An exceptionally challenging day while my system works under a powercut due to sub-recovery mode; slept at 3am after finally managing to get the iPhone Spirited Away.

1st attack - a total loss female driver who does know know anything about insurance, saying that we are cheating her and threatened to take legal action against us, and blaming us for why the medical reimbusement for outpatient is so little as she assumed that her car insurance covers her for EVERYTHING - hello, the insured interest is her car, and additional coverage for injuries for self and passengers - yet she still got the cheek to ask for compensation for outpatient treatments which are not beyond the policy limits.  If she doesn't know, she should ask, instead of happily signing the proposal form in 02/2010, and later on, getting into a total loss accident. 

Now the insurer is giving her a new car and she could still say that we are "forcing a car" to her and making her fork out extra money.  While doing my rightful duty to explain factual information, she slapped me with the phrase "don't tell me policy this, policy that" though she knows I'm doing what I'm supposed to do.  What does she expect, shall I tell her "the policy does not cover (a), (b)...all the way to (z), to sum it up, you're not covered, so GOODBYE"?  

2nd attack:  Lawyer-wannabe threatening me, telling me that he will sue us till "the whole team lose their job", when the premium calculated had an increase due to his claims which was undeclared earlier.  My efforts of explanation fell to deaf ears as he insisted his way for a "senior management" person to call him to honour the premium.  The best had been done to pacify him and explain nicely, but an earwax-stuffed ear man is just beyond the headset. Guess what, he even threatened to sue till organisation shares plummet; and taunting me like a fool on the phone "you all want to play with me right, I'll sue you!  And when I sue, I mkae sure the whole team lose their jobs and the share price in NY will drop"...rattling endlessly.

Both Talib and I had a tough day - mentally, from the type of calls we received.  It must have been a taste of hell, or Callers from Hell.

I certainly need a good R&R (rest and recharge) when I get home after dinner.

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