloured walls, pink-matted tiled floor and the new dNie TV with woofer and big curvy triangular speakers; the TV was displaying a live feed of Red Alert 3 booming with battlesounds and later, saw my dad at the dining hall tweaking speakers. Mum asked "is it nice" and I made a guess that they were worth a couple of grands, which my dad replied "$498 for each speaker" and a note was mentioned about his old speakers; only from the response did I realise that he has traded them in for these new cool speakers and woofers.

Poof. I saw myself sitting on my bed after some reading of the ComGI textbook.
Awoken after a couple of returns to slumber on the first day of Chinese New Year 2009.

Serene has left home with her family to Genting and will be back on Wed evening; that spells me having to miss her lesser, which I've told her about it too.

Feeling better all over now; the sudden discomfort could be due to the sudden change of temperature outside but all's well at this time...everyone's sound asleep in their own dreamlands and I'm the first to be up on this festive season this year.

Where can I go later? Probably only Zone X as most stores are closed for the holiday...I could take a peek at Giant later though.
Puffing and wheezing cough all held back with my chakara which came suddenly when I was revising ComGI at the void deck of Serene's place.

It had been a little drizzly when we went to Compasspoint as she needed to withdraw some cash for her Genting trip with family tomorrow; a shoe store happened to be open and got something I like; this can be worn on Wed as information disseminated was to dress down.

We stayed at the void deck reading and chatting occasionally; it's really fun to have each other's company despite those silent moments when we had to read. Serene commented I was reading with a high level of concentration and wanted to learn from me; it just happened to be a trait when I'm reading...ComGI is pretty interesting too.

It was near 8pm when she had to go up for dinner and I waited for her while reading...soon I was asked if I wanted to eat carrrot cake which her neighbour made, "yes pls" was entered and e-replied. For a moment, I had thought it was fried carrot cake which Serene also laughed about when she came down with it. It won't be filling but could give me a little energy while we went somewhere to find food nearby; but stores were already closed and the discomfort was building up...

She had constantly asked if I'm alright which I've assured her that I'll be fine while fending off those cough spells within, and when she asked if I'm alright with the suffix "my dear", a special warmth surged through to which I just smiled to assure her on my well-being...phew free parking since we took only less than 10mins to check out the place.

We didn't stay too long as it was getting a little late as she needs to get her luggage ready for the trip tomorrow too...took some Poh Kee pills after dinner, TV-faceward with Kung Fu Hustle and we spent the evening together on the phone after 12:00 AM.

The progression from the time we met up in person was indeed less than a month, but I'll work on the basis to nurture a healthy relationship between us...surely it's our personality that matches well with each other and the beauty of her kind heart has always been the initial drawing-factor. I recall reading from a self-help book that nuturing relationships healthily can be through activities together such as sport, hobby or even acts of service, just like the nail-trim I've done for Serene during our studytime together.

Sweet Sunday.
Serene and I are going to have our first study session later after the reunion lunch; initially thought this would be a dinner but mum has brought forward as a lunch this year.

Colourless sky with a cooling breeze greeted me this morning as I recalled in the dream that Eric will be leaving us; sounds like a contrary compared to the actual facts but it was so real that I saw myself with wet eyes at the break of that news.

There are many things to be done this year; went around to see if there are any nice clothings to replace those old ones which had draped over my shoulders for many years...guess I need a fresh revamp here and there. Just made coffee for mum and will be following up with one after lunch for Auntie...

Is dearie feeling better? Ought to make her something to help condition her health since her cough has much subsided...
Saw my aunt coming over for dinner and then later.

Switched to scene of Year 2315 where Cloud Strife is now battling aliens, carrying his gigantic sword but now, with radiation attacks in the Radiation Wars. Crystals of tangerine and olive green formed like tiberian which needs to be cleaned on a daily basis; using a big mouse and a mini mouse with simulatenous click via a laptop, and thereafter the crystals will be gone, but this time, a little further venture out to eliminate the source.

I went deeper in and soon, the only visibility of myself was a dark shadow beyond some gassy background, flashes of 2 or 3 like a lightning beyond the dark clouds, thereafter, the crystals came again and this time, surrounding the place we're living.

"Uh oh" greeted me. My beloved Serene has sent me an SMS at 7:14am as she has woke up...
Saw my aunt coming over for dinner and then later, over the window, he was with my sister-in-law and borrowed my aunt's car and went off.

Switched to scene of Year 2315 where I see the town in the most futurism one can imagine; hoverboards, armour like wet-suits that represented the game AD 2010 where Kevin, a cyborg is clad in aqua-gleam armour and being able to perform all kinds of stunts, with power blasts from his hands and feet as his deadliest arson.

Pong. It had soon appeared that I am back in reality world.
I must've dozed off during the mask treatment; just woke up awhile after a couple of flashes of dreams which things weren't vivid;

Serene must be in well in dreamland...it was so sweet to receive her SMS telling me that she misses me...our hearts are getting closer; she's so cute to thank me for resending the unsent message that I wanted to do so 3 days ago (based on current time / date), just when I was reading her SMS and in the midst of replying.

Growl...stomach has detected emptiness but it's not a good time to eat anything at this hour; I should continue my rest after doing the 24K gold eye serum treatment which I just bought today; something to improve my complexion so that I'll look presentable with a healthy skin, especially infront of Serene.

