It's another evening; though I'm feeling better after yet another dose of medication, I had better stay up a little longer else the hyper-rest pattern will cause me to stay awake for yet another hour or so in the wee hours of the night and having to put up with the endless caterwauls.

Most of the mucus have been purged out and that's good news.  At the recovery rate, it looks like I do not have to tap on forbidden resources.  At least the medication isn't taking effect on me so I could keep my mind concentrated while penning down today's happenings.

Queen had given me clearance to leave earlier as I had been putting up with an endless sniff at battlebox today.  That somewhat attracted some small talks that Queen dotes on me (to me it actually doesn't matter); more importantly, I get more done and at most, leave when the time is up.

Had learnt that she had commented how "pityful" I looked while dragging my bag as I left the building - I must have caught their sight just at the right time while I was finding a vacant "transformation room" - there seemed to be a habitual occupancy of the Gents' at the timing I had left battlebox these 2 days.  Well...those comments didn't mean much to me as my purpose was to get work done and get back to my own space after those hours.

For some reasons, the building had been extremely chilly lately; judging from the chill, the temperature seemed to hover around 21 degrees or so.  Anyhow, since it's not the right time for me to resume the running journey, the best alternative to upkeep the fitness activity would be my trust Iron Sessions.  This time's was done pretty smoothly despite having the irritation of drippy mucus while I regulate my breathing.

Just a couple of weeks more before my trip to HCMC and I can't afford to be in any bad shape of health.  A good rest tonight, looking forward to a sunshine grade of health tomorrow.

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