Just returned from a rushed lunch…today is Serene’s prelim and could sense her at the max…

My lunch is somewhat settled, consisted of easy ingestion forms such as braised meat, vegetables and potatoes with piping hot rice…weather isn’t merciful today as the food will be kept warm after being sunbaked on the way back to office.

All the best to her prelims this evening!
Just returned from a short eyeshut, realightment of the mind has been done to prepare for completion of tonight’s decoration, with tonight being the deadline.

A restless weekend awaits me as I will be spending the entire weekend at NATAS…not a bad thing but just need to get as much rest as I can, and get back in the workout regime...simply uncomfortable without any workouts.

Not much time to write today as I am now going onboard battlestation again.
The rest had been adequate though I went back to slumber and only waking up near 7:30am, still in time to reach office with packed breakfast.

Feeling uncomfortable within from the capped sweating while speedwalking to and from lunch at Maybank; weather doesn’t look very fresh outside but already spared from the harmful blaze.

Rice was piping hot and I was the first to arrive; no labour workers queueing up yet, with an extra load of rice.

Lettering needs to be displayed by today, so will gather the manpower needed to lighten the workload, and looking forward to a long weekend spent at Singapore Expo…will miss seeing Serene over the weekend as she will be having her prelims this Fri and Sat.

Creswell will be leaving soon and won’t see her anymore from tomorrow onwards…quite sudden to learn about it from Serene whom she is close with and a constant lunch partner…

My collarbone seems to be better…but the itch of not working out had been growing stronger by the days without workout as it is part of my routine to make sure I get adequate exercises from a deskbound day job…need to get it all started next week but better to seek treatment from a TCM first on the muscular damage.
Saw myself in a five-foot way styled neighbourhood and I was wearing the Chinese Chang san, and everyone in the neighbourhood greeted me as “Master Yip”, while I made my way towards my own home, and seeing Serene smiling sweetly as she appears to be doing preparation for dinner.

Switchscene and I saw myself waking up in my old home, the hall which was in main door’s view where it used to be my corner, and saw Melphis talking about something, seemingly to be in his home and wearing a pair dark-blue shorts with red trimmings, bare-topped.

Beep beep, it’s not even 6:30am and I’m up before my alarm.
Food was slow in going down the food vent, resulting in me having pause in eating to allow proper ingestion of food.

I was greeted by a heavy rumbling sound of the Ferrari S350 which rumbled through the exit upon clearance of the main road, bearing the veh no SJF91M…somehow could not be located from LTA’s records…did I get the no incorrect?

Even when I was walking towards the usual lunch area, I was wondering if Serene’s busy and had constantly intaking water to prevent hydration…it’s going to be a busy week for her as she will be having lots of papers this week.

Wonder how her mum will potray me now that she will be seeing me when I visit her this coming Thursday, with my ashened hair?
Had quite a disturbing dream that seemed grayish-visual while a disturbing adrenaline built up…it was like seeing a scene that Serene is going to be married to another man…something that I won’t want to happen in reality as I love her very much…every little unwellness she has will result in me getting worried and wanting to nurse her back to good health.

Lunch was pretty rushed and I hardly had anytime to breathe, after a fast-paced walk to the usual place for lunch; good thing I managed to get myself filled up but now, feeling a little hungry again…hope to finish everything well today so that I can get adequate rest and have time to finish up those administrative stuff left at home…

That sudden entry to slumberland had been quite unexpected, especially with the scenes involved; come to think about those 3 collective dreams this morning; for the moment, in the midst of hustle, unable to gather them into writing yet…

Today will be the first day of Serene’s busy week, with a preliminary examination on Friday and even over the weekend; for me, will be spending the entire weekend over at Singapore Expo for the upcoming NATAS; we won’t be able to see each other over the weekend...

There are much on my mind awaiting to be deposited here; for now, will temporarily stop her for the moment while more are gathered as the days passed by…

What matters most for myself is to me and Serene to stay together forever…
Low octane detected...just awhile more before we make a move for some food during the evening...Serene's running through the last cluster of her studies while, peering at me writing this entry in glee...

Weather looks all-clear on the outside and I'm safe from the ninja with the "parking talisman" which fended them off for today...it won't be long before they get a tip-off and send a squad down to issue "donation chits"...this, would require sometime of observation.

Moving out now for our refuelling!
Stationed in the coziness of Sengkang Macdonalds, we're safe against the fiercesome rainstorm just beyond the shelters...which also symbolises a free natural carwash.

Had just been visually-stalked upon by Serene's mum and 2nd auntie, who even wanted me to go up to her place but guess it's a little early now...

During the hairdressing session, I had mentioned to the lady boss about her and they asked me about her age; with a big bafflence at the discovery of my age, as I didn't appear to be as of what I really am...infact, not many people can detect that.

Enough said for the moment, book-mugtime...
Minutely rainy-winded weather today, especially a lunch session that induces sleep, just had a colour fix of my hair, excluding a spa / treatment after colouring.

