Just settled down from dinner after getting home. Had a short battle with some troublesome people but managed to talk it out with June and co...it's really fun to have their company at the after-office hours.

Once again, the 3 musketeers are the Last Men Standing; Kent, myself and Alex...they had been great company; Kent was always there to make a laughing session no matter how tense things go, and Alex would be the laughing audience with his smiley countenance. He had been nicknamed as "Vampire Master" just like Lim Cheng Eng who was the "celebrity Taoist master" for humor's sake. For myself, would be animating the situation.

The evening had been a peaceful one and certainly enjoyed the company of those who kept me company through the evening despite being late into the night.

A little drained so I won't be riding flat tonight; tomorrow's another MED.

Finally an hour’s lunch break in a long time. I was contacted by a financial consultant from Manulife about some savings plan, which I could consider after sometime. It brought up some memories of my late friend Alex Lim, who passed away on 13/05/07.

It’s already been a year since I last paid my last respect to him. Though we don’t talk much, but he’s really someone who knows his work and really does it well…

Had a short discussion with Melphis about going abroad for vacation, and mostly likely will be going alone to visit Eko, who has been staying there for many years. The thought of migrating over is still my ultimate goal, but I would like to see how the place / life is there.

Will be bogging myself down with work to keep my mind preoccupied, to avoid those unnecessary flittering thoughts, which could result in atomic effects when left growing.

Lunch had been a small group and yet heartwarming fellowship as I got to chat with Melphis and Markus.Will be back to work soon but will keep my thoughts here for awhile, while the "beautiful moments" of lunch break prevails.

One day break tomorrow from the overtime before the long standing hours of the weekend.

Just awoken after a deep sleep; especially tired from yesterday's workout and long working hours.

It was a dream like in some sort of bomb shelter and all the people were escaping this hideous, giagantic man-eating starfish and there were armoured renegade warriors armed to defend the civilians. Flash to another scene of in a shopping mall and saw a few of my ex schoolmates and a gir who turned over a new leaf; she's pretty but used to mix with bad company, so I was talking to her and showing her some of her studio shots and telling her "see, you can be so pretty" and she was smiling bashfully at me.

Strange but pleasantly surprising dream which I haven't had for a while, especially the part where I'm talking to this pretty girl, but can't match her face to a name though it rings a bell.

Just made some bitter booster to keep me going for the day; managed to wake up at 6am and complete the varied workout despite the short rest I had…somehow sleepy in the morning but could re-enter slumber, therefore commenced the workout.

1 min more to be back to work; just a recap of thoughts; phone has been especially quiet except for the occasional SMSes from friends and catching up with them.

Back to battle.

3 mins more to finishing my 2nd break. Had a short snoozer and flipped through some pages of ad for holiday packages; guess I really need one for some gettaway.

Back to the last battle of the day.

It was in the same place again, but on another side of the building. We were in a technical mob which all of us had to report back to camp and were all fully equipped and ready to move out for any operations.

There was an accident where someone got injured in camp premises and I saw Acid Boy, but was not sure who was the injured personnel; I was telling the guys that this is only a mob and such things happen...all of us were carrying our FBO and loitering around the 2nd level, outside what seems to be a classroom in the past, looking out at the parade square where the accident occured.d

Strapped to my back was also a long-barrel shotgun which was never seen anywhere in history.
Time compression breakJust had a time-compression lunch and made some coffee to keep me up during the ALS while I carry out on my work.

Getting ready to be back to work.
Woke up at 6:45am today to the knocking of the door from mum, which I've heard the alarm at 6:30am but wanted to snooze for awhile more.

It's going to be a long day ahead as I'll be leaving office after work, in the darkness again, since I'll be doing OT after the training.

Sometimes when I see elderly people taking buses in the morning, dress casually and looking fresh, does put an envy to my heart, but I know they have had their tough times, and it's time for them to enjoy their golden years. Now it's my turn to make my mark and work hard for my future, so being a little tired at times is alright. Most importantly, eating and resting well.

Getting ready to move out to the next battle day soon.
Started the day by going to the bank to sign documentations for funds reversal, and was advised that the process will take a week or so; at least I've taken the first step to notify the bank.

The day seemed to pass pretty quickly, but yet intensively as there were a few difficult matters at hand, but managed to get it through. Yuzhen's phone is pretty bad on the battery and so did not get to catch up with her via phone tonight.

It is the beginning of the Long March week where I will be working through the weekend till Friday next week. National Day will be a break for me; a 2nd full Saturday break for a long time.

Skimmed through 20incho.com for bike parts but so far nothing interests me. Jiawei still seem pretty active on the web and his riding, but seems that he won't be so actively doing videos anymore. Ahmaed has sold off his bike already which I've though of buying the complete bike from him.

Need to get as much rest I can this week, coupled with the more intense workout which I've tweaked recently.
Just went to Simei to have dinner; was intending to walk around but somehow just feel uncomfortable; guess it's still about the banking issue this afternoon, which I will be making a trip down to resolve it tomorrow.

