I was at the top of a hill which reminded me of the E-shaped knoll where I did the MG range target mounting at the 2 last ICT, this time, a view a city's night shimmer.  There was a laptop I requested to borrow, which was under certain classification, and it was brought out of the "protected zone" by 3 people, on a trolley with some books.

I asked why it has to be so, and they told me that this particular laptop (resembling Macbook Pro) has a certain security clearance level, thus explaining the number of people who came along with it.  The "book" was actually a list of security SOP materials where I was supposed to read, but heck, who cares...

This Macbook gave me the remote access to a certain platform in the city.

Warped to a scene where a director was telling me that this particular advertisement "model" had been pissing him and wasting the time of his crew for filming a toothpaste ad; I had to apologise to him and explain that the model might be too tense and need a little bit more time.  Weather had been swealtering which had made it worst for them all.

Eyes opened, it's already 10:30am.

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