The ink's almost fully expended after many years of storage in Pica and keeping me company through all these times of penning down my thoughts down.
It's the collarbone strain that has been causing the discomfort...Serene had accompanied me to the Chinese physician in Compassvale that her mum had visited for her blood pressure issue sometime back; only when I was there did I realise that the left collarbone joint had been swollen, and the uncle helped me massage it.

Workout to be on standstill for the moment till full recovery of the injured part...it had been disturbing me since Wednesday after my IPPT...had though it could be a minor strain but the pain had been increasingly disturbing and uncomfortable despite my high tolerance for such discomfort.

We've spent a great time chatting at the "mini Dempsey Hill" at the defunked Big Splash in East Coast park, just a couple of minutes' drive from Funan...Lee Kong Chian Library was exceptionally crowded, especially the study lounge, so we had to settle down at Central Lending in basement...

We decided to rest earlier for the night, thus sent he rback in the 2300 range...Serene will be having a busy week from Monday onwards, coping with the high lesson frequency week, coupled with a busier work schedule at Changi.
Heated, yet coole from the freshly serviced aircon in my Pica...it's so much cleaner and comfortable I ugess? I hav eto maintain a good servicing to keep it well going...

Oh shucks, must've been enjoying the audio environment that I had been late from departing home to pick Serene up; left arm gyroscope system not in good status as I could feel a disturbe comfort, like a muscular strain, yet unable to purge it out from even the most extensive stretching to prevent cramps...
Return from the short break and catchup with Tommy…he’s nursing a flu and have given a tip to try lemon with honey and Lemsip, which is easily available from local pharmacies. Certainly a bad experience especially when I had it back then; fortunately I have a accelerated recovery node built-in.

Left arm is still a little uncomfortable but can do so with some stretching and may need to see TCM to get I fixed once and for all…certain positions certainly does not feel uncomfortable…hmm…what could it be?

It’s the last day of the week…hope my arm will be better tomorrow morning with adequate rest tonight…another full weekend that Serene and I can spend time quality together studying while nurturing our relationship…

Been awhile since I remade that lemon formula, so let’s start it soon…something for our better health.
Some unsettlement within even after returning from Sengkang from fetching Serene home from her school…there has been a mind-mapping of planning what will lie ahead for us since Day 1 of being together…

All’s well at work and had a talk with Eric about some matters of work which had shed positive light on myself; a good sign as I can be moving up towards a perm position and nearing towards my goal…sharing with Serene as he being the closest person to heart had been wonderful, knowing that she’s happy for me too and that the efforts had not been in vain for the past 1 year…

Sometimes, I just wished I can have a deep sleep of 10 hours to get back the fully powered, flawless energy meter; it’s been awhile since I’ve had that rest…no longer overloaded with work and slogging through the late hours of the evening, and bearing a Zero rating for social life.

Even at this moment, a little pondering thought about Serene set my heart tingling with sweetness, seeing her sweet smile in Mind’s Eye…

Just 8 more minutes from returning to battlestation.
10min eyeshot, visual focus calibrated.

Visual display of queue calls somehow has put a sense of urgency to step up the speed and releasing my turbo mode…by far, things have been going fine…

Tried reading some papers but eyes are feeling a certain level of strain, thus took a rest & recovery mode.

Suspense entails within while mind runs through about what will be discussed later; serious matter yet positive was the only lead…for now I shan’t jump to any conclusion yet.

Hope Serene is not overloaded her place too as we’re expecting a seasonal surge recently.

Switchblade, battle control mode.
Just had the usual speedlunch and dispensing off the coinload to the rice stall aunty, who mentioned she trusts me when I handed her the exact $2.80 for 2 veg and 1 meat…it’s great to see a smiling face in the hunger of the afternoon…

A certain level of alertness has been raised when Eric mentioned he has something serious to discuss with me; which he gave me the answer as “something good” when I asked him before my lunch break…what could it really be?

Serene should be having her lunch soon…come next Monday will be us on neared-geographical proximity for the next 6 months…for now, after clearing IPPT, I can concenrtrate on clearing my ComGI and HI examinations, followed by entry to DGIRM, towards making my way as Underwriter.

Much have been running through my thoughts about the happenings in work, evading conflict at maximum but I have to hold my ground too.

Emotion silo disengaged, Mode set: Battle.
Succession in clearing RT-IPPT has brought me much peace of the mind, as I don’t need to waste my Saturday afternoons at Bedok FCC sweating it all out…I’m glad it’s over now.

8 minutes to logging in to commence today’s battle; the previous night had been a soundly rest after winning that annual battle of every Singapore IPPT-fit man.

Sneeze…it’s such coincidence that we sneezed simultaneously…
Just learnt that Serene will be posted to Changi branch for a 6 month period but it’ll be tough for her as she has to juggle with her studies and the work volume there; good news is that we are on closer geographical proximity, and I can see her more.