Heavy-hearted because of this as well as the odd feeling of walking alone in Simei on a Sunday...but I guess I shouldn't think too much about it; life still goes on...said a little prayer to ease my worries as I was on the way home after dinner just now.

Guess it's time for me to rest since nothing much for the evening...will be having my workout tomorrow before I go to the bank to settle that matter.
A slip of proper checking....it caused some funds to be sent to the wrong account no!

I had been wanting to do some fund transfer via cash deposit machines, but it seemed so difficult when searching for one, so decided to do it online, which is much more convenient, and can be ported over within the next few days.

Thankfully, I've got Lenz who was really a good listening ear when talked it out to him, as well as some of my frustrations which had been suppressed within.

Will need to visit the bank tomorrow to sign some documents to set it via reversal mode.
Warming up my thoughts with a coffee after all the laundry and bathing of Jack who is enjoying himself in his clean home, yet ignoring me when I playfully poke his bum while calling him.

Doing some e-sorting of files in my computer while working out on bill payments...

Woot...check out the Asus Eee Nettop! it's a cool little device for minimal space and simple applications like web-surfing...might be getting this as a solution for my desktop replacement, considering the space-saving feature...

Almost time to get moving out for a quick washdown and errands.
Just gave Jack a warm bath and as usual, he's enjoying the scrubbing and soaking in warm water.

Sunday's my usual cleanup day, where I'll give my room and laundry a thorough run through to make the place more comfortable and prepare myself for the week. Next will be my ride's turn to get a wash; shall spare the waxing for this week as it would deem pretty redundant to do it every week.
I dreamt that I was in some dilapilated make-shift barracks which looks more like a training ground, and previously an abandoned building of an old school.

There was a part where we came out on the field and saw a group of ninjas training, and then saw the label "Ninja Training School" which was shown on the front building, as we were on a hill which was almost at the height of the building. After training for awhile, the trainer, who looked like Yongyi from my secondary school, told me that we need reinforcements for the main unit to train us as the support group is lacking in manpower.

A scene shows us at some shophouses doing some missions, carrying the traditional kunai and shuriken, and being able to leap at storey-height from places to places.

Fast forward to a place where we yielded full battle order and were given live rounds. I was carrying a shot gun and managed to shoot down a few live targets, including a live vulture, which landed within our premises. I tried reloading the gun by turning like Schwarzenegger but could not do so, and the empty catridge jumped out without having to account for it. Shotguns are cool.

Somehow, this unit I am in is like a cross between modern warfare with ancient ninjitsu.
Ready to move off to work; today's workout was of a different beat with a change of usage of weights; the fixed weights are becoming less effective as my strength increases through the previous months of training.

It'll be a half-battle today, afterwhich I can go out to do some shopping to reward myself for all the hard work...a little tired as I spent the night editing and watching flatland videos, thinking if I should pick up my bike again after so long of non-practise due to hours at work; afterall it's a good alternative of not spending money unnecessarily and I will benefit from the skills and experience when riding; one of a good way to occupy myself after all the hardwork and spare my eyes from the fatigue of looking at the PC all day at work.

Time to make a move?
Woke up at 5 to the rhythm of Shinobi 3 and started a varied workout to spice things out from the usual routine type; the dumbbells have turned too light and it's time to get a set of interchangeables.

I had a dream about an accident involving a NSF driver and it came to mind that I spoke to Lee Kok Seng and he told me about how good he was as a driver, and somehow, it crossed relation with MSG Lee's late son who was also KIA as a rider.

Her cellphone was off when I tried calling the first time during my break time, and there after, no answer despite several rings. I have a strong feeling that she’s still around but under an avoiding mode.

I need to keep hold my emotions well and not let it go berserk, since I have been unable to reach her for the last 2 days with that message she’s going away. The wall of trust has been crumbled since she went abroad for so long and I have done my part of apology on that message which was to meant for a friend.

with all those "socially-powerful" and going up to the top?

It was a tiring night as I reached home pretty late; completed my workout and got to know a new friend on Skype who is also in the finance sector. We chatted till around 11 when I needed to rest; but stayed online for awhile looking through sports car; was thinking of changing my ride, but for now, will see how things go first.

Will be on a high power mode these 2 weeks as I will be doing lots of OT, so much lesser time will be spent at home...in the meantime, will log my thoughts and events here since will not be going anywhere else after work.
Feeling a little calmer yet patience resistance from work issues but still coping fine; somehow, it feels like my Dark Chakara brimmed after that news about Pink leaving all of sudden.

The pantry was a little populated so I decided to deskmount and write my out my thoughts here, to ease the tension / pressure building on a cumulative basis within.

Just took a quick skim through the papers; time to set back to work
Just settled down, post dinner, after the Inter-Department Bowling Competition at Marina Bowl...it was a pretty tough fight and I took up Esther's place after the first round; certainly was stressed up and was not at my peak compared to the previous practises we had.

