Heavy rain - a solution to end the Trailblazer days during this period of time as I lose additional coolant while making my way to lunch.  It's a good thing as it makes the overall climate more cooling - especially so at home.

Full regeneration of fuel cells after plopping unto bed from a brief chat with dearie when I got home later - had a dinner with Norizan, Lirome, Lim Li, Crystal and Yusryn at Serai Makan Place - the name I've just found out today while eating at Maybank - known as Kee Huat Eating House - which was discovered yesterday.  We had a good laugh when talking about those silly calls we received - especially so for yesterday as each call was like a Gladiator match on the phone.

Guess this rainy season will last for awhile - can imagine how I can sleep in the bunk after all the gruelling training if I was still doing my ICT a few weeks back - time really flies - I've already done 5, and 5 more to go and I'll be a free man.

Dearie's exams are still ongoing, so that's something which is her major obstacle for the season - till it's over on 21/05/10, and mine on 22/05/10; that marks a momental freedom while awaiting results.  If all else is smooth, I can proceed to the next level in Oct 2010.

Jiayou, dearie, for your exams!

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