Another early morning after workout, bath and breakfast preparation; it might be a good time for me to be in office earlier - to avoid ERP as well as to be able to do some water change to my tetra tanks; it has been long overdue for water change; they're alive due to their hardiness.

It's a month with 3 late evenings due to trainings; total waste of time as it will only result in accumulated OT for later days, resulting in the more I look forward to my Bali trip next month - my first overseas trip via plane!

iPhone cable's left in car, thus unable to access net via internet tethering at home while I'm back this
morning. Dearie's bed had been too comfy that I fell asleep soon after dinner during the telecast of the Taiwanese serial, 「愛」, which I've caught only a glimpse of it; had never liked watching serials as I find time unconstructively used.

Coming to 7am...I should be setting off soon.


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