Sal was the champ of the night; clearing the pins with Strike or the most the 2nd attempt without much problems. Initially, I took up the role of photographer before I played and managed to get us in action. It was one of those times I saw Clein in her real self; ie the not serious side of her. The news from Daniel is that we did not get into the top 3; no worries as we played our best, but today was one day I was certainly not myself due to anxiety.

Overall, we really had fun, screaming the cheers and finally left at 9:15pm, where we took a chartered bus back to Eunos MRT station and I took 67 back home.
It certainly felt like something so important lost from my life.A certain sector not fully awaken and was in some sort of slumber; a type of drugged state that I could not feel the world around me.
I remember there was a night I was up in the middle of the night to visit the latrine, and when I was leaving the kitchen area after exiting latrine, I heard a sound of the wooden chair being nudged and that wood-against tile dragging sound, but there was no one there.

My dad was sleeping like a log and I stared into the darkness of the non-lit kitchen and saw nothing; half my mind was thinking that I might see something extraordinary...


At this point of time, I could feel a stingy feeling as my hair stood on ends, and went back to sleep without thinking much. I wondering if it could be due to the spiritual return of my grandma I remember how she will nudge the chair when she was not able to walk quickly due to the rheumatism in her legs before she passed on 7 years ago.
Another thing to take note at work but have received a precaution that I may not be able to do emails in future if similar mistakes are done; that sentence triggered some memories from my previous workplace but it certainly has a certain effect, as I want very much to prove my competency.Time for some engine braking to look through things carefully, and learn to take things easier in a way. My main worry is that such things will affect my chances of perm conversion, which appraisal will be in the next 4 months upon completion of my contract.
I was reading some paranormal stuff on the Web and sometimes wonder why do people cross lines with the paranormal? Is it because there is something that they need from us, or we need to do something in return for certain form of blessings?

From Rynn's updates, it seems that the paranormal has turned worst especially when Junwei isn't around; though it's not a Taoist priest by nature, he certainly knows such matter in a certain depth as compared to many of us. For my stance is to respect all that's around; be in natural / supernatural, and not to play any silly tricks. Of course, the most important thing is our faith in our own belief.

The air of the night had been still as I recall the encounters Benjamin has shared with me, of which, some I've related to Rynn and company during our stay at the chalet / BBQ last night.

One of which I've not shared is about a duo tall and short ghosts which his friends saw at MacRitchie reservoir in the night, where one of his friends taunted "it" and soon, he was possessed and "it" spoke, telling them this was to teach him a lesson for disturbing them, and in order for them to leave him in peace, they had to put up offerings. Once agreed, they did without trying any tricks...sure enough, it never touched him again.
A little rainy afternoon as I went to pick Pink and Little B up from Shop N Save where she forgot to bring her purse along for groceries...it was certainly heartwarming to see her today as she shared with me her experiences at the foot reflexology centre.

Arose from slumber soon after hearing my phone ring to the usual techno beat, while preparing my water bottle to carry along when driving.

Back home now, skimming throught the Web for used WRX for sale; that steadily heavy rumble seem to spur me to get a ride of that sort and have received a message from one of my ride's forum member about trading in leads; that could wait awhile though it'll be real cool to own one powerful ride of that sort; I'll be the first person in my family to own a turbo-ed ride, so to speak.
The previous night had been wonderful as I was able to see everyone after so long; Eric is very much the same, so as Junwei, Rynn and Sharrifah, and Siti joined us later.

I spent quite some time chatting with Eric about these young girls and their mindset, and also talked about middle-age / medevial movies with Markus who is a great fan of the sort. Junwei was as usual, the master of preparing the pits and a few of his friends also came over to stay. Cheng is still very much the same with his "caucasian" look.

Wanna is still very cheerful as usual and learnt that she's handling the lines for NDP which will be available till 16/08 where a few active NSFs will be helping her; it sure sounds fun; having to manage a small group of people to handle this extended service.

I learnt that the paranormal encounter is getting from bad to worst from Rynn, which has even occured in the day time and strangely, only to the ladies...this was conversed during the wee hours of the morning; 4 - 5am, and while staying to chat with them, I decided to put up for the night as it was too unsafe as I detected a drop in my concentration level due to fatigue.

I took my leave in the morning after chatting a little with Junwei and Eric; had a 3 hour recuperation soon after I got home; thankfully the journey was safe as I could feel some fatigue and lack of proper focus while making my way home.
The fresh scent of soil came with a rushing sound; a peek outside shows that rain has started. That might be a good idea afterall since it has been so warm in the earlier part of the day; this will make the evening a cooling time and higher probability that it will not rain tonight during our BBQ session in Costa Sands.

