The show had to be good despite having a different type of excitement without Donnie Yen starring; this actor who starred as Ip Man, known as To Yu-Hang, is actually an athelete who was introduced into the showbiz recently and have starred in Ip Man 2, as the 1st Discple under Sammo Hung.

Dearie had dozed off towards the rear part of the show when Ip Man's step brother turned out to be a traitor.

The show somehow brings about to me some revelations in life that might bring some internal tranquility to me to keep me calm-headed, so as not to upset dearie with my "train like" quickshot I really need Wing Chun in my daily life to maintain that?

Going to watch Ip Man:  A Legend is Born with dearie later; learnt that Donnie Yen is not starring in this show, but they have got Ip Chun, Ip Man's real son to star in the show.

Another long houred day which I've shared with Chloe, on the recent happenings.  By making us answer calls earlier, how can that help to curb the MC / UL rate and meeting the service levels?  Linda has shared with us on the 2-hour time off "deal" for those who are free from MC for the month of July.  The question is, will the staff who gets time off that day have to work till past 7pm the next day when he / she comes back from work?  Something's that's left in the question and I rather not ask as I find it pointless; whatever that had been brought up, in constructive objective had not been put into consideration to make the place better.

Now, another reason why this call centre is a place which is tougher to work compared to many places around; so those who are here long enough can say that it's a training ground for those who want to have "real, solid training on the job".  Besides the massive OT, which I'm getting addicted to, the types of calls, work volume and multitasking demands is something which we encounter or have to face in the course of our work.

No matter; the day's over so just looking forward to spend a good evening with dearie over the show and dinner. 
The evening had not been too bad as I managed to leave 7:30 after IPA / GH training; learnt that Justin from A&H will be leaving on 09/07; he was one guy who also participated in AHM 2003 and posessed a killer bod; v-shaped torso, smart looking and eloquent.

Managed to drop him an email before I left office but he's still busy talking to Amanda and Linda after the training.   Learnt from  Wan he's a Masters holder but can't be sure on that...but for his age, he looks pretty successful.
Quite a peaceful day at work despite the high volume of calls; but towards the end, have to spend a whole chunk of time on that woman who kept insisting for me to give her the NCB in a form of monetary value when hers has already been affected due to claims…jia ah gong png too free to pick on issues with me after her work.

As far as I’m concerned, no fault on my side as I have stated clearly in my message to her. Full stop. If she doesn’t understand insurance, go take BCP and PGI.

I have to stay on for another ½ hour before the day comes to an end. 1st day, yet a suffering end which can dampen my mood just like the Bird-eyed man at KTM Railway station when I was out with Kent and Vincent for some photography shoots. I wonder what is the next days’ misfortune?
Early morning shoot as I battled my way through rain to meet Kent and Vincent for our shoot at KTM Railway station – it certainly appeared as an old building as we reached there, took some interior shots before the rain died off and got chased out of “ restricted zones” by a bird-eyed man who cannot even see straight; we decided to wander around and later on, into the other side where the gate was open, for passengers so there should not be a problem. That Bird-Eyed man came in again and demanded for us to “delete the photos now” and well, who gives a damn? I just deleted 1 pic which I didn’t find very satisfactory. Tried reasoning with him but he thinks he owns the whole KTM. What is this? Bad mood to come back on Sun to work and throwing his weight around? He’s not even properly attired if he is supposed to work – well I’ll have a chance to take his pic and post some comments next time.

I almost forgotten about the dinner with dearie’s family as I dozed all thee way from 1pm till 5pm, yet stll feeling quite sleepy mentally; the journey took a jump start when I got changed and made my way down to dearie’s place, and could feel that she’s unhappy with me as the beautiful angelic aura could not be be felt…

It had became better as tiem passed while we all took off to Stadium Waterfront’s Jumbo for dinner. Reservation was 8:30PM but since there’re available tables at 8pm we settled down there after some picstures taken by the river. Dearie’s mum sure enjoyed taking pics…it’s actually her mum’s 52nd birthday coming up in 3 days’ time, which means it’s actually on 30/06…if my calculation sright.

