Hot gush of 琵琶膏 down my throat as I sat in recovery from the desert-felt throat...a sign that I'm falling ill...must be the lack of rest over the weekend.

Serene must be busy concentrating on her classes during this time as I've not got a reply from a recent web-sms. Wind's a little chilly tonight, thus am armoured with insulation and need to get an earlier rest today; especially from the overdriven quad turbo speed today at work.

I'm still a little puzzled after Serene told me that her auntie has spotted us at Prime, and have even called her without us hearing it...something that shouldn't catch me off-guard...well, it might be true then...but my memory has never failed me; didn't hear a single utter of her name during our dinner on Saturday...

It's 8:40PM but guess it's almost time for me to enter a repair mode to get that vocal valve fixed, so that I'll be in optimum condition tomorrow. Have I been overworking my turbochargers these days? Somehow at the back of my mind, wished Serene could come over to my place and keep me company too...but it might be a little taxing as we both need to work tommorrow...right now, just want the best for both of us as we continue to nuture our relationship, sharing and caring for each other while moving towards a common goal together.

"Remember the Time" streamed through my mind as I recalled how I first got to know her one year ago, till our first meet up, to the time I had to tell her my feelings...the stuy sessions we had may be mentally-challenged, yet sweet to have each other's company, that had made the time so much more wonderful; indeed, it makes a whole lot of difference having someone dear to accompany you through such times...the greatest emotional support that anyone can give / receive from their this case, is my dearest Serene...

Time to send my engine to the repair bay before I suffer further internal damage.

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