I've finally resolved the time off arrangement for my classes with my QM who has allowed me to outprocess a day earlier on 23/04, in view of my classes on afternoon on 24/04, that will clash with the outprocessing time range.

Managed to have a good catchup with dearie over the phone on what had occured during the day - the evening was filled with fun, a small fellowship of specialists who were waterproofing the range cards along with the telp that we had obtained from S2 branch. Hassan was trying ti make his range card fully waterproof and even wanted to add a ziploc bag to enhane that, and we all burst into a hearty laughter.

A new linkup; Luee who was from SP Coy, was posted here and will be my understudy for the ammo run role that will be conducted tomorrow. A friendly guy whom I could have a good chat with; new blood into this battalion which is already halfway through our NS cycle.

An earlier and quiet night for a dayful of event that will take place tomorrow. Some say it's a break from work, but some might still hang on the rights of civilian lifestyle that we all choose to live.

Goodnight world, and my dearie...will miss you till I'm back from ICT.

•クラドーの iPhone•

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