We sang the song, cut the cake and chatted a little before I spent time with dearie chatting over a Taiwansese serial which was aired on Channel U. Final departure home at 12:00 AM and slept at 1:45 AM after a successful installtion of Photoshop CS4 and Blackshot – the game that fascinated CK for a long time.
Dearie had gone ahead with the makeover shot at Orchard with her cousin Jessica, while I started getting ready to move out after the successful configuration of my Singnet MIO in my home and the wireless network that allowed me to access internet from my room, with the MIO wireless modem in the hall.

I moved out for some shoots in the mall before meeting dearie and Jessica after they came over to Tampines. I didn’t want to go to Desmond, Jessica’s boyfriend’s place as I didn’t want to disturb their family – too many guests might not be to his parent’s delight…but went ahead anyway.

Dearie’s feet had been tormented by the new heels which was much relieved after slipping into the comfy sandals which I bought at John Little at the last visit in Marina after a failed attempt to see Sony Style open.

We managed to play Wii, and it’s surely addictive with the new Mario which the remote’s functions can be really amazing. I guess dearie must have been really delighted to play it, something I can consider getting her but not mentioned in Desmond and Jessica’s presence as I do feel quite interior after learning that Desmond’s financially better off than me, as a self-employed.

I stayed a little late at dearie’s place after attempting to capture a few studio-style shots when her make up was still on – something which mentally challenged me while I made my way hurriedly back after packing up.

Another rainy morning that caused ankle height flooding at Eunos, which was learnt from dearie while she was reaching office.

The previous evening had been a late night of slumber as I was editing a pic of dearie to get an even background so as to perfectise that imperfect shot. Busy weeks for the past fortnight had made me a little sick of the schedule that I had to take a break today.

Rain's tided down much compared to an hour ago; Dr Tan's not in today so had to visit an alternative clinic, J T Medical which is about 10mins walk from my home.

I had been immensely reading up about photography lately, so it's time for me to set up a photography journal blog. Afterall, it's a resurrected hobby which will run for a lifetime.

Learnt from the assistant of this clinic that I may need to wait for awhile, 'I'm not sure how long you have to wait' was the preamp given to me. Well, since I'm here, I just needed to wait.

I've finally finished editing one of the photos of dearie taken at my place, which could be made to near studio quality with some works.

It's really joyous to see her during the weekday as my schedule is always on long hours; shw happened to be shopping with Charlene after work at Tampines; Charlene bought a strawberry drink for her, quite a sweet thing to do, and considering they're friends for so many years already. Just 4 days of not seeing her felt like a week, considering the time spent in office; maxed at 12 hours!

Dearie just bought a pair of heels, managed to take a prototype shot...more to practise for such.

Did some long throw shots at her place after arming my A500 with that sniper lens and got some decent shots which dearie had been astonished with. The moon had been unusally hazy tonight so couldn't get a nice shot. 300m's still not enough. What do I exactly need to boost the distance gain? 800mm lens? That'll cost a bomb; most likely more than the body.

Saw some of Titus' macro shot works which are a definite pleasure to view; insects, all in their undisturbed position, are perfectly taken. Now I know why I had trouble 'chasing' the butterflies at Alexandra Hospital after reading about amplifying the distance gain of my lens.

Some stupid dumbass agent who cannot handle her own customer wrote forwarded the email and pulled the trigger on me. Upon confirmation, no fault on our end as documents for policy cancellation are not furnished and yet requesting for us to issue the refund cheque.

I wonder how does she ever go about doing her business, and yet got the check to take the commission? Or is she losing a Mammoth client who can give her commission that can last her a generation??
It’s been awhile since I last wrote here; most are direct posting online, which is good, as it’s a “live” update.

This will be a collation to be uploaded on a mass basis…

Lunch done alone, fortunately, a full hour after the past 2 weeks of lightless return to home after work; it can be really tiring at times but somehow, getting used to it like those good “old” day where I was the last few to go back

Tonight will be another training; trainings after trainings; I would rather do OT than wasting time in office as time is not exchanged for monetary gains; afterall, this is what we all work for, else why would I be working?
Late evenings.

