Quite a tense moment at work from the variety of patience-challenging followups which I needed to gather my emotional chakara to combat those moments but still managed to go through the day.

The journey on the bus was a quiet, little rumbly and yet pleasant, as I was able to get a temporal rest of my mind while I went through the events of the days; the email about promotions for some colleagues, the question Norizan asked about my blog, which will always remain as mysterious as the Matrix...the list goes on. The journey home was like a ride on a creaky tugboat after a fearsome battle of Midway while returning to our barracks, all tired, dirty and wet; with a reverse condition in this case; aircon, clean but still tired mentally.

Time spent at home is much shortened since the day I work at AIG; as the time goes by, gaining experience and skillset. I know this will not be permanent so I'll endure while continuing to gain more knowledge, skills and experience as each day of battle goes by.

A twist to the evening; managed to catch up with Gowrie and Aisha via MSN and sms respectively and it's great to know that Gowrie's getting married soon and Aisha is doing fine; the last time I heard she was promoted to ATL along with a few; I still remember those moments when I first lunch with them and gettintg to know them better as the days go by while we worked, battling the shift hours of irregularity and the final Night Battle which reversed our resting capability for quite sometime.

It's a short, yet wonderful chat I had with Gowrie and hearing her talk out her emotional discomfort...always feel happy to see my friends around me feeling better after confiding in me and being able to lend a listening ear to them.

Flagplug to mark the end of Black Tuesday.

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