A burning sensation surged through my body even hours after the final run during IPPT… I had made it.
Trailing stinkbomb detected while I made my way to coffeeshop near Maybank for my usual lunch; it was speedily done and spotted a cabbie being given chance not to be issued a summon when the parking warden came and the cabbie arriving about 2mins later; commentary passed on racial grounds which I cannot comment here.

Back to battlestation, hairfix done and ½ powered octane (coffee) armed and ready.

11 more minutes to completion of the shortened lunch break; for a moment; heat went up but soon shut it off with the manual control.

Communication probe is down due to a dry battery being flat; argh…can’t communicate with Serene till I get home tonight…guess I have to rely my upgraded 7th sense for the moment…so that will mean a 9hour communication system downtime.

Hope her mum’s ok now…it had put me to a certain level of worry too when I learnt about it, though she looked fine on the exterior…nothing beats having adequate rest with proper diet…I could come up with something that can help her health, but will need to do some studies first…some home-made formula; similar to that love-filled lemon honey elixir I had made for Serene?

I’m feeling so much more relieved that we are able to talk things out to avoid any harboured misunderstandings…communication is certainly very important between every couple...this is to avoid the deadly A&P (assumption & presumption) that has been the major breakdown of relationships in most cases. So glad we are on the loving track together again!

5 mins. Tonight will be the ComGI examination which I’ve done 99.5% of a 4-rounded revision…completion will be done later when I reach the study room of SCI; the tower beyond the curvy walkway from Bugis…

This Friday will be my resumption of email duties, news has that it has begun accumulating recently.

Shutdown emotional portal, returning to battlestation, Battle Mode engaged.

5mins more to return to battestation; it’s been awhile since I’ve touched the tangible newspapers, of which, I’ve just done so today; was reading up about True’s lawsuit which has been ongoing for awhile.

Though we’ve just met yesterday, somehow, the time spent is simply insufficient for us and I do miss Serene…hope her mum’s alright now…got to know that she is back home early this morning after some checks on her health…youkata…

Office turning to a freezing chamber as the sky has turned usually dark outside, a sign of an upcoming storm on a Monday night.
A near explosion detected as I was cut in queue by a Chinese national labour worker during the lunch hour, and seemed to be transparent to the stallowners who were busy fulfilling the “big orders”. This will not repeat the 2nd time as it could have occurred during a peak hour.

Hope Serene has had enough for her breakfast as she was guiding a new staff from 11:00am just now; the fire just subdued at the thought of her, her cute smile and how much I enjoy the time we spent together, even was accompanying her at the Chinese physician while waiting for her mum yesterday evening…

It had been quite an energy-breaking morning as I woke up at 6:15pm and commenced gyming for an hour, completed with a shower and packed breakfast, minus Cloud hair fix to reach office earlier this morning. A couple of deep slumber had been done during the pretty peaceful bus journey to work…

2 minutes upon return to battlestation.
I saw myself in a bus, those old-drabbed metal-typed ones used during my primary school days, traveling through an old town with buildings like those five-foot ways in Chinatown area, lots of people and familiar faces, but somehow, can’t match names to each and everyone of them.

Another scene of me in an old video store where all medias are VHR tapes, small preview CRT television mounted above-head level , with a tape showing Songjie leading a group of BB boys in an expedition, Blair-witch style, and some filmed in third person perspectives.

The town nearby had canopies draped out to extend their AOB (Area of Business), some occasion seemed to be going on but could not make out anything about the season.
I’ve almost entered slumberland when I received call from Serene, and relating to he about that scene of seeing her looking at me from her mum’s car, self-piloted while making my way back around 10pm.

She’s still with them while I called her, learnt that she’ll be put under observation on a regularly-checked basis…

Thanks so much to her encouragement, I could settle my mind down after telling her about it, and knowing that’s it’s so sweet that we can talk openly about anything, between us.
2 chapters have been done after a few discusions about Facebook with Serene...been many months since I stopped knowing friends online; could that 'social expansion' era be over?

Most probably; been bogged down with work commitments, RT, workout regime, and of course, quality time with my beloved SErene...thus no longer into knowing people online.

There has been times that even people I do not konw have added me, most of the time, approved them and almost (99%) no fellowshipping with them. All I want now is to build up our relationship wel, strengthen our hearts to be knowing each other well.

Taking a break while depositing some thoughts; it had been good to have a short mind gettaway from the intensity of studies. The Macs at Sengkang sports complex even has an indoor swimming complex without much people utilsing it.

Almost itme to return for 2nd charge of revision on ComGI, 4th round.
Today will be a quick recap of the lessons revised for ComGI as the exam will be in T-2. Finally spotted the yellow body-kitted car to be a Wira that had been moving around Serene's neighbourhood, the past few weeks that I've came over to pick her up.