She has not given me the answer as to whether are we together officially; nor have I asked her that golden question yet; we just want to let things take its natural course, most importantly our feelings for each other to be nurtured properly over time; just like nursing a plant to grow from a seedling...her bashful "you're very lame" sentence came to me when I commented that her square-shaped earring is cute and could see that dash of bashfulness on her countence when we were going to Giant for some wine shopping.

Returning to dreamland after 24K gold application.
Just did some manual moving of a heavy fish tank that used to house the Red Dragon from my dad; it's now an empty artifact in the living room.

The afternoon had been wonderfully spent with Serene as we shopping around, looking at furnitures which felt like we're looking for things for our home...we came across a high bed which was just so comfortable just sitting on it; surely comfortable enough for a good slumber. For a moment, I had missed noticing it was free parking in that entire area. Brought her a double-dose of the lemon formula which had made her throat much better, but this time, doubled level of sourness requires a slower intake to avoid sourness influxation.

Sun rose quickly when we left the place and decided to drive over, with Serene slipping nearer to me to avoid the sun on her countenance, which will be hazardous especially for a girl's complexion...so I teasingly told her that she might as well be in the same seat as me. Oops, I've got her blushing again...

I managed to get a couple of bottles of wines; one will be for tomorrow's reunion dinner at home, and the other which Serene and I will be drinking together.

An hour more to go before she needs to go for her reunion dinner at aunt's place, so we went to Bedok Reservoir Park and spent sometime together...light breeze and cozy sunshine greeted us and we talked about the school days where we participated in activities at this place which was not as developed as it is now; Serene told me that her classmate witnessed a gruesome scene where a student's head was crushed by a bus, live when jaywalking, many years back...that made the school send the whole bunch of eye-witnesses for counselling to moderate their fear.

That moment of chatting with her on the bench had been really sweet and beautiful, seeing that beautiful smile she is wearing on her countenance, making her laugh at moments and a brief grasp of her hand briefly to bring my presence of assurance that I'm with her made our time spent together all so rosy...

Being so close to her and able to tell her how much I fancy her, and seeing her progressively reciprocating towards my feelings for her really brings warmth to my heart...I want the both of us to ground our feelings for each other deep in each other's heart without any physical intimacy. My purpose for this journey wasn't for short, but something for life...
Rush to the collection of items for the CNY celebration after work and managed to get things going on; stayed back for awhile to drink with a few guys before making my way to meet Serene.

She's dressed beautifully tonight...so we made our way to Causeway Point, with a strong bearing as I needed the Gent's; fortunately not too crowded and managed "let off excess oil"...it's not too crowded except for a few stores but more importantly, getting something warm to eat as Serene has not taken her dinner; flushed down fish soup to disspell the red wine within that she detected the reek when I picked her up at Martin.

There's such a big array of clothes at Metro but nothing caught my eye except for that red top at Bods in Marina Square. Next Wednesday will be a 1/2 day but it'll be a quiet afternoon without Serene as she will be at Genting with her family during the CNY period.

We didn'st stay too long as shops are closing, and could sense she's a little tired too...I had been holding on the fatigue with my remaining chakara while driving her back, we decided to drive by to see where the Punggol haunted house was and could make out it's a sihoulette of it against the dark sky; it was a truly quiet and undeveloped part of Singapore, just a couple of minutes' drive away from the populated area.

I learnt that there's a Punggol Beach where many Chinese were executed during the WWII, off we went. Greeted by the gentle wind, I told Serene that we've finally arrived at a place away from the hustle of city life, and she was wondering if I'm ok or anything troubling me, which was negative as I do like the beach and away from city at times. Greeted by many fishing enthusiasts a few couples at the pier, we spent sometime chatting in the wind and retold the short incident of my ex-classmate, Mingyao's grandfather who missed death when the bullet hit the lighter in his pocket during a mass execution at this very place. A lone stray dog was spotted along the beach just about 50 metres from where we stood, while looking at patrol and merchant vessels sailing by slowly...the stray hound was sitting neatly while watching a family trotting the beach. The loss of many fathers & loved ones, more than 50 years ago must have been remembered to date, especially by their families...

Sometimes I wonder how these coastguard cops spend their time; food must have been delivered to them as they remain outstationed at such remotcy.

We didn't chat in the car as it had been pretty late; noticed that Serene has yawned several times; so decided to see her to the lift lobby before calling her just before I depart...I had held her hands a little in assurance when she asked if I was tired, while driving; it must've been the wine that helped me relax yet propping my energy level up with my remaining chakara.

Somehow, the date ended pretty in a different manner compared to the previous times we have met...it must be fatigue...anyhow, the time spent was really wonderful, especially with her company, hearing the gentle splatters of the sea, and the glimmering sparkles of construction waves.
Missing packaging in action! Still unable to find it even though deemed signed and delivered…

My fatigue sensory has overidden and planning for this evening with Serene…have narrowed down a few places with the basis of what we would like to do for the evening….some areas are labelled as "Hostile Zone" due to the festive season around the corner, drab areas named "DMZ".

Chinese New Year has adverse impact on the crowd and human traffic especially in town areas due to the extensive stretch of days over the weekend and capping 1/3 of the week’s head. This has been one time with such an order which allows the working population to enjoy the weekend before settling down to get back to work on the midweek.

This Saturday break tomorrow will be one after some time of adopting a 6-day week in view of eliminating the volume of emails.

Almost returning to the battle zone after some settlement with an warmed up turbine.