Good time for a wipeoff on my ride later as the weather had been a little hydrating and leaving watermarks on the surface but I could do a break from waxing tomorrow as the main objective now is to rid the watermarks and achieve a showroom shine...it's a good chance for me to write my thoughts out in the dark-sky yet comfortable afternoon, finally, after a time of good sleep recovery.

Thinking of going out for a spin before meeting the bunch.
It had been quite a challenging and yet victorious week as I got to do some new things at work that spiced up apart from the usual routine things; while gaining experience in a different direction.

Generator Power Low indicator detected as my self-cooked lunch had been depleted...it was great to make my own lunch where I can choose what I want with my own variety.

Weather looks abit dark; let's pray that it will not hinder our roasting time of fun and laughter tonight at Costa Sand Resort.
Whiffed back from a 3-hour OT and saw Lawrence; he's so much tanner from ICT as he should have finished yesterday; chatted a little and he left earlier after finishing his work.

Got a 45min "free" parking at my workplace but still managed to finish my work; hyuk hyuk...

It's a hot, yet drive was comfortable as I was not blazed by the sun under the cool air in my ride but to do a little clean up of my interior as I accidentally tipped the packet of full cream milk while sipping and driving; guess that's the problem of a MT car but I still like the ability to put the driving style in full control.

A little snoozer before the BBQ later.
The first ray of light came at 7:30am where I lay till 8am, and disabled the slumber mode to get ready to go back to do overtime.

There was a scene about me staying in a big house of the landed property zone where things seem so easy and comfortable for me, with a Nissan Silvia parked outside my home...it was so wonderful; the ultimate kind of place I want to stay in, with gentle wind blowing in the frontyard and a self-built waterfall under the gentle ray of sunlight. Many thoughts ran through my mind as I awoken just now butI can't dwell in it too much; using right action makes it possible to get what I want in life!
A break from the usual overtime I stay for as I went back home before darkness; something which I haven't had in a while; was planning to stay for overtime but will carry on with that tomorrow.

Looking forward to the fellowship tomorrow at Pasir Ris!!

A quick yet powerful workout wrapped my day just before having a light dinner and resuming to catch up on the episodes of Bleach which I have been missing for the past few months since I started working here. The week had been pretty victorious and managed to have time to chat with my colleagues, but just have to be careful on a few things at work; like how Tay told Eric that she will give him a massage in line with the massage session given organised by the SPICE team.

Had been a little occupied on my mind with work and how I can manage my time better; still moving towards the ability to drive to work everyday without having to worry about getting parking fines, rush and not forgetting, the progression of experience points from more work.
I must have been really tired; continued to sleep even after the alarm rang at 6:30am thought today is the scheduled MED...guess I'll have to reslot the workout to be after work tonight.

Ready to go off now.


On a proposed plan to do OT after the monthly meeting but Esther told us to go back as she doesn't want us to stay so late; so managed to clear my work and went to chat with Brigitte while looking at all the fish tanks around their area.

I walked to the bus stop area with Brigitte and learnt that she's driving today; initially didn't want to hitch a ride from her so as not to inconvenient her, but still accepted out of her good will...she's certainly very kind. We chatted as she drove through PIE and only then I found out she's driving a Hafei Minz, which looks like a minature version of minibus and yet it is quite comfortable...could consider getting one when I'll be out with a group of friends / family members.

Half my mind was thinking of getting a S13 for leisure purpose and using my current ride for general purpose ie going to work and back but that may not be feasible...saving up is a good habit so as to be able to accumulate wealth and overall, still a better practise.
Deep slumber in the comfortably chilly Bus 67 when I was on the way to work today; managed do to 2 sets of near completed workout, ate and got ready to come to work.Quite pretty worn out from yesterday’s work as I stayed till quite late to do my work.The snooze on the bus was a good one as I had a short recovery from the muscle expansion session in the morning.
Managed get my workout done before I get to my workplace and while on the bus, had a good snooze and woke up in time to alight; Robert saw me and told me that he could not catch up with me due to my walking speed while we met in the Gents while styling my hair.

It's the midpoint of the week; work is still manageable except for some crucial moments where finger / hand movement needs to be hastened.

Left work and went home, a little tired but mind still broadcasting the chakara to keep the thoughts running while on the way home.

Quite a tense moment at work from the variety of patience-challenging followups which I needed to gather my emotional chakara to combat those moments but still managed to go through the day.

The journey on the bus was a quiet, little rumbly and yet pleasant, as I was able to get a temporal rest of my mind while I went through the events of the days; the email about promotions for some colleagues, the question Norizan asked about my blog, which will always remain as mysterious as the Matrix...the list goes on. The journey home was like a ride on a creaky tugboat after a fearsome battle of Midway while returning to our barracks, all tired, dirty and wet; with a reverse condition in this case; aircon, clean but still tired mentally.

Time spent at home is much shortened since the day I work at AIG; as the time goes by, gaining experience and skillset. I know this will not be permanent so I'll endure while continuing to gain more knowledge, skills and experience as each day of battle goes by.