Cool wind rustling through the void deck made this place of maximum cofor tand hte best time to stay indoors, whilst to avoid an overheated system, which will result in excretion of waste fluids through ventilation gaps located on all surface of the hull.

Central processosr's disruptioni wave have been subdued by the now sunny weather, after moving out from base.
Greeted by a slight heavy-headedness; it could be due to the late night rest from watching Ip Man at home right from the beginning, coupled with 3 glasses of wine, but still, things has to get going with my laundry-washing, breakfast and giving Serene the morning call.

A glass of mango juice with nata de coco accompanies me while I write up this blog.
Greeted by a slight heavy-headedness; it could be due to the late night rest from watching Ip Man at home right from the beginning, coupled with 3 glasses of wine, but still, things has to get going with my laundry-washing, breakfast and giving Serene the morning call.

A glass of mango juice with nata de coco accompanies me while I write up this blog; when Serene asked why I didn't tell her about my role of assuming the utility bill at home, it certainly felt so warm from within - a kind of concern which I had never gotten before...even with my eloquency in writing, at such times, I simply can't bring out a word to express it; all I can say is that she's really wonderful in her own ways, and this question may just sound normal to "audience", to me, it's carries a special meaning...her caring personality is so warming...

Lunch will be done at home before going for our study session together...

If only this headache can just be away for awhile...
Past 2am but still not settling down to rest yet, after a sweet chat with Serene; we've had a wonderful time eating and chatting at one of the oriental restaurants at Marina Bay as Wakaru had a waiting time of 45mins which was way too long; some fairs at the centre foyer but nothing really captured our attention except for those cutely designed notepads in pull-off cans and tetra-paks.

Fortunately, though being a Friday evening, it was not too crowded...alas, Creative store is closed and could not window shop on MP3 players but it's alright...just a place we could drop by when we're nearby...

Serene is dressed in a white-dotted top with a cute tie-back ribbon at the back; the same as one of the photos she had took at Changi branch office...the journey to meet her at Tampines had quite a challenging one; first was the shoe that was not of perfect fit despite being read as "US9", of which all the rest fitted well...armed with strawberry milk tea and distilled water, I had perspired profusely upon arrival at her office on the 7th floor, entrance hidden away from the lift lobby.

It was a sweet surprise that she has gotten me a nice green shirt which had a button tab to keep the sleeves rolled up...much more comfortable than my "knit-surface" top which served it's purpose of keeping warm in a chilled office especially during wet-weathered days. I simply love it...especially it being from my dearest Serene...

Visual aperture are commencing shut-down sequence...heart enjoying the wonderful evening we had.
Appeared at a slope near Bedok FCC and there were a bunch of foreign workers who were disturbing Rosie, who happened to be carrying some food in a basket and running away from them down the slope.

A short battle was engaged with them, with them wielding wire meshes like those used for BBQs, and one of them concentrated them into a cone-shaped, resembling that as a dagger, and aiming towards my right eye, I ducked and swung backwards, knee kicking his forearm and disarming him in the process; the accomplice was swinging the wire-like weapon like the retractable sword used by Ivy from Soul Calibre.

Eyes opened, fully charged and refreshed.
Returned to desk within 15mins after eating at coffeeshop near Maybank; it was nice to see the stallowner being friendly and smiling when seeing me, along with casual chat before I made my order.

Well-rested, hull damage has been restored and quad turbos still under run-in phase.

Now I further understand why Serene has proclaimed herself as “Errand Queen’ at her office, as she will be relieving duties at other parts of the building after her lunch today; for me, the speed will pick up after the engine has run in, with turbo at Bar 5.0.

Caution has to be exercised with the temperature of water intake as it may further aggravate if it is too low, as hull has recently been repaired, shields still on the low side.

Weather has been graceful so far, no sweltering sun despite being a non-rainy day.

Tomorrow will be a odd-dated Friday which may spell mishap to many, but for myself and Serene, I’m looking forward to make it a wonderful evening for all of us…that reminds me of the tulips, something for my special Serene as it fully reflects her personality of kindheartedness, gentle and sweet…

Another 2mins before the return to battlestation…looking forward to completing the day well and seeing Serene after her lessons tonight.
A couple more minutes to completion of lunch break, this time accompanied with Alex and we packed back to avoid rushing.

Mind’s still a little grogged with the blocked nose from the chilled office, which is unusually so due to a force shield depletion.

Just a few more hours before going to Bedok Camp for the next RT session; just hope to complete it quickly before I return home for a good rest; condition seems not as rosy though I’ve rested well with the 4:50hours done for the previous night.

It’ll be the most heartwarming thing to have Serene by my side to nurse me back to health…something that no amount of money can buy in the world…caring and loving for each other…

Hope her throat is better now, and will not be aggravated under and air-conditioned environment.

Return to battlestation.
Freshened after a proper breakfast, workout and bath, ready to make my way to work, thoughts about this evening's training went through my mind; wonder if it will be as tough as the kinestatic exercise we had on the 2nd session back then.