Next stop, Martin Road.
Doing. A big lemon dropped when I was sharing with Serene about my typing training during my secretarial course many years back. We were talking about my senior who possessed a typing speed of 80WPM at that time…

Serene had mimicked me with the "jealousy sign" when I signalled a lime popping out as she was talking about her friend who drove a WRX….it’s so sweet to hear her smile and keep asking me why I suddenly expressed that.

Just a short moment before the next break, but will have some things to do. Engine heat-sensory activated.
Today’s sonar power is lowered; must have overused the turbo during the workout this morning, which resulted in a muffled volume.

Just refreshed from a 20min eyeshut and turbo timer recharged to 5.0, ready to boost. Hyperrest with maximum energy level restored.

Was telling Serene that the thought of her brings about such a sweet feeling all over me…during the lunch hour; it must be love…

Am thinking of going to Chinatown with her after work tomorrow, but it might be a little more crowded than usual, in view of the upcoming festive season around the weekend; where I can hunt for my "Ip Man" attire…

No. I should be getting them earlier since Best Dressed will be tomorrow.

Almost done for the day and looking forward to the SCI sponsorship talk after office hours, to see how I can do a related diploma with a bond under the organisation.

I’ve finally declared my true feelings to Serene that I have a liking for her, after these weeks of knowing each other on an accelerated basis…

I’ve come to spot that we share many things in common and have a kind heart by nature…that’s the true part about myself too; the past had driven me to forcing myself to be an extremist in financial possession, which Serene has told me that she dislikes such guys…it’s certainly contrary to my true personality which I’ve told her, that I’m also a pretty family-orientated person; enjoy very much the company of family members and the time spent together dining, watching shows and the like.

That extraordinarily sweet smile on her face had told me that she has the same feelings for me too, and yet bashfully asked me to ask Baby Pooh if he will accept me…thus my response was with a Taoist ritual counting style, the answer was "yes", and she bashfully looked away and calling me with her trademark "lame".

She hasn’t given me the direct answer yet, but I just want the two of us to develop our feelings progressively; get to study together and continuing to know each other more.

Late night chat till 1:38AM before we decided to retire for the night.

Hyperrest done and focus realigned for the bio-GPS.

Just another hour of battle before the end of the day comes…
Many thoughts ran through my mind of calling Serene something dearer like how she likes calling me with a unique nickname, which, I find kind of cute…

Located my source of pink tulips online!

Just came back from delayed lunch, 7mins to go before logging to battle system; some system glitches.

Serene and I had a wonderful chat yesterday evening, after I returned from the game; Tulips are unique and it’s a symbol of demurity certainly fits her very much; and had never receive one from anyone before…so when she popped me the question "you’re giving me?", my answer was a smile and told her that she’ll know tomorrow…

Our progression of knowing each other has been sweet...those times of making the healing formula for her throat, lots of time spent knowing each other via our phone conversations, and going out together; it seemed to have triggered the beginning since a year ago when I was at Head Office for training and first time getting to see her in person…have been wanting to know her all these while till I got her name from Sok Hwee, who used to be working with us.

Can’t wait to see her this evening while fetching her back home from school!
Today's company was a small one with Yusryn, Norizan, Brigitte, Lim Li, Crystal and Shikin; the latter 3 left around 7:30PM and we played doubles till 8PM before heading back office, for a little chat and then I made my way back first...my energy expansion was a little like Gaara's chakara when he uses the Hidden Sand's technique...able to sustain throughout the game yet running on economy mode in my stomach.

僕はほんとに好きです...what does it mean?

I left Serene with this SMS this afternoon after learning she has returned from work after seeing the doctor; got to chat with her after my badminton and learnt that she's much better after a couple hours' rest with prescribed medication; the heavy droning of the bus, coupled with disruption from the free-flow of emergency brakes had dampened the environment for chatting, so we communicated through the SMS; briefly asked her about her liking for tulips and detected a dash of bashfulness in her laugh when she asked me "why leh"

Further and nearer to the destination, the ride was no longer safe when I was standing with all the brake-bashing, so I had to take a seat.

Made myself a fried egg and finished all the remaining dinner, before ringing Serene...oops, she's rushing assignment, so will hear from her later.
Tulips…that’s what Serene likes and I just need to find that Flower.

She’s back home after seeing the doctor…hope she will be better after medication and some proper rest…

Later there will be a badminton session with "The Usual Suspects"…it should be the last session for this month.

Returning to the last hour of battle.

Fully charged after the substantial depletion of energy yesterday; managed to reach office at quite an early timing.

Sensory system detected that Serene had been unwell, that activated the Wake on LAN mode to check if she’s ok, via my mobile phone to see if there are any SMS from her; last SMS received 1:29am.

I’ve disclosed more of how I feel via a coded mode in Japanese to her; she’s now on her way back to see a doctor for her bad cough…

Return to battle.

Just 8mins more to return to battle.

System’s a little overloaded today; could it be due to lack of rest? I know I can hold out but maybe I’ve utilised too much EP yesterday, but really enjoyed the company we had…

I need a good recharging this evening which can be done on the bus, in view of the workout session tomorrow morning. The mild underpowerment could be due to the exersion of power from workout cum carwash, and the long driving.