A twist to the evening; managed to catch up with Gowrie and Aisha via MSN and sms respectively and it's great to know that Gowrie's getting married soon and Aisha is doing fine; the last time I heard she was promoted to ATL along with a few; I still remember those moments when I first lunch with them and gettintg to know them better as the days go by while we worked, battling the shift hours of irregularity and the final Night Battle which reversed our resting capability for quite sometime.

It's a short, yet wonderful chat I had with Gowrie and hearing her talk out her emotional discomfort...always feel happy to see my friends around me feeling better after confiding in me and being able to lend a listening ear to them.

Flagplug to mark the end of Black Tuesday.
Been having funny dreams lately and all those places seem so familiar.

Muscle recovery was properly done as I slept till 7am though proposed alarm was at 6:30am..getting ready to go to work soon but will let my ride rest today so as to avoid unnecessary troubles like the fine which I received that was an occurrence sometime back.

It'll be a longer day as I'll most likely be doing overtime tonight.
I managed to get the refund done quickly at Carefour and walked around a little to browse, but remembering I had been soaking up in the car accessories section for 2 hours or so till they close, I decided to make my way back home to rest as it's getting late and the time spent at home has been greatly reduced...

Slapped with a fine for parking at Tembeling Road which is about 5mins walk to my workplace...time to Shinobi away and avoid that area...it does hurt my pocket but I guess the better side of things will be to learn about it and not repeat this mistake.

Been pretty busy making my ride as nice and comfy as possible lately. Busy-ness of work kicked in pretty quickly but still within capacity to juggle all the tasks. I remember Andrew who was really cool-headed when talking to difficult people on the phone; a trait certainly worth adopting to make work a little more easier on the mind in this speciality.

Been waiting for her reply but so far haven't heard from her as she thought I wasn't true in my fact about driving; had done my explanation but hope to hear from her soon...

The gentle drizzle of the night brings about a calling to rest, build and reconstruct new muscle tissues from the full-fledged workout today.
Fatigue encumbered me when I woke up to the alarm for my proposed workout at 5am but re-entered slumberland when laying on bed for awhile to regain consciousness. Woke up again at 6:30am and force-start my workout session, managing to complete it and brought half a loaf of remaining raisin bread to work. Mentally still abit bushed from the heavy load workout overpowering the slumber in a semi-control mode of my mind.

Just had a sip of coffee and that greatest mind is powering up; senses activated and inbuilt speed enhancer mode selected.Activities after work today will be dropping by Carefour to exchange / refund the wrong colour Turtlewax.
Finally managed to settle down after a 5 hour long wash / wax deco up of my ride...realised I bought the wrong shade of the colour fix which was supposed to enhance gleam and fix those minor chip marks.

The day had been really warm as I went to pick Pink up to spend some time together but the weather had made both of our mood a little disrupted; things are better after a short rest and went to pick Little B up and wento Giant for some grocery shopping, before I sent them back while I spent 5 hour at one go in the nearby carpark to touch up my car.

Maybe it was due to the many months that I had not been taking proper care of my ride, so now it's a return of "feelings" for proper care and tidying; bit by bit, I will restore it back to what it was 3 years ago and start fixing up some accessories to personalise it.

Wish I can have Pink's company tonight; the day seemed to whiff by when I was spending time washing and touching up my ride.
Phew, just cleared my overtime; managed to finish 28 emails within a span of 2 hours; but need to take note of some incorrect information.

The morning whiffed by pretty quickly as I was able to complete the work without much problems, except for a few which need some turnaround time.

Quite a chilly place now that Lawrence and Hazel had left after they have done their work but it's my turn to leave soon...sometimes wish I can put up at a place nearby so I can shorten the travelling time even further. Energy level is somewhat back after a "10 hour deep rest" last night; wish I had more energy to keep going through the night via the web on how to doll up my ride.
Quite a dashy move when exiting workplace from 1/2 day leave which I have applied quite a few months ago; even slipped my mind after filing the approval slip, and gave Eric a fright when I asked him on the confirmation of approval.

Was planning to go for a good sunbath at the beach but the weather suggested the opposite, so stayed at home to read ups and catch up with some friends via MSN...also managed to complete Shadowdance, which I never got a chance to play on Megadrive during the Sega era.

Quite an energy depleting day as I drove around in my ride to do some window shopping and picked Pink at Eastpoint where we spent some time before sending her home.
Phew. Managed to pull of a full set of workout today though I felt so sleepy; broke of the "soul sleep" mode and proceeded on a workout frenzy and managed to complete everything, coupled with a thorough shower and changed to get ready to move off.

I had a dream about talking to Kevin and Hoe Yong at a place, which looks like a shopping mall, which is near the Singapore River; somehow, this place looks pretty different; with very soft lightings and soothing ambience; just like the feeling of the Lavender shower gel from Palmolive...