The longest training we ever had this time after the travel training; this is conducted by Andrew Sidwell, who is from a consultancy firm that helps organizations improve productivitiy and reduce operating cost as what I read from th website; something different and yet interesting.

Most of the evenings lately are spent reading about dSLR, accessories an dhow to get that perfect shot every time.

Just learn t from Kent that ISO settings have an effect on picture quality especially for evening shots.
I’ve finally got the sniper lens!

SAL75300, which I’ve met Derrick who is armed with A700. The lens look as good as new upon inspection and here it comes home with me tonight!

Dearie had went back earlier as usual, compared to my schedule; since it’s a little earlier, I decided to move out to get a replacement pair of pants for work, and the new “barrel” for some shots. No wonder Kent said “when you carry 500mm then you know”.

Managed to get some shots after an unsuccessful hunt for a pair of pants I like. The weight of the lens, still manageable but just a little unused to the length and size; now I need to upgrade my camera bag!
A morning which was rudely awoken by the fact that I had to be in office today; heavy headed but still can get myself bathed and move out to office with 2 rice cakes which was heated up by mum; something that should have been bought yesterday when I was spending time with dearie.

Finaly the day had came to an end, after an early lunch from 1100 - 1145hrs, which I could not eat as there was still "fuel" in my biotank.  Therefore, much of the time was spent on mental recovery on what had been lacking the night before.  It was certainly a deep nap as I had not enjoyed such a snooze for awhile...simply heavenly just to rest the mind during the office hours.

Today's OT was one fatality - till 8pm; there must be really alot of work that could not be done due to the onbaord staff vs those who are new and not trained yet.

Not able to meet Derrick today as he had left office and the SAL75300 is left in his office; we'll see how it goes tomorrow.  If  I have it completed with a SAL50F18, I can do a great shot for dearie, just as how beautiful she is in person, and how she has captured my heart...something which goes a long way back to how I first got her no by asking Sok Hwee till we are together.

A few encounters of the psycho kind, of which, 100% are the kiau tors, one of them giving me a hard time which had been a constant reminder that justified the reason of me leaving this place...I might need more shrimps to keep me company at work to alleviate the stress, but thinking about the late night and having to travel all the way to Clementi to get a new brood, it had been a little more challenging on the mind.

Should I just get the SAL50F18 first tonight?  Hmz hmz...the itch is accelarating on my hands...SLR Revo closes at 9pm.
A full day of photoshoot outing today, first stop was at Kampung Buangkok, the last of the village in Singapore as it would be a total clearout in the months to come.  A few things that still brings about the good old days of childhood came when I saw the iron-net covered roof sills, zinc rooftops which had been heavily corroded, the broken pavement which layers and layers of fabric layered atop each other.  It was definitely something which was not seen to many of the modern world.

Dearie posed for a few shots, as she mentioned that she doesn't know very well how to pose; anyhow, good effort with the various compositions, together with the nolgastic atmosphere where we proded through; a little cloudy above and fortunately, no change into a heavy shower that made the afternoon a challenge for us to go back to Pica, before proceeding onto the journey to Funan.

I've finally located a few shops and some lens I intend to get, but still discussing with Derrick, one of the Clubsnap forumeer who is letting go his SAL75300 for $200 - pretty good deal which I learnt from the link that  Kent had provided me.

The parking fee was a killer; for a mere 2:44 hrs, I was charged $6.10 at Funan!  What made the exit more challenging was the cashup revaluer was spoilt and I had make my way through some overpowering odor on the Thai people who were around Peninsula, waited for more than 10mins in queue before successfully exiting the place.  Phew, one noseful a journey it was!

We hunted around for a cute mini figurine as my macro shots model, that I could use.  Got an angelic cute one but it could not stand as its legs are matter...something can be done when we get home for the macro shots.

I'm glad dearie is safe even after I rushed off to settle the cashcard revaluing matters, as I continued to keep my cool; such a disappointment on Funan's exorbitent parking rates with such poorly maintained facilities.  Guess the lesson learnt for the afternoon was to avoid driving to city areas on weekends.