Serene’s throat can finally rest after her supervisor allowed her to guide newbies…am glad to know that…at least she doesn’t need to put her throat under excessive work and dragging the recovery…

5 mins more to returning to battle.
Industrial strength enhancement session done, coupled along with the first "open air" carwash as both lots are occupied; didn't see Kevin for awhile and only saw him when departing after I'm done...oh man, I look like a husky to him...

Clearout of the past done.

Realised my mobile phone wasn't with me; must've left it on my table when making a move to wash the car just now...no SMS / call from Serene yet, so I guess she's still taking her afternoon nap?

Through our short communication session just now, I had to tell her that I had this feeling of 舍不得 just before I made my way back...it was subtle initially, but grew increasingly strong as the late hour of the night approached when she had to go back to rest.

During the solo carwash just now, I had been thinking of many things, such as how she will feel about me, several other that fleet past my mind while I had to get the water cleaned up before they dry...I'm sure it'll be fun to have her company while I wash the car, even if she's just sitting by to keep me company...

Bio-fuel top-up done with mum's home-made cooking.

Another dose of remedy for her cough to be delivered tonight when returning the papers...oh, Serene's up more than an hour ago...woopee!

My tank will be empty soon, so time for another serving of bee hoon.
Set out at 9:40 after some quick preparations of a home-made cough remedy for Serene's throat.

The evening was quiet and yet windy and I made my way to her place without any navigation difficulties. That special feeling of excitement had been in my mind; exactly the same waveform when I was doing up the decorations.

When the "Uh oh" came in my phone, I had already reached her place and she was asking if I could bring my laptop out to watch the Korean serial which she has told me about. Maybe I was too quick in my movements? Guess we can postpone this "mobile serial session" to the next meet...

Serene's throat is still not well yet, and I gave her that self-made CNY decorations which she commented was very detailed and nice...certainly could sense that she likes it very much and I noticed 2 round bumps popping out from something round in her bag; it was her favourite Pooh; finally get to Meet the Pooh "live"!

For the first time, I had been to the viewing mall in Terminal 3, which we could hardly see any planes with the heavy reflection; read a little of today's papers and chatted about a few people at our workplace; oh yes, her nail colours are nicely done from her trip to JB today, done at a very good price with quality workmanship...could sense she's a little tired from being there since morning.

Evening disturbance with the rattling of mini-phenumatic drill as the renovation works commenced after midnight and we decided to move off as it was really polluting the quietness of the place...the aircon must have chilled Serene much, so I covered her with my denim jacket...suddenly, was posed with the question "how many people have you let people wear this?" and the response was "it's been with me for many years" but she later said I was "playing dead"...I just didn't want to talk ahout the past and break the ambience...

It has been a little late so we stayed on the car and chatted while fiddling with Pooh, accompanied by the broadcast from FM 88.3...this evening songs really enhanced the quality of time spent; we just have so much to talk about such as her telling me about her JB trip and some of my past experiences in the army...

"eyy, are you tired?" had been posted to me and my answer was "看见妳就不累" to which, I was responded with a bashful smile from her...heart-warmed, on occasions, I'll rest my head on the steering wheel and look at her, peering through the lightened fringe, and she'll just look away, asking me not to keep looking at her as this will make her embarrassed. That wasn't the intention, but simply the fact that I enjoy her company very much.

RTU at 2:15am after seeing her to the lift lobby and giving her a call, balcony-view. Night drive was quiet without any battle scenes and realising that her papers are left with me. I had wanted to return it to her tomorrow as it was already quite late in the night, and she ought to get plenty of rest to speed up on her recovery.

Apart from the lavender scent, the sweet smell of Serene's hair had lingered, that kept me company throughout the night drive; many thoughts populated in my mind; thinking about clearing from the past as I wanted nothing more to do with the past....

What matters is that I much happier after getting to know Serene better at close proximity.

Just returned after spending a great deal of time chatting with Serene after sending her back from Tampines Mall, where she met her cousin for dinner…aww…she’s dressed so beautifully…

Her throat’s discomfort’s still at large and I’ve arrived with another formulation, which was warm, and purpose was to aid the recovery speed of her throat…poor thing…if only I could share ½ the burden with her and she wouldn’t need to be so uncomfortable.

Halfway through our conversation, her mum returned and parked just beside us…oops…for the first time we were seen at close proximity and didn’t want her mum to get the wrong idea about us sitting in the staionary car, though chatting…

I offered to help them carry up their CNY stuffs but Serene didn’t seem to want me to help…her mum’s so nice and even invited me up to their place but I was embarrassed, more worried about her having a secondary impression of me with the Cloud Strife hairdo…somehow, wanted to leave a positive impression to her parents…

The conversation we had was certainly closer to heart and closer to my true feelings…maybe it’s not the righ time to tell her, but I just want to express truthfully with sincere actions and intentions…

Shutter recharge done.

The rest was throbbed by music from my gaming rig; somehow, didn't enter complete slumber, yet recovery pace was like entering hyperspace.

Almost dinner time and that was the trigger for my waking up, mum's not cooking tonight and I sat there munching chocolates and sausages while thinking if Serene's back already? Will she be having dinner at home, or over at JB? Can't wait to hear her tell me about her shopping adventure...

Wind passed through my room freely like the rushing waters of a chasm; it made the climate more comfortable; come to think of it; spent quite a fair bit of time making the cute decoration for Serene but it certainly was something environmental-friendly since they're made from recyclable materials; the creative mode was well at work, just like a well-oiled turbine and the industrial droning, coupled with the mechanical rattling of gears, pumping of pistons and hissing of air compressors.