It's a little earlier than usual; slept 4:50 hrs and woke up this morning at 4:50, after awakening from some dreams...this time; a little reenactment from work; still fully charged despite a little dry in throat and blocked nose.

Serene should be in dreamland at this time when I woke up exceptionally early...time to get ready to move out; get some parking coupons while on the way to work to save time.

Moving out for a mid-week battle.
Freshed after a proper breakfast, workout and bath, ready to make my way to work, thoughts about this evening's training went through my mind; wonder if it will be as tough as the kine static exercise we had on the 2nd sesssion back then.
I was in a dim-lit, old office, talking to Joanne from Vincar, on the phone casually; if she has taken lunch, what is her boss like and so on; saw Alex who is currently sitting beside me in office and I was telling him that since she asked me casual questions, I'll respond back to her like wise.

Lights on. I'm awake.
Rest was less than 20mins but the rest almost put me at the entrance of my dreamworld; been having a lot of strange dreams lately that I had to keep them published; each of them can be so remarkably unique in terms of scenario, the people involved and the place…

Will be going back slightly later after the removal of the CNY decorations today…hope to get this over and done with, so that we can get on with our daily work, and have more time for my revision of my examinations, which may not be as major / hectic as Serene’s…anyhow, they are still examinations…
Last hour rush, hajime!
Estimated 7mins more upon return for lunch break on a Matrixed workstation…

Return to battlestation now!
Double-doze breakfast after reaching office this morning.

I had a 10-hour rest which internal damage had been fixed up without much trouble, nose very mildly wet from the slight cold that had been kerbed off with a good night’s rest.

It was really sweet to receive Serene’s call this morning at 7:01AM as I was getting ready to wash up and for work.

Xiasangju accompanied me while repairing the vocal tunnel during the day.

Time to resume battle station work.
Am walking in a shopping mall and saw my ex who went to an optician shop and telling them one of the contact lens is stuck in her eye, and the moment I saw it, I could remove it from her eye; thereafter she said to me "有钱才来提供给我" in an arrogant tone; and I walked off immediately, taking the escalator upstairs, disappearing amongst the crowd; she was still getting her own things from the optician shop, completely oblivious to my "disappearance". That scene had further affirmed that I was better off without her.

Flash to another scene and I was looking for Cyberactive computer shop, in Compasspoint, and saw Serene who accompanied me to various shops like More Than Words and Mini Toons, and the shops were closing soon as if it was CNY eve; some of them had their rollershutters half-shut already when we walked past them. We were pointing out which plush was cute, just like how she pointed out the Mario plush at the night market on Saturday.

Cutscene: I was holding a Samsung phone, which had 2 speakers like my Lenovo Y310 which was extremely clear & crisp in audio quality, and looked like the calculator-like phone which was launched back then, I was watching a short video on motorsports and it showed a WRX Team super tanker doing a drift through 2 tight corners and thereafter, a scene of Mark Lee singing along with Teresa Teng; then fast forwarded the clip to another scene of him hosting a 7th month event at Sengkang with a Thai counterpart; there was even one guy who dressed up as 阎魔王 after a "henchman" jumped into a "furnace" saying "baizai"as a grand opening.

Poof. Exit.
Hot gush of 琵琶膏 down my throat as I sat in recovery from the desert-felt throat...a sign that I'm falling ill...must be the lack of rest over the weekend.

Serene must be busy concentrating on her classes during this time as I've not got a reply from a recent web-sms. Wind's a little chilly tonight, thus am armoured with insulation and need to get an earlier rest today; especially from the overdriven quad turbo speed today at work.

I'm still a little puzzled after Serene told me that her auntie has spotted us at Prime, and have even called her without us hearing it...something that shouldn't catch me off-guard...well, it might be true then...but my memory has never failed me; didn't hear a single utter of her name during our dinner on Saturday...

It's 8:40PM but guess it's almost time for me to enter a repair mode to get that vocal valve fixed, so that I'll be in optimum condition tomorrow. Have I been overworking my turbochargers these days? Somehow at the back of my mind, wished Serene could come over to my place and keep me company too...but it might be a little taxing as we both need to work tommorrow...right now, just want the best for both of us as we continue to nuture our relationship, sharing and caring for each other while moving towards a common goal together.

"Remember the Time" streamed through my mind as I recalled how I first got to know her one year ago, till our first meet up, to the time I had to tell her my feelings...the stuy sessions we had may be mentally-challenged, yet sweet to have each other's company, that had made the time so much more wonderful; indeed, it makes a whole lot of difference having someone dear to accompany you through such times...the greatest emotional support that anyone can give / receive from their dearest...in this case, is my dearest Serene...

Time to send my engine to the repair bay before I suffer further internal damage.
Sweltering sun and having my EZLink card changed to the newer version before heading for a quick lunch in the nearby coffeeshop.