Dinner spent at dearie's place with her whole family; though it was rushing for her brother and girlfriend, it had been a pretty heart-warming event which I had enjoyed; dearie's mum's hospitality had been something which I've always enjoyed...thus a good return must be given to foster a good relationship ahead when we settle down.
A full Saturday once again, ever since the exams are over a month ago.

Time flies, we're coming to the end of June and soon, it'll be exactly a month since the last paper on 22/05/10, where all of us, DipFM10 students go our separate ways in our work, living and leisure.

I brought dearie to Changi Boardwalk after she had visited the Loyang Dua Pek Gong temple near the industrial area; which was well-known to be a place of seeking blessing of motorcyclists.  It was initially built near the sea, but now, a more established building nearer the road and mildly populated with worshippers

A few good shots taken before visiting Changi Boardwalk; however, the place was lacking in a proper public toilet, and even tried using the Changi sports club toilet, which was informed by the bespectacled male receptionist that it's only for members...alas...we have to make a move away to a petrol kiosk nearby, where I got a box of Hotties, one dearie's favourite, which was an offer, decently priced $1.50.

I had my relieve at the Gents' too.  Weather could be a factor as it was a little rainy when we were at Changi Boardwalk.  Much photo editing had been done at my place, before accompanying dearie back while she took a deep slumber on my bed.
The discomfort has moved from a pain to a minor discomfort of obstruction; something rubbing against the eye which I no longer need to be in the shielded Sharingan mode.

Many of my friends were surprised to see me in that look - I had jokingly told Benjamin if I should come to work in Kakashi mode today; with left eye covered under the Konoha forehead protector...well, just a passing thought as it would have attracted unnecessary attention if I had done so.

Weather had been blazingly hot; an extreme swing from yesterday's flash flood that affected Orchard of the lower levelled lands in Singapore.   Fortunately it had not hit dearie and my residence in the East.  No signs of Snarling the Naughty when I parked at one of my usual spots near office this morning; the discomfort had distracted me from working out at home yesterday; so this evening will be a make up training.

Back to work soon; another 4 hours of call answering before the brought forwarded monthly departmental meeting.  A new call centre manager is on board - let's see if he's a painkiller or antidote.
What a morning for me; the discomfort in my left eye was not better; so much so that every little movement will cause massive discomfort in the eye, as something is scraping against the cornea.

I had to see Dr Tan who gave me some antibiotics and the rest of the day was spent at home in Kakashi mode, affected eye covered by a self-made "forehead protector", without Konoha's logo.  Using one eye to view things around was more comfortable, but will be double taxing when viewing the monitor screen.

Let's hope it'll be better tomorrow...
Yesterday's work hours was the first time I have actually calculated it - 11 hours spent in office for work till 7:30 pm - the mind this morning had still been lingering on the mobile broadband plan which I intend to take since my hours at home are little and I can broadband access along wherever I go.

M1 and Starhub's mobile unlimited data plan broadband are similar in pricing but still contemplating if I should stay with Red Umbrella, or to take back a service with Starhub.

Let's wait for the a 50% deal when it comes along the way and I take advantage of it.
I was walking through this old estate which architecture looked at least 50 years old. Walked paat a corner where a man was praying, with religious decorations of his own faith. Down the path later, I saw a green tall figure which bore a face of a Javanese traditional lion.

Upon walking further, a traditional mask dancer who jiggled around in the traditional dance move. He turned in my direction which caused me to have the urge to bolt, but I didn’t, as he did not start chasing me from thereon.

Next scene showed me held in a military base with some fellow soldiers, as some ops are going on and all are getting ready; my usual people are seen – Weiqiang, Jason, Alex and company as rifle company are moving off, under the rain dripping, old building; saw some people running past us in running gear, which the road looks like some giant metal grills used in spacecrafts.

Some of the ceilings were lined with greenish banyan like stuff where we were held. My usual gang had plotted to keep the bad sheeps in our platoon locked in a room where they will be either burned or feasted by wild creatures around the operation area; As we all move out, I was as usual, being the last man to guard my platoon, ordered by LTA Yam to ensure all my men are infront before I move on.