Mental bookmark.
Just finished a mini CNY decoration for Serene...it's all manual...hope she likes it...

Woke up early and gave her a rang to ensure she's up; somehow she's sounding much better than yesterday we exchanged a few smses before she entered JB...received a private call just now but didn't answer as I was thinking if it is from those profound telemarketers; rang Serene a short while later and she told me that she didn't call me...

Sweet feelings from the previous evening lingered on even this morning and while I was making the decoration for her just now; somehow, constantly in sight of her in my mind and I hastened the speed of completing the artwork so I can later fully occupy my mind with her.

"uh oh" went my phone and it was from Serene...guess she's not back yet but I'll be able to see her later...could it be after / dinnertime? If she returns home early, we could have more time together too...

Vision-exhausted...get some recharging on the shutters.
Showered and soles still feeling warm and puffy from the prolonged walk and hastened walk from Serene's place back to catch Bus 27 which droned the way home.

Managed to meet Serene after our work and had a good time talking and laughing with Eric, Mandy and Christian on the train after our decoration; the bond had strengthened and could see everyone very different after work, chatting heartily...

City Hall had been pretty crowded but managed to find her at nearer to the UOB ATM left wingward upon exiting the station; we proposed to stroll at Suntec but somehow ended in Marina Square; and settled down for dinner...oh dear, Serene's cough is quite bad and it certainly had been tough for her to sustain herself throughout the day at work...I had been the "guest speaker" during our dinner, while chatting, getting the temperature of the 板面 to go down.

It's been many months since I really can enjoy my dinner by eating slowly...she's really having a hard time with her throat's discomfort and we've got Vapodrops to the rescue...that certainly warded off the discomfort a little but it would be much better than leaving it as it is.

A wonderful jazz band performed just by the sea, at the Marina-edged stage where we enjoyed the music for awhile before nearing the sea to watch those odd ripples which seemed like water disturbances; some form of life movement beneath the surface, radomly patched and scattered all over the seabed.

It's 9:30 but good time to make our way back since she's not feeling well...it worries me to see her like this; a loop ride on NE Line brought us to Sengkang after several spells of crowds at various destinations...Energy level pumped max on Core 1, Depletion Mask activated which Serene could detect but I didn't want her to worry and assured her I'll be fine...

One enjoyable walk was done till she took the lift up and I made my way back only after she had reached home; I really liked the serenity in Sengkang which the flats, though smaller, the place gave me a cosy feeling...

Fingershifts done to make up this quicklog of the evening's events, many thoughts came through my mind, such as really enjoying Serene's company and being able to take care of her in the train and while on the way back...seeing her really warms my heart and for the first time in many years, I've not been smiling from the bottom of my heart like...it's a wonderfully warm feeling that diffuses all over just like the warmth of the sun being casted and seeping through the skin and tissues, warming up within...
Just made more "infirable" firecrackers and will be putting up this evening…another hour more before the end of the day comes…

I have sufficient to make some miniature versions for Serene to place at her desk to liven up the place; mind-draft of blueprint in progress before the final product will be out over the evening.

We’ll be meeting tonight; was about to aks wanted to ask her that when on the bus but somehow, our minds met and asked at the same time…

Back to battle.
Short moments in the call-gap and managed to read Serene’s reply; she’ll be back from lunch soon…somehow, heart is beating with some excitement after chatting with her on the phone for quite sometime, accompanied with a mini-tele-concert which she has enjoyed very much.
Standing in a crowd of a London street with charcoal-grey walls and a buskering scene, wer were flipping bottlecaps off beer bottles with movements like pierceing the bottle cap with finger, roundhorse kicking off and slicing off with a karate chop…crowd was cheering on and I saw Eddie, our Head, there enjoying the scene and talking to us.
Just one quick sentence after replying to Serene’s e-nudge…certainly really heartwarming and a sweet feeling comes all over when thinking about her…
1min to Battlezone return; managed to refuel even when there is sufficient to sustain as buffer for the call influx in the later hours.
Half round after the Big Tick on the clock, I've finally done a major cleaning after the badminton game with Esther, as the rest weren't able to join in.

After the game, I made way back to do a quick-skim through my "leftovers" before the set-out of the Journey to the West, SIM. Much lingered in my mind while walking there, such as, "will Serene be hungry? What does she like to eat? Soothe her throat..."

The journey was indeed peaceful and an unsounded excitement / anxiety built up in my heart while making my way there; went past a sign "SIM" turning left but it can't be the right place as the destination should be just beside Maju Camp...in time; was there ahead of schedule after the aroma of the Mr Bean pies filled the atmosphere within the car.

Eagle's eye at work! I caught the sight of Serene at 10:10pm and started the Eastroad Trip; there's so much to talk about besides the similarity of our work nature, seeing her happy and shy laughter, the intensity of the traffic seemed to be nullified when I told her that it makes a whole lot of difference when driving alone...oh dear, her throat is quite bad, but the Liquid Water Chestnut is here to the rescue!

Her files are so cute with those stickered-spine for identification for her course notes...Mr Red Bean Pie has to be sentenced to recycling as Serene couldn't eat anymore...

G800 started to ring after I was finger-shifting on the keypad after she replied me; just when I was about to proceed to RTB, saw her peering out from her hall window and showing me that taller tree which was fertilised by the late Luohan fish from her home; such a vast difference in height!