Short collection of morning's happenings.
Finally ported over 90% of my blog. This will be the new home where all my thoughts / events will be stored.

Went to see doctor for a follow up today as I still had discomfort in my stomach due the previous diagnosis of bleeding rectum...so my incentive will be wind down for this month. Eric was telling me to do my best yesterday to get the full incentive but guess I can only recover it next month...small ailments dont' occur to me except for such complications, which occur occasionally. But I mustn't be complacent too; looking at Luqman's health is also a concern and tells us how precious life can be especially when there's a setback on our health condition.

Back to work tomorrow but had quite a deep rest just now; need to get adequate rest as I have been working long hours recently; doctor said the boiling factor is to look at my diet and take lots of fruits and vegetables...I'll need to do that on a consistent basis.

Rest for battle tomorrow. Make up MED!

Awoken by the sound of Westminister clock chime on my phone, I woke up to disable to alarm, planning to go for a run before work but went back to lay on bed.

There was a dream back to Tanjung Gul camp where we had our 1st ICT, and saw my comrades, then the outprocessing at the container-converted in / out pro centre; I also saw the Brigade S3 whom I don’t know why he was joining us al ong the queue.

When I awaken, it was already 7:10am and I had missed my proposed morning run, therefore, went on to prepare myself to make my way to work.

I took a bus and fell into deep slumber when I was on the bus and soon, I had arrived at my workplace; it must’ve quite a battling day yesterday for me but I managed to live it well.

Just received an SMS from Liting about what I wrote...it certainly brings about a kind of warmth, gentle breeze in my heart, a very delicate moment which occured almost 10 years ago which I remember crystal-clearly. As what I've told her, I guess I'm too gentleman at that brittle moment, but that simple gesture of whisking her fringe gently off her face certainly wasn't something ordinary without any significance.

I chatted with her over the phone yesterday and we talked about that time when she did not have access to the computer and came over to my place to use my PC to do her project; I wasn't accomodating because I had feelings for her, but she certainly needed help at that time...since I could help, I thought, "why not?"

Meeting up will never be as convenient as before considering she already has a family; probably hearing each other's voice over the phone most of the time might be the best thing we can do to keep in touch after re-connecting through these 10 years.

Coming back to think of it, I remember one of my juniors, Yusheng, who happened to be in the same class as Liting, teased me jokingly when he saw Liting chatting with another guy student whom I don't know, asking if I felt something sour in my heart. Seriously I didn't, but she certainly was a really sweet girl (now still).

Sometimes, I wonder what she does to take care of her complexion which seemed flawless whenever I see her and chat with her, with an occasional glance over her countenance.

Liting's a really chatty person by nature so whenever we chat, most of the time I'll be listening to her talk and she can just go on endlessly, like our time is put to a standstill. No doubt it's only a conversation, it tells me alot about herself and how brittle she can be emotionally; from what she tells me about her past relationships / troubles, I could see that she's a very committed lover and will give all out to her partner.

Am I able to deliver as such? Sometimes I ask myself but not even myself can give that answer.

At this point, it's just like a quick and light breeze sweeping me back to those days where I carried a really light bag, packed with just a handful of books / writing materials weighing less than 1kg, to and from Bishan. Even PE lessons were so much tougher and sticter (yet fun) compared to school days.

Introduction to my Secretarial Days.

Certainly, sitting in front of Tay, I have a real good laugh many times when she spew certain remarks over things, which even Eric and Hazel will break into laughter from her humor. Oh well, with her around, somehow, days are more fun to go by and it's pretty true about the type of company we have that keeps the bond strong.

Quite a long day as I finished work only 8:30pm; stayed behind to chat with Norizan and Brigitte while admiring their fish tanks, and soon, Alex was ready to go off, and managed to have more company while we walk back to the MRT station / bus stops. We certainly had a good fellowship time while chatting during the walk, as the working hours does not permit us to have time for a real fellowship.

Quite a heavy load today but I managed to clear the backlog and emails well before schedule, except for some referral cases.

Many have left the office pretty early but I'm pretty used to staying late to work, without having to worry about the time crisises during actual operating hours...staying late at work has one good thing and that is to withhold myself from time to laze / slack but making time productively used.

I've not seen Pink for 3 days...kind of miss her but I know that all these hard work will bear fruit in time to come.

work still goes on as tomorrow will be Midway Battle; checkpoint for the middle of battleweek.

Lightened version of ALC so I upkeep my energy level after the quick, water lunch. Too much curry gravy making the mixed rice taste like mixed porridge.

I’ve been successful in doing 2/3 of my workout this morning despite waking up at 7am; not to be too greedy to complete the entire set of workout and have the trouble of being late and losing out on my incentive.

Another couple of hours before the battle of the day ends.

Managed to get complete my workout though I've worked a little late today. Lots of mind boggling issues at work but nothing I can't handle so far from all the knowledge accumulated over the past 8 months. We had a casual chat among our team this morning and Eric realised that it has been 8 months since I'm working here...time really flies! Soon it'll be a year.