Still 20mins before resumption of the Strike Team duty, clearing those calls and reducing our callbacks for the day.
Awoken periodically since 3:25AM with a series of 3 different dreams at each interval, the last being a sort of RPG like 99 Nights, but this time, there’s a character wielding a red glowing sword with unique inscriptions on the blade, and dressed in blue / red armoured trousers; dungeon-like sort of scene and fighting he last boss..the last scene shows an NG shot of the boss turning its back against me, and then later turn out to be a comical scene where he undoes his headdress and is actually an ally.
Sun-baked day that kept me roasted even as we made our way to Ang Mo Kio library, with Picanto parked in one of the housing estates to avoid parking trauma in the nearby vicinity.

HI done through 3 chapters while Serene went through her POA revision, as the examination is non-modular phase, lots to cover, something which I’ve decided to take up in the past…still finding a suitable course which I can enroll through appealing.

We had decided to skip the AMK Hub adventure since her aunt had sounded quite upset, as she had prepared lots of food and some of her cousins are not around, so it had been better to send her over earlier.

4th encounter of Arch-Supremacy Clown! He had been in the vicinity with a friend (or was it his girlfriend), who just returned from Penang…she certainly looked different with her glasses and I proceeded to wash, wax and de-bug my car with the new Armourall car care accessories.

It had been a wonderful time of study as I shared with her many things during our study break in view to disspell the anxiety of the study atmosphere..though my exams are still quite sometime apart, it had been good that I revised earlier, to understand so that I complete the ComGI with greater confidence.

Entrance to dreamland at 11:30PM, soon after chatting with Serene.
Special trip around the East as we had dinner together, after Serene’s family has not made their way out, even nearing 8PM after my RT.

A touraround was done in the night market at Bedok North, near my old home as many of these places has brough back sweet memories, ever since I moved out 11 years ago. This is the 12th.

There are so many things that have changed, such as renovations, lift trunks and even the surroundings, wind was light, yet chilly to Serene as we sat in the new playground, munching on spiced-tapioca chips and tapioca cakes.

Final stop before heading home was a walk in Tampines, near my home, where there is a 24hour coffeeshop, and we had a short view of some dog-lovers training their pets in Central Park…huskies, golden retrievers are the 2 breeds within our view.

As late night approached, with wearing out of my chakara, I had decided to send her home and snoozed till late in the wee hours before sending Serene back…there are so many things we talked about, down memory lane of my childhood days, the neighhourhood and the fun times I had in that old park near Blk 99.

System shutdown at 5am after a glass of Unoaked Merlot.

Bad sign...screensaver mode self-initiated after a curry-dory with chicken wings and cabbage lunch at home; wielded 2 big loads home after walking in the hot sun from the grocery shopping. Could not find anything nice at BHG despite having some sales around, those cufflink shirts don't fit well.

Serene's about to have lunch when I was still searching for the toilet rolls in NTUC prior to returning with those big loads. Had been adopting cool and back rest post while waiting to commence an alternative account...at least now there's another place where I can grow my funds.
The inability to return to slumber has suggested that I had sufficient rest from the fatigue recovery of the exercise day yesterday; today will be another METD (Military Exercise Training Day).

Hope Serene is sleeping soundly...still finding a solution to her to her cough...there must be a way for her to get well, especially to avoid food / drinks which will aggrevate her throat. Some have been listed to her, along with a diet plan for her speedy recovery.

Sunlight has broken across the sky and with a little depleted energy, I might be returning to rest shortly.
Badminton had commenced only near 7pm as I had to manage some difficult calls, Lulu, Crystal, Lim Li, Brigitte, Melphis were already there and had been playing for awhile.

It took me awhile to warm up after Shikin and her friend came to join us as there had been some aftermath from work that left me tensed up, stressed, flustered, but have loosened up after a few thrashes on the shuttlecock with the heavy shot.

I'm still defeated by Lulu who happened to be an avid badminton player.
Saw the new hydraulic chin up bars at a different looked Maju camp, and after parking my car, which the doors opened like Lambourghini and then realised that is a military parking lot, and was advised I should not park there.

The hydraulic chin up bars will auto lower when you stand near, before lifting to an opitimum height for training; another station with fellow NSMen training, some of them are doing gymnastic style, swinging back and forth while switching from overgrasp to undergrasp. Saw Kelvin who is doing his flex arm hang undergraph too. I was talking to Justin Yeo whom was also participating in AHM in 2003, and now also working in AIG.

Quickswitch to another scene where I was logging in to the "phone" system which was all over the place that appeared to be like NTUC, Avaya phones were on each "cashier" and we did a search for which supermarkets were on. Brigitte and Juliana were in the scene and the chilled section seems to have a "search bar" like Google and Juliana asked if we could search by "rightclicking" in the blank air.