L'Arc~En Ciel accompanied me home on the highway after 情有独中 sounded through the way after leaving the carpark; it certainly spoke of how I felt within...what a sweet and lingering feeling through the late evening hours...is she asleep already after a reply from her, asking if I feel comfortable with her. "With Cloud Stife (commercial slogan), the answer is yes" went through my mind and hoosh, it was sent back...
After a massive lunch , 3 mins to go after return from the sunpace.

I was the only long-sleeved among the construction workers who dined there, taking a break from their laborous work which tires the body.

Just sent an SMS while on the way to lunch, for the arrangements this evening to see Serene; wonder what time is her break time? At least something to fuel up to avoid stomach pangs since she’s studying till quite late.

I was a little tired yesterday when I got home, but yet freshened up this monring; it must be the positive effect of the time spent chatting with her over the phone last night.
Returning to battleground.
Hyper-rest for 20mins into a deep sleep but still able to sense the environmental movement and sounds around me; shut down 90% of the physical core processors and 10% working on the reconstruction of the power core.

96% core power restored.

Mind had been circulating around the conversation as I’ve just replied Serene about offering to buy lunch for her if she’s stationed at Changi; I’m sure it’ll make things so much cheerful between us to be able to see each other on more frequently.

Tomrorrow will be the submission date of the logo and theme for our team. So far, skeleton has not been built yet so I’ll get it all up this evening. I must have used much chakara when battling brutal enemy before chatting with Serene.

My land phone is down! Had been trying to fix it for tonight’s chat with Serene but no dial tone even when fully juiced…will do a retroubleshoot tonight.
Serene and I had a long chat last night and part of the conversation was about higher education. Learnt from her a couple of days back that Kaplan qualifications are not recognised by SIM and only allows progression internally.

It was quite heavy-hearted when I read that I do not fit the pre-requisities of the course and seems that ther is nothing under the diploma programmes in my trait.

I’ve not slipped to put consideration of studying in SIM due to their accredations which will be more recognised compared to a few courses but have to realise that I have to be able to fit in to their requirement; this of course, can be appealed to see if they will take me in…especially when the encouragement comes from Serene…

Sometimes I do feel lonely in the atmosphere of seeking higher education; there are quite a few institutions out there which offers prestigious qualifications; price is not a matter but rather how recognised it would be for my own advancement and benefit; who would want to waste their money on a qualification from an unknown institute?

Energy level is abit depletive later but will be boosting up later during my recharging sesion.
Much has gone through my mind after skimming through those educational sites.

My mind has been shutters of seeing how Serene laughed bashfully when I look at her,or even at that time when I mimicked the new version of ICQ, while bringing her to Tampines Mall for the movie Ip Man…What could this mean?
Just had a 15min eyeshut after eating a sardined-curry puff given during the lunch break. The entrance to a short slumber seemed to be as quick as entering hyperspace.

Now back to the desk, refreshed.
Steak-ready temperature outside and managed to wolf down my lunch within 15mins at the coffeeshop near Maybank.

I had managed to direct an elderly uncle how to get a Bedok as he was on the wrong direction of traffic; it certainly made the sun glow within myself as to be able to help people…wonder if Serene is similar in this sense?

Internal temperature has not gone down yet after entering an engine-cooling environment yet.

Eyes brightened up at 2:33am and checked on my phone, if Serene did call me if she could not sleep; but there wasn’t any sign of missed call and I went back to rest; somehow it’s like an inbuilt sensory that makes me sensitive to many things, especially towards someone whom we share so many things in common…strange feeling isn’t it?

Returning to the battle arena in T-0.04.
The beginning of another battle week which I had rested well the night before without any red wine.

It was a real heart to heart talk with Serene as we talked about many things; the topics we had were really endless and could talk about almost anything and everything…from food to personal preferences; the list just goes on and on.

The announcement of the closure of the book has been done and it will be for good this time, but I have to be wary of not executing the Sustitute Job which will be unfair to anyone.
Just had a massive cleanup of my room and got rid of even more clutter which had been occupying space; now the place is much more spacious and comfortable!

Serene just woke up from her nap; could feel that she had been resting as she has not replied on the usual frequency; I really enjoyed the time we had yesterday watching movie together despite the late hour; if only time allows, we could chat endlessly even after reaching the void deck near her place...

Weather has been gracious today with lots of wind, making my sitting on my gaming rig an enjoyable experience; while clearing my things, many things came back as I saw my own photos when I was still a child.

Time really passes so fast..already been in working life for a few years ever since I left the armed forces. That move had certainly been a right one, getting away from the restrictions of life as a military personnel. Chinese New Year is just around the corner and would like my room to be as comfortable and cosy to welcome the new year.

Almost dinner time and not forgetting that workout later on.
Awoken at 9am but went back to sleep as I was still feeling abit tired from the late night out yesterday.

Did some research online and found that Ip Man is a real person who is a martial arts grandmaster, which one of his true disciples is Bruce Lee.

During the few SMSes exchanged with Serene, there's this special feeling that had lingered since I reached home last night after sending her back, and reflecting on the many things that we share in similarity; like children, closeness with family, the seemingly endless things we can talk about and also the similarity in the phones we use...only thing is mine is the more "technical" style.

What's this feeling that's building up in me...sweet, yet lingering, and formless somehow?

