I appeared in room that looked like the front office of my workplace, where some agents are served; I was attending to this Harry Lim Chek Hai, whom was a grumpy man on the phone; the role I was in was somewhat hybrid, answer calls and come out to attend to "callers" like him who called to get a quote.

The details was written on no a paper, but some plastic hand-sized model with the name on the top left corner; this customer's name is "Remon" and some of the info could not be read in proper sequence, that irritated this Harry Lim.  I could see it from his expression and vocal tone that he is becoming unhappy...and when he started grumbling off track, I amplified my voice and challenged him "you think I can't speak louder?  It's only because I chose not to raise my voice" and he started telling me that he could shout till the entire ammo dump could hear his voice - since when did he work in ammo base?

I could feel my throat a little strained after using that Lion Voice against Harry.

Next scene was the Tampines Bus Terminal, bearing the appearance of that before the recent facelift - I saw that there was an identical bus that brings us to Larkin in JB, Malaysia, but this time, this bus is bound for Thailand, and there were some Thai words scribbled by the side of the English text.  Weather was blazingly hot like that of the recent climate...and I saw my ex, she called me and was talking to her; she had wanted me to board the bus with her but I walked off after hanging up; to "booth" which was like a defunct information counter, identical to those in Bukit Batok Bus Terminal, which was away from the view of the boarding berth of this "Singapore-Thai" bus.

I woke up, indeed, with a sore throat...so it's a no action day at work.

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