Life is back to normal after that 5 days of "military vacation" which lots of memories were carried along.

I realised that my memory capacity has also improved over the days while I work here, as this requires me to remember alot of things, which can help cut down unnecessary work when I adopt the useful tips which we learnt during the offsite training several months back. While gathering information, relax and slowly input those gathered information into the system and things will be smooth sailing from there.

Had a 45min break today which was scheduled at a non-peak hour so I can enjoy the quietness of the pantry while I lunch-in. Mixed rice tasted like porridge as there was too much gravy...but well, they managed to upkeep my Bio-Turbocharged engine till dinnertime and only started feeling hungry around 8pm when I needed to work my mind hard on some matters.

Anyhow, the day managed to go by pretty well as the most gladful thing I had was to be able to resume my workout regime on a segmented system. Today's workout will be just warming up before the full swing comes live on Wednesday.

Managed to have a good chat with Liting while washing my car as she gets ready to go for a friend's wedding dinner with her family. We have so much to discuss; but maybe meeting up with her won't be so convenient already since she's already married.

Come to think of it, we've been friends for 10 years, though on the "on-and-off" contact frequency, but I'm glad she has settled down with someone who cares for her.

My car sure had a thorough washup except for those kinks which needs to be fixed up to bring back it's flawless beauty; Vitamin M; lots of it needed. I dozed off when I reached home after all those hard work...and yes, back to work tomorrow and somewhat had this intertia going on in my mind and all over me; wished the weekend was longer.

Weekends will be shorter once again, since I'm back with the high frequency of overtime. But I must get back to my weights training regime tomorrow.

I had quite a tense conversation with Pink via Yahoo Messenger, and didn't get to meet up as I was tired from the touchup of my car...somehow, I just felt like the weekend slipped by pretty quickly...but I must not be complacent on my work so as to get the additional "free" money at the end of the month.

Time to rest...return to battle tomorrow.

A warming surprise took me when I read messages in my Friendster account...It's Liting, a long lost friend!

She has been away to US with her husband for a couple of years and is now back to Singapore...it's so wonderful to see her photos of their family together; she has a daughter who's so adorable.

Memory stop: I remember she told me about the troubles in the relationships she had been and even before she got married, there were some crisis which she was going through with her then-boyfriend, now hubby. It dawned on me that such a sweet girl like her will definitely need someone to care for her...I was riding back then and dropped by to see her mum and gently whiffed her fringe away from her face before I made my way home, on that sunny and heart-warming day.

I still recall how she told me "...don't be too nice to me. I'm afraid I'll fall for you..." those words remain in my heart and brings about a kind of special feeling. I don't know what that feeling should be described as...but it's like a fragment of lost memory retrieved from the many years it has been archived in my library of all memories.

Hearing the forcing alarm at 5am but my phone was not beside my bed, I continued to sleep as I spent the previous night sorting out some things in my online shop. Added a couple of new items for sale.

Quite some chores to do today; give car a thorough washup, tidy up my room and get some proper time to continue running my autopilot business. Gotta watch that cashflow to enquire that I do not blow my wallet with all the things I saw at Sim Lim that I desire so much.

Tomorrow will be back to battle; continue to upkeep all the early arrival and do my work properly, charge up all the overtimes to get a fatter paycheck at the end of the month.

A cup of coffee accompanies me in the warming up night to the music of Shinobi, an old time favourite game when the console was the "in" thing for us young boys during my childhood.

Been driving for long distances for almost the whole day and dropped by Giant, hoping to grab my dinner, but the food court was more packed than I expected. After running through the car care section, it's high time I started doing something good for my car.

First of all, will be making it smell good with a thorough cleanup of the interior before a thorough bath / washup and complete with a good waxing session; the last thing will be go for a good servicing and get the physical kinks fixed up at one good goal. It sure feels very different to drive in a flawless vehicle; I want to bring back that good feeling of driving in a perfect condition car again. Of course, all these needs pumping in of funds which I need to work hard for.

Time flies as I recall about my day; it's already 1/2 past 12am; hope Pink slept well.

An exceptionally short day which I spent the morning hours rushing through the emails due to time constraint of our system downtime for maintenance...I was the only person when I arrived, and June came in later, so I had company for a couple of hours with some casual chat till the system was down.

wow...LCDs are getting more exquisite in design and bigger, while pricing are competitively lowered from a few big players; saw the mini PC and thought of investing in one which I can carry around, without having to lug an almost 2kg lappy around, whenever I need to access the net, or just write some short thoughts. Brisked through most of the shops without much idea of how and when I should start rebuilding my PCs or should I get someone to revive my current down-PCs which has become an IT-decorative junk if I do not put it to good use.

All these ended around 7 when I spent the evening waddling in thoughts which causes irregularity in my mental chakara, before retiring for the night.

