I've been staying up the past few nights to catch further news about Sun Xu, who had caused a national uproar about his insultive remarks after he had some encounters with local elders.

All over the web, locals are requesting for him to be expelled and deported back to his country, especially so that he had been sponsored education since Secondary 3 till his university studies now.

Then here comes Lydia Tan, an unknown to many, contestant in one of the local singing competition came up to 'lecture' Singaporeans to when will we all let him off. That further attracted more criticism now onto her after MP Baey had gave some remarks that had suggested he was taking a defensive stance against Sun Xu. His remark was later corrected but many Singaporeans are still quite sore with his words.

Latest news said that NUS Provost has counselled him and there seem to be some 'judgement' for him on 13/3/2012 which I guess many are hopeful that NUS will expel him for his action that he was adamant was just a complaint (later turned apologetic).

His offer of apology through his Facebook Wall (I call this cyber-apology) definitely isn't something sincere. What was grave was that he had showed Singaporeans that he doesn't even know how to write the words 「感激」, but the words,「忘恩負義」are clearly written across.

A very subtle remark which seemed nothing initially had turned into a national uproar in Singapore via cyberspace.

Even another PRC (now in US) who had been given scholarship through our local university had 'slammed' Sun Xu's actions as unacceptable. Further to his remarks, some had went offtrack to make the critisism personal but being objective, I shall not go into these. It's all over Google.

There are a few such incidents of locals with PRCs which I will talk about in another post.

Sent via my BlackBerry

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