Just received an SMS from Liting about what I wrote...it certainly brings about a kind of warmth, gentle breeze in my heart, a very delicate moment which occured almost 10 years ago which I remember crystal-clearly. As what I've told her, I guess I'm too gentleman at that brittle moment, but that simple gesture of whisking her fringe gently off her face certainly wasn't something ordinary without any significance.

I chatted with her over the phone yesterday and we talked about that time when she did not have access to the computer and came over to my place to use my PC to do her project; I wasn't accomodating because I had feelings for her, but she certainly needed help at that time...since I could help, I thought, "why not?"

Meeting up will never be as convenient as before considering she already has a family; probably hearing each other's voice over the phone most of the time might be the best thing we can do to keep in touch after re-connecting through these 10 years.

Coming back to think of it, I remember one of my juniors, Yusheng, who happened to be in the same class as Liting, teased me jokingly when he saw Liting chatting with another guy student whom I don't know, asking if I felt something sour in my heart. Seriously I didn't, but she certainly was a really sweet girl (now still).

Sometimes, I wonder what she does to take care of her complexion which seemed flawless whenever I see her and chat with her, with an occasional glance over her countenance.

Liting's a really chatty person by nature so whenever we chat, most of the time I'll be listening to her talk and she can just go on endlessly, like our time is put to a standstill. No doubt it's only a conversation, it tells me alot about herself and how brittle she can be emotionally; from what she tells me about her past relationships / troubles, I could see that she's a very committed lover and will give all out to her partner.

Am I able to deliver as such? Sometimes I ask myself but not even myself can give that answer.

At this point, it's just like a quick and light breeze sweeping me back to those days where I carried a really light bag, packed with just a handful of books / writing materials weighing less than 1kg, to and from Bishan. Even PE lessons were so much tougher and sticter (yet fun) compared to school days.

Introduction to my Secretarial Days.

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