Switchscene moves to show we are in action as we quickly move out of the operation zone, shutting the metal gates just after slipping out. Those who were left in side include Chye Ban, Shan Qin and even Yu-An who was not well liked by them, “left to die”. I’ve got 3 big guys; one of them appears to be from the MTL who also helped block the way.

Final scene showed me appearing in some really unique architectural buildings, though with much age; I was tempted to whip out my A500 for that unique shot, but it appeared to be a “no camera zone”; later on, saw that greenish Javanese-masked figure again, but this time, not as rocky solid as before, but look somewhat like…a rubber skin fitted over the person.

Another early morning after workout, bath and breakfast preparation; it might be a good time for me to be in office earlier - to avoid ERP as well as to be able to do some water change to my tetra tanks; it has been long overdue for water change; they're alive due to their hardiness.

It's a month with 3 late evenings due to trainings; total waste of time as it will only result in accumulated OT for later days, resulting in the more I look forward to my Bali trip next month - my first overseas trip via plane!

iPhone cable's left in car, thus unable to access net via internet tethering at home while I'm back this
morning. Dearie's bed had been too comfy that I fell asleep soon after dinner during the telecast of the Taiwanese serial, 「愛」, which I've caught only a glimpse of it; had never liked watching serials as I find time unconstructively used.

Coming to 7am...I should be setting off soon.

Finally a Friday - though 2 days of consecutive breaks in between, the day is pretty challenging as I had a couple of "deaf" callers who can't hear my voice.

DM callback today as the strength is down for DM team where I'm in; most are on leave, but for a peace of mind, at least not many chase-to-answer-calls, pretty hot but still quite enjoyably cooling in office with the company of shrimps - cherry shrimps have been housed in a filtered tank but sizewise may still be too small.

Another 1/2 hour before I call it the end of the day.  Dearie's watching her favourite serial while waiting for me to finish my work.  The callbacks are a little different but am still able to cope and finish well before schedule - that gives me ample time to catch up on any personal change of water (which I lack the equipments) but still salvagaeable...

Let's get working now...
A series of 2 days of outdoor photography done.  The inertia for work came about early in the morning, but looking at the attendance at work today, it will look like a long hour evening.

Lunch is back to a full hour but only for the 2nd half of the week, Mon and Tue are still short and the rest of the week, at the mercy of management to shorten the lunch break.

I have a bigger collection of pics now, just a good lens will help me achieve a more quality shot especially when taking dearie...she has to be the angel of my lens apart from being the love of my life!

This evening will be spent at her place helping her set up her new laptop to replace the desktop, which is bound for the scrapmetal graveyard.  It has already been giving them lots of problems such has hanging etc.

Another 1/2 hour for me to deposit any thoughts here.
Quite a fruitful collection around neighbourhood before heading to pick dearie up and going to Suntec for PC Show 2010; she's getting a laptop to replace the old and sick PC at home.

Crowded as usual and soon, settled for a Dell laptop after narrowing down our selection based on her budget.  For the price, it's such a better laptop compared to what I'm using, despite being a 13incher.  Singnet broadband Macbook deal has been dropped as it's not economical to be bounded for 24 months at $85 / month, and then getting a Macbook, non pro version.  Nothing attractive at the deals there.

Car search gave me a sweatout as it was finally found at B2 before we headed to Marina's Sony style, after dinner.  Got ourselves a new pair of shoes as my Power sandals are almost powerless and getting all broken.  Sony Style, unfortunately, was closed by the time we arrive.  Another time I guess.

The night had been too late for me to do any serious photo editing though some had been selected to be uploaded in Facebook.
An unexpected fruitful day on my A500 as I could not find Kent Ridge park, where I was initially headed for Henderson Wave, one of the nice nature spots where I could snap pics.  Kulvim had also suggested Fort Canning Park, but that can be done on an earlier day.  Pulau Ubin is also a good choice, and same thing, set off has to be earlier in the day.

I managed to catch some close to nature shots when I accidentally walked into a place which unknowingly was Alexander Hospital, and managed to get a few decent shots there.  As I made my way back, I was quite stunned as there were blue-uniformed people who seemingly were looking to my direction as I passed a no-man's land, that had been branded State Land by HDB; some motorcycle parking lots which were much covered by overgrown grass suggested that this place used to stand an estate of old HDB blocks.

