An unexpected fruitful day on my A500 as I could not find Kent Ridge park, where I was initially headed for Henderson Wave, one of the nice nature spots where I could snap pics.  Kulvim had also suggested Fort Canning Park, but that can be done on an earlier day.  Pulau Ubin is also a good choice, and same thing, set off has to be earlier in the day.

I managed to catch some close to nature shots when I accidentally walked into a place which unknowingly was Alexander Hospital, and managed to get a few decent shots there.  As I made my way back, I was quite stunned as there were blue-uniformed people who seemingly were looking to my direction as I passed a no-man's land, that had been branded State Land by HDB; some motorcycle parking lots which were much covered by overgrown grass suggested that this place used to stand an estate of old HDB blocks.

As I headed my way back to a park in the west, the rain had finally stopped after 2pm and found myself driving towards Marine Barrage; it sure is really quite a drive from the main road, as it is facing the sea and stuffed all the way deep into Marina Mall.

Managed to get a decent set of collection before calling it a day, munching bread and replenshing lost fluid via my Rubbermaid of water.  I didn't eat much today as I was all out to know the way to those nature photography spots.

Right now, resting under air con while dearie is packing up on her work.

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