Certainly, sitting in front of Tay, I have a real good laugh many times when she spew certain remarks over things, which even Eric and Hazel will break into laughter from her humor. Oh well, with her around, somehow, days are more fun to go by and it's pretty true about the type of company we have that keeps the bond strong.

Quite a long day as I finished work only 8:30pm; stayed behind to chat with Norizan and Brigitte while admiring their fish tanks, and soon, Alex was ready to go off, and managed to have more company while we walk back to the MRT station / bus stops. We certainly had a good fellowship time while chatting during the walk, as the working hours does not permit us to have time for a real fellowship.

Quite a heavy load today but I managed to clear the backlog and emails well before schedule, except for some referral cases.

Many have left the office pretty early but I'm pretty used to staying late to work, without having to worry about the time crisises during actual operating hours...staying late at work has one good thing and that is to withhold myself from time to laze / slack but making time productively used.

I've not seen Pink for 3 days...kind of miss her but I know that all these hard work will bear fruit in time to come.

work still goes on as tomorrow will be Midway Battle; checkpoint for the middle of battleweek.

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