As I headed my way back to a park in the west, the rain had finally stopped after 2pm and found myself driving towards Marine Barrage; it sure is really quite a drive from the main road, as it is facing the sea and stuffed all the way deep into Marina Mall.

Managed to get a decent set of collection before calling it a day, munching bread and replenshing lost fluid via my Rubbermaid of water.  I didn't eat much today as I was all out to know the way to those nature photography spots.

Right now, resting under air con while dearie is packing up on her work.
Saw myself in a place that looked partially like a barn, with the hay-stuffed roof, which also brings about a flavour of those native tribes' home.  I saw Alex, aka ah boy, whom is dearie's cousin and we were talking about some things about military jurisdiction; for a moment, 1WO Ahmed, one of the ITI's trainer, also the friendliest, appeared and talked about not bringing fast food into camp with a SAF abbreviation MIC (meal in camp); he was preaching about not bringing such food into camp after 2200hrs.

Later on, a scene appeared about asking Alex and Karin, his wife, about what will you do if your men commit a certain mistake, and she commented to charge him; after she walked off to do her own things, I asked Alex and he told me that she's a Captain in the armed forces; for a moment I thought; she's only N levels, how can she make it to be an officer?  I walked down the ratten-woven pavement and talked to Jason, Kai Ting and asked Alex Qwek, one of my men, to ask them if I've ill-treated any of them; it was a merry fellowship we had as we walked...

Switch scene to a battle scene where a certain infiltrator was detected; fair-skinned like Orochimaru and hiding in the midst of all; the battle was of melee as we exterminated, and I found a few more which were hidden amongst the group that was walking together as a band.  Killed one big guy with a black pointed stick which resembled the arc of fire stick used in SAF.

Once again, the old block with narrow stairs appeared again, the one which I had "walked" down in the past which had the look of those simulated flats in FIBUA.
Another weekend done; though managed to workout, the day had somewhat been more tiring than usually, on the mental side.  I had dozed off the night before at dearie's air-conditioned room and comfy bed and made my way back home early in the morning, straight to workout and made my way early to work. 

It's a good thing to set off early and reach office so I can unpack my emotional baggage and get to work.  Calls, as usual, packing the queue till we had to be fast, but the early part of the morning I had was dedicated to training for DM calls.  I'm starting to handle them bit by bit after lunch as skillset had been amended.

Not really tiring intially till the later part of the day where I could feel the mental fatigue coming in.  I do have Kenshin's type of physical energy, but mental energy, that will require some training.

Fortunately, this week is a short week as I have 2 days of leave on Wed and Thu; a good break during the week.
Alot has been spoken about the recent news of my best friend in office being converted, which had gone totally unjustified.  The moral of the story is Hardworking = Failure as what Kenley commented on my post in Facebook.

An offer had seem to come along as a headhunter wishes to discuss with me on a n opportunity that she has in store for me.  It had better be a good one; considering she's only with her current firm for 5 months.

I've told dearie about this and she also feels that all have been unjustified despite all my contributions; that all in all had gone to vain.  Capitalism is needed, not socialism.  Or shall Communism be adopted once again to ensure fairness, with power grasp be within a certain group of people? 

I hope that never happens.
A deep sleep even after tossing around several times and was in this place where Grace told me about her ex-boss whom she disliked, and she appeared to be quite a demure lady, with some signs of age around her eyes and face.

Another scene showed me talking to dearie and was told that Alex and his wife, Karen, dated for 2 months and decided to ROM, and customary was held 7 years later; seems like a recollection of the movie at Tiong Bahru Plaza where we all watched Prince of Persia at a special price under corporate purchase.

I had awoken at 6:48 am, still in time for my workout; thus completing a full week of muscle regime.
The whole idea about life and work is, there should be improvement over the years in terms of income, lifestyle and well being...this place; despite being near to my office, has somewhat caused me to think otherwise as things does not appear as rosy as it may be.

I have been analysing why things are going this way, not the way it's meant to be despite all the hard work put in for the past 2 years; this is already my 3rd year and my patience is coming to an end.