Pretty drained day.

ALS is awakening. Coffee has been prepared to curb those moment where I need full attention, considering that my work requires me to be on the bum all day; minimal movement causes a 360 degree horizontal development…this week has been well-battled so far and I’ve certainly missed a lot of my workout;. Recovery has not been done from the callup which was pretty intensive last week.

I made it this week; able to reach office in time and not have my incentive penalised for this week. So far, it’s a perfect week. A little drifty thoughts but back to battle now.

Just a quick post before I leave for one last full battle day of the week; a little short addiction to relive the good old Sega days like Shadowdancer, Thunderforce III and the sort. Laid on bed around 1:30am after a quick hot bath and before I knew it, I was already in dreamland.

Woke up at 7:18am but lay on bed till 7:28am - another workout day missed; guess I need to relax a little too, despite being zealous about my workout schedule.

Ready to go!

woops...low battery...have been snapping too many photos of myself while finding the best angle. Phone has been left to re-juice up, just before I retire for the night.

Photography has been one of my favourite past time as well as being photgraphed...that triggers me to my desire to path of glamour - still quite cynical about that silly idea of upfront paying $1k without any assignments yet and the location is so way remote.

Just a couple of fleeting thoughts before the restoration of MED tomorrow.

I went back to rest despiting my alarm clock ringing at 5am to do my make up workout today; I was simply too tired; and lay in bed till 7:15 where I got ready to fuel up for the day and then took a cab to work; driving somehow had became quite a headaching activity in consideration of the parking availability at my workplace.

Smooth arrival these few days and we had a group photoshoot for the upcoming CCAS. Quite a mentally battling day but it had been quite manageable as I get to handle a quite complicated case, and liasing with a foreign office in Thailand on some issues; something with a twist.

My hairdo was pretty noticable when I boarded the bus home and tried resting, but my mind was battling with time management; as to how I can win back all those lost days of workout? Simply feeling all uncomfortable without the usual doze of a hard pump in the muscles.

I made it this week; able to reach office in time and not have my incentive penalised for this week. So far, it’s a perfect week.A little drifty thoughts but back to battle now.

A strong feeling of the ALS has commenced; am cutting down on my intake of caffiene to prevent staining of my teeth.

I was just teased by Lengleng and Joyceline about my hair when they are about to go for lunch while waiting for Eric…it sure makes me prominent with my trademark "Dragonball" hair, that everyone has been calling me that.

Back to work soon, just to slip in a few notes here to update on happenings around / within my mind.

Coming towards the end of the day and will be resuming my overtime charge today, but I have to make sure that I will need to finish up my workout by today as a jumpstart to my regular workout routine, not forgetting to incorporate some frequent running into the non-workout days.

Phew, quite a mentally battling day so far.

Failure to do my workout though I have been awoken by the alarm clock as I slept late last night; somehow a lingering feeling to stay awake as the night seemed short despite returning home early. Feeling a little uncomfortable as I have not had my doze of exercise for a week or so.

A good loading of breakfast was done today so I should be sustainable till lunchtime. Getting ready to move off for yet another battle ahead.

It did not occur to me that I've been blogging here for over a period of a year, with interruptions in between due to period masses of seaonal peaks. Everything's somewhat normal as I had been spending pretty short hours in the past at home due to long hours of work. They're certainly worth it as I've been clocking pretty high hours of additional work.

It's a new month, so I need to put in a consistent effort to reach office earlier so as to be able to qualify for the additional incentive. Have been receiving vouchers lately for certain achievements and some giveouts by the company.

What does it take for me to remain consistent and being able to sustain well in a mentally stressful work like this? To many, this job may look easy considering an indoor environment, but it also takes a certain set of skill to be able to cope well. This continues to strengthen through experience with constant improvement.

The weather has turned a little cooler so I can soon retire for the day as I will be resuming my muscle expansion day tomorrow; this time I need to add in more programs to keep myself sportily occupied.

The night was extremely thermal and before I realised it, I've already entered slumberland.

Awoken by the e-Big Ben at 6:30am, I lay in bed till 7am and started to get myself ready. Soon, I was back to the usual battlefield at last Quite a manageable day as I worked through the day without much trouble.

It's good to be back here though some reluctance from the fellowship during ICT still lingered on; managed to catch up with Weiqiang as he shared with me more about his family and his social life; wanting to find that special girl so much, so I introduced him a couple of websites and taught him a few moves.

Eric commented that I look pale, and the same remark was also passed by a few other colleagues at work; certainly the discomfort and lack of rest from in-camp had somewhat taken an exterior effect. I won't be seeing Melphis for a week as he has gone abroad for a short vacation and Sherryl has moved over to the sales team while June came back to join us.

Better get some rest tonight; but my mind had not gone in peace as Pink had not replied me all day after I sent her a message in the morning; hope she's feeling better compared to yesterday when there were symptoms of flu and extreme fatigue.