TV scene of Zhu Houren who acted as the senile old man in Reunion Dinner had passed on and everyone was so upset; the house appeared to be those kampung style, where all are sleeping with straw mat as blanket and he was lying sideways, eyes open when he had passed on; all had been so upset, and including myself, also weeping when "watching" the show; another flashback scene of "life goes on" in a sepia-filtered scene, each person takes turn to stack some food in a steamer, which appeared to look like the shape of the Fortune bamboo

Chilled by the fan, poofed.
Less than 15mins but managed to enter a deep slumber and mind had been rested as I’ve been on 4-turbo mode for the entire day, while maintaining steadiness in my voice.

The evening will be the badminton session, so it’s better for me to complete the work quickly, as I do not have intentions to return after the game; to get a proper rest tonight…in view of tomorrow’s exercise session.

Is Serene’s throat better? Kind of worried as my heart constantly bears this warmth, to care for her as much as I can…

Once again, looking forward to our study session on Sunday, this time will be a new location where we can walk around after our revisions, AMK Hub! It’s been awhile since I’ve visited that place, which somewhat brings back memories of those days when I was working in NCS…beautiful ones, with fun-loving colleagues.


Badminton had commenced only near 7pm as I had to manage some difficult calls, Lulu, Crystal, Lim Li, Brigitte, Melphis were already there and had been playing for awhile. It took me awhile to warm up after Shikin and her friend came to join us, as part of my mind had still lingered on with broughover frustrations from work, but soon all had went off after relaxing.

Crystal and Lim Li had left earlier, and Lulu's boyfriend, Nino, came over shortly after. He was the only one who could defeat her; as far as I know, I'm 2nd to none in call centre. The game got more fun as each serve lasted longer; no chance for me to smash, or was it due to technique? I've learnt it from Lulu that it was timing when we were walking back to Eunos MRT station's carpark, and hitching a ride from Brigitte.

Another full exercise day; workout had been done in the morning and badminton in the evening; Serene was studying online when she got home, and we chatted a little but there after her phone had gone flat; I had wanted to call her later in the evening, but after having drank 2 glasses of wine and really relaxed, the portal of slumberland had somewhat opened...


Managed to do a completion of my workout today after a good night’s rest.

The sun was up pretty early; not warm yet a little windy and bringing my hair to dance along with the wind. Today’s another day for them to be at rest, in view of the badminton session after work.
Reached SIM at 10:10PM and Serene was ready to enter the passenger's seat, only when I was about to alight to look for her; she's beautifully dressed tonight with a pleated-collar blouse; something that had always been on my mind; ladies' wear are constantly full of different designs and comes in all shapes, cuts and materials.

Her lessons aren't too fast tonight but had noticed that her cough still isn't well yet, and a little tired...something understandable as to managing studies and work simulatneously.

Her company had kept me warm internally, while chatting with her to avoid the stillness of silence, I had noticed that she was looking at me when I briefly turned to glance at her, constantly making jokes to cheer her up...it's always so nice to see her laughing to my C-virus emission, that had proved genetically safe, and good for the soul (laughter is the best medicine)...

We spent sometime chatting after parking; her damaged nail is in the safe zone, this time in shimmery pearly pink, ah, all so beautiful...

Saw her to the lift lobby@11:30pm, before I made a battle route back home, with the lingering sweet fragrance of her presence within me.
7 more minutes to ending of 2nd break…

Had been skimming through those smses sent by Serene; each of them carries a special meaning and marking the milestone of us knowing each other as friends, after seeing her for the first time, more than a year ago, to the day we fell in love with each other and being together…they certainly bring about an unspoken sweet feeling, and only those really short messages are removed…guess it’s better I have a larger capacitied phone so I don’t have to delete any messages.

Will be finishing the last round of battle soon before “Clearout” and making my way home. Despite having a good rest, many things have been backlogged, such as those PTCs, blogs and dream logs.
Just finished a hyped lunch without much sweltering from the sun; climate has been pretty merciful with gentle wind rustling through my hair, which had not been set to Cloud Strife mode.

My heart is much settled after 10mins, after receiving Serene’s encouragement which had really been heart-warming; my goal was to have 0 MC / late for this year…let this be the first & last.

The rest had been pretty well done as I could not sense an ounce of fatigue this morning; optimum rest is 7 hours considering the amount of physical exertion from RT and the weights training. Mum had mentioned to me that “a girl had called” yesterday, as Serene happened to dial my home number after a conversation-disconnection when the train was subterranean and switching network receptors.

I had limited mind power to write a more detailed blog of my thoughts, as energy level had reached optimum low peak, at 4PM, which had significantly been recovered when napping before RT commenced, at the MPH, yesterday…those “sleep anywhere” technique had been utilized and not all gone to waste; a strange phenomenon for guys who have gone through NS.