I've decided to close up the previous chapter which, after many serious thoughts, things won't work out. Not basing on the superstiousity fact about incompatibility on Zodiac and Chinese horoscope, many other factors roped in has deduced a "no-go".

A new line hunt could be on the way later after my cup Old Town, tasting abit weird now due to incorrect temperature of hot water to get the ultimate taste.
Cold start when awakening at 6am after chatting with Serene the previous night just before she turn in for the night; woke up later at 8am and made my way to office to do my overtime, only realising that I didn't bring my pass at the bus stop, so a repeated journey finally brought me to office at 9am.

Hazel and Eric were already in office and doing their own work and Norizan came in later to clear some minor work...soon after a started my work, my phone went "uh oh" and startled Hazel which I told her that it was an sms alert; Ahead of schedule and managed to have time to clear some backlog so as to have a peace of mind when going home. It's the first time I got to talk to Hazel after office hours on casual ground and her hubby will be fetching her after work; so chatted with her awhile at the stairway just outside the building before going back.

As usual, capturing gazes on the bus, a short eyeshut was done as I have done a correct way to improve the effectiveness of my email to avoid any fatal mistakes. Somehow, a heartwarming feeling came over me as Eric has been nice in explaining to me what certain acronyms / procedures mean when doing audit for me...that's where learning path has been realised that there's quite a fair bit for me before the next advancement.

Temporal shut-down of Quad Turbo V8 after lunch and finishing the balance of the Dragonfruit tub.
Just had a 20min eyewink and rested my mind.

1 more hour coming toe the end of the gruelling week before coming back for some work tomorrow. Serene has returned to main office slightly after 1PM and it felt like something missing within…what could this feeling be? We had a long chat till almost 2am last night; though waking up feeling tired a little, but within, it felt much happier.

The disturbance could be another time where the utmost desire to supercede with my reverse-engineered thoughts have spurred, resulting in a irregularity of chakara flow.

Just had a doubled-lunched which rice quantity was mountaineous; managed to finish it within 20mins and take a walk back, with a buffer of a couple fo minutes.

Serene brought her new colleague over to collect some stuff; it was a really nice to see her but was not able to say hi to her except with silenced gesture as I was on the line.

Return to battle, preparation for a minddrag of the ALS; the price of being a living bio-Quad Turbo V8 engine.

It's a quiet and windy evening after a singular unfortunate events in the late evening at office.

Accompanied by ice cream after a massive dinner to clear all the food, the reddish sky veiled the entire sky just like a table draped with silky red tablecloth, thoughts rushed through my mind about setting myself into studies under a sponsorship scheme.

Many evenings have I laid my head on my bed without a peaceful rest; only this morning, after a short physical exertion session have I managed to rest awhile during the break hours.

Serene just finished her lesson and is on the way back while I'm home just around 9...somehow, wished I could meet her at her void deck or chat by the beach like how we did at the bench on the eve of 2009.

Chat time with Serene now!!

Deep sleep, 20mins. Regeneration of the mental chakara has been fully done after taking mind off work for a while.Currently in the last hour of the rush, and calls haave been as draggy as the previous’.

Quick short battle, ready, steady go!

Just had a rush hour lunch; weather was simply warm and air vents are still on the ventilation mode.

Half the battle has been done; it’s good to learn that there are some forms of sponsorship schemes to take up a diploma and getting mor information on the way.

Engine was creaky when I got up this morning, but still managed to successfully complete the entire set of revised workout, version 3.0, with engine recovery mode done when making my way on Bus 67.

Mental construction of The Synergix emblem has commenced which submission to be ready by 14/01.

Retiring to the night soon after a hefty day of work; the remaining 2 days of the week will be a busy with some decoration work.

Loads of silly incidents to relate to Serene, that has all been loaded in my mind...certainly that shows the aspects about each one's uniqueness, and from the people I've "heard" from all walks of life, I can certainly group them into different society casts, such as the R&A, R&H (good), PSA and PYU, and not forgetting the SA group.

These acronyms may sound alien to many but certainly a precise description to the different groups along with their mindsets (non racial / political).

All these will be up in detail following a full-charge of my chakara, which has massively been depleted on a high volume per usage.
The last hour of the battle after a deep sleep of 10mins during the break. One final hour to the final battle for the day and I can wrap up the rest of the day’s work.

The in-between hours had been intensively busy with non-stop of call influxes resulting in non-stop action of fingers, mouth and toggling of screens.
The continuation of the mind’s journey will be down in T-3.5.
Break ending in 8mins. Just had a quick snoozer and mind was able to untense just like the rubber band returning to it’s normal unstretched form.

The previous night’s rest had been disturbingly unsettled in the mind, but unable to comprehend it even myself, as to what really put my mind to trouble. The day started pretty dry; 1st alarm at 5am but eventually woke up at 6am and managed to complete the workout.

Bumped into Huili durinng lunch hour at the nearby coffeeshop when she took away her lunch…that’s where I learnt that I might have a lunch buddy soon.

Sun was gentle bake outside, but not scorching to the extend of perspiration when I return from lunch; good breeze and no signs of drizzle.

Will be turning earlier tonight due to intensity of workout and the speed of work adopted today, but only after completing my PTCs online.
A change in my workout schedule to be on alternative even days instead of odd days; just a buffer to build up against any mental-draining work which migh tleave me dry like a bone after a day; despite my high capacity energy level.