It has all came back to me; when I wanted to take leave last year on the first Friday of Sep 2009, the excuse and textbook answer from my ex TL was "schedule doesn't allow"...hello!!! it's a Friday, and you are telling me that my leave isn't approved??  What are you anticipating?  1 million calls that day?  Since your lame reasons doesn't allow me to be on leave, I'll just take MC.  Simple as that.

OTwise, during my course of studies, have asked him also how I can claim and he only said "you got and see what time you work until then tell me" definite answer...what is this?   Heck care attitude?   End up what I got was I lost out OT claims, working much harder than some perm staff and no concrete recognition.

Staying back till 10:30pm to do the campaign board the previous day had been in vain as all I got was an applause when the Lengleng announced that on the call floor...that was more than a year ago.  This time, they don't hope for me to contribute in this way.  There are perms around right?  Getting more pay right?  Ask them to do it.  It is their duty since they're paid more!  I hate it to see perms doing less than me, getting to go home earlier than me and at the end of the year, and parts of the year, get their fat, generous bonus "all year round".

There's still 5 more months for me to determine my current TL's worth and my respect for her.  Let's see how it all goes.
Just learnt that one my close friends, also my colleague, and also my junior has been converted perm.  On one hand, I am happy for him but on the other hand, for myself, am unhappy cos I'm more senior than him in terms of experience, more productive but why aren't they giving me perm??  Imagine the amount of income I lost just because I'm a contract staff...goddammit!  Are they telling me that they value people who works slower and less productive?

Nothing personal, but his perm conversion will certainly draw a line and a strain on our friendship as I feel totally unjustified.

I had deduced the other reason that he got converted is because he's favoured by my ex TL, who is a CMI; 2 years into the company and he's been promoted to TL despite his high MC rate. 

My next appraisal is in Nov...I can't imagine those happy faces showing off their new mobile phones in Dec 2010 when they get their big fat bonuses, while I'm still drawing my sucky, miserable pay here.  Let's see what the outcome of my appraisal is before I decide my next move, to be sooner or later.

That outrage had somewhat caused a wakeup effect to me; been resting much of the day but had find that the world can be as unfair as far as it goes....

Have already been resting at home the whole day with the company of my adorable guppies...and I'm glad I've rested well the whole day which allows me to work out first thing tomorrow morning.

I don't what lies ahead for me and my best friend in office, though he has SMSed me to tell me that there's still time and to take my TL's inputs positively, but I had replied straight and upfront that "I shall see how things go in Nov, get perm then say" our usual bunch are all perm except me.
Man, didn't get my workout this morning as I slept near 2 while reading about shrimp breeding; after reading, at least now I can differenciate that females are more vibrant in colours, bigger in size compared to male counterparts...

I have to do my workout tonight...overdrive!
A coverted operation has been notified to me...being the fact it is is coveted, it shan't be discussed further.

Just caught up with Andrew and he's quite baffled at the fact that I have a shorter lunch than usual; like what I've told dearie before, the spell of favouritism exists and that's why all phone answerers like us suffer while the management have a full hour lunch.

Late log out today as I had been stuck on 2 sudden calls which came in as I was clearing up work for the previous...the weather hadn't been that hot outside, so the umbrella brought out was not unleashed into it's full purpose.

Haven't got a chance to take pics recently in view of long hours, so the best bet might be during the Saturday's farm outing which will be a half day event;  don't forget to bring some money for shopping!
Saved from the callbacks as a few of us were scheduled for DM training which was conducted by Linda.

Bumped into her while making way to collect pica with dearie, and dearie had unpacked her fair bit of unhappiness of an agent who made a fuss when she did not submit a completed proposal form of her client; and even raised her voice.  Learnt that she's grenade fragmentated complexion like Mark Lee, and an agent waiting for his turn called her CB...hahaha...

At least it's good to know that she has talked it out and not to bottle things within herself....someone has to do something about these agent behaviourial issues - suspend her license if it takes to make her learn her lesson properly.

I made my way home near 9 after catching up with dearie's mum when I sent her home, and managed to fix the Windows XP issue on the last part, getting Left 4 Dead working proper in my PC, and having a good time fragging them to destress.