A full day of photoshoot outing today, first stop was at Kampung Buangkok, the last of the village in Singapore as it would be a total clearout in the months to come.  A few things that still brings about the good old days of childhood came when I saw the iron-net covered roof sills, zinc rooftops which had been heavily corroded, the broken pavement which layers and layers of fabric layered atop each other.  It was definitely something which was not seen to many of the modern world.

Dearie posed for a few shots, as she mentioned that she doesn't know very well how to pose; anyhow, good effort with the various compositions, together with the nolgastic atmosphere where we proded through; a little cloudy above and fortunately, no change into a heavy shower that made the afternoon a challenge for us to go back to Pica, before proceeding onto the journey to Funan.

I've finally located a few shops and some lens I intend to get, but still discussing with Derrick, one of the Clubsnap forumeer who is letting go his SAL75300 for $200 - pretty good deal which I learnt from the link that  Kent had provided me.

The parking fee was a killer; for a mere 2:44 hrs, I was charged $6.10 at Funan!  What made the exit more challenging was the cashup revaluer was spoilt and I had make my way through some overpowering odor on the Thai people who were around Peninsula, waited for more than 10mins in queue before successfully exiting the place.  Phew, one noseful a journey it was!

We hunted around for a cute mini figurine as my macro shots model, that I could use.  Got an angelic cute one but it could not stand as its legs are tip-toed...no matter...something can be done when we get home for the macro shots.

I'm glad dearie is safe even after I rushed off to settle the cashcard revaluing matters, as I continued to keep my cool; such a disappointment on Funan's exorbitent parking rates with such poorly maintained facilities.  Guess the lesson learnt for the afternoon was to avoid driving to city areas on weekends.

Dinner spent at dearie's place with her whole family; though it was rushing for her brother and girlfriend, it had been a pretty heart-warming event which I had enjoyed; dearie's mum's hospitality had been something which I've always enjoyed...thus a good return must be given to foster a good relationship ahead when we settle down.

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