Serene will be having her lunch soon; hope her throat is better now, kinda worried especially when no cure, after completing the course of medication…the prolonganace will not be a positive sign, so I must find a solution to cure it once and for all…some Elixir of Throat Immunity?
Today's RT session finished quite early but the journey home was pretty inconvenient; had to wait about 15mins for the only bus that brings me back home, so the next time round will be driving.

Learnt from the PTI that this is actually our 4th lesson and 4 more to go before the actual test, so keep training and clear it for good...so I can well prepare myself for the next test. The exercises are quite different from what I had done in the past which some moves have varied, looking easy when it's actually not.

Quite an overpowering day for me as I already had a workout session this morning and an evening exercise session; looks good for me to rest for a couple of days before the next RT session, followed by workout on Sunday.
The weather had been a little merciful today without any blazing heat.

Despite waking up at 6:30am, workout is successfully completed without much struggle and to completion of my breakfast before setting out.

I had a pleasant surprise while making my way home from work, and chatting with Serene on the phone...it's Mingyao! It has been many years since we last met; exchanged a few words before I continued my journey home.

A little tired on the visualisers but it had been a productive day. Serene was having her break in the mid 8pm hours and had to be back by 8:30pm, therefore, we'll continue the conversation later in the evening after her lessons.

Sweetness of the beautiful Sunday spent with Serene lingered while I executed my work today. Some twitches has been done on blog to liven it up with pictures, as the old saying goes, "A picture paints a thousand words", so I want my feelings to be expressed at its best through pictures, along with narrative writing to paint my life into a beautiful novel.

Next Saturday will be a special day for all lovers around the world...am thinking of bringing it forward a week to celebrate it with Serene....and oh..that RT that I have in the afternoon...so we'll have our time together after that.

Hope her studies aren't getting too hectic, as I understand the toughness of studying / working simultaneously; though I'm not in that exact position as she is, bu something I'm moving towards, on self-investment for constant improvement.

9:48pm...her lessons will be over soon, just the thought of her brings about a beautiful warmth from within...

I saw myself set in an old war-torn zone town, wearing sand-green toned army uniform, with hats looking like those Japanese soldiers in WW II. Guns looka little similar with the longish bayonet and we were doing some reconnaissance work in the field; though I can’t recognize any of those around me.

Poof after a short scene sand and wastelands

Time flies...almost 6pm already. I've done 5 chapters out of 8 for the 3rd ComGI revision. Serene's on the analysis mode of answering her essay question, that has to be concise, organised and correct.

We had alot of short chats in between to kill the boredom / relieve the tension of the studying ambiance. I've done a quick demonstration of my shorthand, which has been a little rusty speedwise, and making out phonetics vs the words used.

Mid chill detected when working the "demo" to Serene;
guess I need to relive those shorthand strokes of wonder, and next time, can write a love note to her?

One very innovative way to spice up our already sweetened love...:) What had reckon to me was that, walking this journey together had not been less wondrous, instead, getting more beautiful each day, as we know each other better, sharing quality great times together and moving towards a common goal...studying together has been bone real interesting activity, despite on a different basis / topic, it has taught myself how to concentrate + absorb, without negligence of Serene who is beside me.

Temperature seemed to have fallen below 21 Degrees, was it due to the lack of the bio-gyroscope / hydraulic movement, causing an engine temperature dip? Sunbeam direction has changed, yet the place seems to be getting chillier, though climate remains sunny out there.

We had some interesting drinks, of which one is brought by Serene from her Genting trip:

(just like us!)

Lemon with 1% beer.

Her "sunshine" written:

We finally left the place around 6 to wash up on the car!
Break from the first 2 chapters of the 3rd round of revision, seeping in are the refresher pointers from the first 2 chapters on a hyped basis.

Temperature detection of 22 degrees in Cafe Galileo while Serene is doing her assignments, undisturbed as I looked up on her over my textbook periodically to see if she's alright. Sunny weather outside made it a conducive environment for a mid summer night's nap.

Smiling face from Serene!

Back to revision.
A beautiful Sunday despite the humid weather in the highway and baking me from within.

Serene will be down soon and today's our 2nd study session. Wind of the cool & the gentle rustle of the leaves greeted me while I write these thoughts down, under a non-glarous afternoon sun. What could be more beautiful than spending the weekend, & quality time with one's most beloved?
The Saturday evening had been beautiful when we completed our viewing of Red Cliff 2 on the "mobile movie centre" mode, under the cool breeze of the evening. Serene had just seen her cousin off at the airport, as he will be going to Scotland for a fornight, on work basis. It's been awhile since I dressed up for someone special, so decided to don on the blue-checked shirt.

She's always as beautiful from within when I saw her, that sparkle of warmth and happiness spreded across, like th glow of a beautiful sunbeam...we spent a great deal sharing about our families, the show, which seemed so like we have been together for many years...those stories from my army days just flowed like a legend of an ex-soldier on his once-a-life tour of duty.

Finally when it's real late, we decided to call it a day and gave Serene a lift before making my way back. 4am, after drying out my hair.