Another 11mins more to the ending of my break, which is 1hour at 1 go; mind still abit warm after the 3 glasses of wine last night, but certainly it brought out my true self.

Drinking was not to drown my sorrows but rather for relaxation and revealing the true side without hiding of any emotions. What made me feel good about talking to Serene was ever since I heard my aunt telling me to find a girl who is submissive; reason being in what is in the show

.Also, I’ve been recalled by one section of the game Final Fantasy VII, where Cloud’s mother suggested he find a nice girl and settle down, preferably someone who is older and can take care of him…well, games are ficticious but this game somewhat reflects much about the emotional sector of humans and parts of it can be so true…
Getting ready to leave home soon for the new week of battle. Serene's suggestion was definitely good, for me to get a Diploma in General Insurance; need to check on the sponsorship from HR; if it certainly is positive, that will be a good choice for me, but should I be moving forward to specialise in underwriting, then I have to shed off Cloud Strife's image...many thoughts on this had been ongoing for awhile.

Just need to free my mind from the "free radical" thoughts that might just prevent me from doing what I need to do. I still have my own "reverse-engineered" thoughts and actions but these might be something that has to be managed well and not put my life out of balance, and yet at the same time, I still want to achieve something extraordinary in an extraordinary span of time.

For now, just get ready and clear off the battle for 2009 Week 1.
I was driving my mum and sister to a carpark near Simei but the neighbourhood resembled that of my old home in Bedok North, with the low-storeyed shop houses and that furniture store which took up a corner of the floor.

Another scene flashed where I was in a food manufacturing factory, with a hotplate like device which was situated near some roller without the conveyor belt, and I saw Chen Jianbin, one of the TV host, donned in white chef attire and told me that he needed to visit the gent's for the "big business" and left me to take care of the place. Surprisingly, the frozen fish fillet I had placed on the hotplate, was still having the ice flakes around it and even after removing the plastic covering left on it, it did not melt for awhile.

I was back to the Bedok North neighbourhood again; this time, I saw my mum using a white mobile phone which resembled those Docomo phones from Japan and then exiting from a shop selling Chinese New Year decorations, with a pinkish glow from the shop. For a moment, I learnt from her that my grandma just passed away, which I saw myself at the hospital by her deathbed, withholding myself from breaking down.

This scene never seemed to occured in reality but I certainly could sense that sorrow especially when I had been so close to her; her death was in 1986 but it seemed like it has been postponed, as I was already in my 20s at that scene by her deathbed.

I drove my mum and sister back, while holding my sorrow back...poof.
Was already on the 3rd glass when I was chatting with Serene...we chatted about compatibility and did a quick search online between Virgo and Taurus...it was a sweet 8/10 and facts there are certainly quite true about each's personality...

There are so many things that we can talk about and enjoyed chatting; learnt that she has not been to karaoke for awhile even though invited by her friends; for me, it's been a while too as I've not found anyone whom I can go with...seems that the wine is bringing out the true self within and I'm able to express myself better emotionally; part of the conversation appeared to be a "phone KTV session" which certainly made us both enjoy the conversation better.

Before I entered slumberland, I had told Serene that Cloud Strife want to watch over her and woop...she got the meaning. Symphony 92.4 ushered me into the World Beyond Dreamland.
Feeling of discomfort crept all over me as if I was going to fall ill, so went ahead with a full workout accompanied by Advent Children movie on my gaming rig.

The day had really been sunless right from the day time till evening; not a visible sight of the ray from the fiery ball that warms up the entire planet...tried playing a little of Dekaron; somehow the gameplay's faster but had this problem of auto logging out after awhile...could be some server issue but doesn't matter.

1st cup of wine has been ingested. Chat time with Serene now.
A very quiet Sunday morning as I've not heard from Serene for awhile...guess she could be busy with revision?

I was unable to sleep last night due to the nap I had after dinner till near midnight, so had been playing Atlantica Online. Blurriness coated the skies as it is another' sunless day with cold wind rushing through the square apetures of my room's window.

Ought to go out for awhile later to kill boredom and get some books for reading.
I was well ahead of schedule to complete my emails and once again, system constrains has prevented me from checking some information in the shared drive.

Spent the whole day at home; actually had thoughts to meet Serene but she could have been busy with her own things, so we kept in touch via SMS for the whole day.

Saw her message that "The Maid" was telecasting and she was afraid, so I went to the hall to watch, and my mum had already turned on the TV. Indeed, it was a frightening show, one of the best local productions. It dawned on me that such people still do exist and may had already been the past, considering the cycling-postman and the dilapidated residences.

Serene had already switched channel when I SMSed her after landing myself in front of the TV; which is an unusual practise for me.

This came after my nap of 4 hours after dinner, and stayed awake for awhile by playing Atlantica Online, and finished the day with 2 glasses of Merlot
I was in some basement and was able to see Lengleng and a few colleagues; we were taking some stuff out from a dark cabinet which appeared to be the blackened version of the office cabinets.

Later on, there was a scene where I saw mys own hand outstretched, with 3 bronze disc levitating off the rear side of my palm and then spin until a certain lockage was formed on each of them; there after there was a mechanical sound and the whole place suddenly turned upside down.

Saw myself in a place filled with orange light and there was a scene which I saw Andy Lau and Hazel seemed to be the female role in his MTV, and I appeared with Lulu throwing some gold confetti unto them while he was sining; it was like a prince and princess kind of shot and there was a camera crew behind.
