Today is the trail shot run of the A500 which I'm armed with; dearie and I cycled to MacDonalds for revision but a large portion of the seats have been reserved for children's party, thus limited seats for more patrons; so we studied for awhile and decided to cycle to Sengkang Riverside Park which was just a 5mins ride away.

Right in the middle of the park was a man-made sculpture which looks like bronze with steel build, and decided to make a "hold the sculpture look" with dearie holding the "base" from an artificial angle.

There are so many new things to explore around, including 2 man-made ponds with schools of tilapia, and mutated wild guppies which can be so huge.  Managed to get many nice shots but ignored the banana tree and flowers in view of "spiritual respect".

We took a break at the top of the hill, which overseas the Riverside Park, that also covers the view of the "floating island" which is actually a shelter which was filled with the Malay community doing a performance with their traditional instruments which resounded like a soft gong with a musical ching within.

Airspeed increase; the skies turned darker with streaks of lighting that dearie had wanted me to capture; but due to the varsity of scope and random appearances, I had to give it a pass this time.  We concluded the evening with a grocery purchase at NTUC before heading back to her place; for once, I do feel a little tired as I've not done a long distance cycling for awhile.  It was a great time we had as I manage to take some quality shots of dearie and the surroundings; nature, being one of my favourite scenes.  A pity I don't have a more telescopic lens to capture the salamander along the swamp just below the bridge we crossed.

Dinner was done by dearie's mum, a feast, followed by a series of ghost stories relation that Alex had encountered a black shadow that lingered at the side of the chalet door when he was sleeping alone in the room, that appeared right in front of him the next morning when he opened the door of the washroom; nothing heard when Alex asked what "it" wanted, but he did come back to burn Chinese offerings for "it".  This was the Aloha resort that was in Changi - according to Weixiong, dearie's bio-brother, it was labelled one of the spiritually unclean places.  I shared my story about Haizul's guard duty patrol at Bedok Camp 1, and even his gf also agareed that banana tress should not be messed around with.

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