Saw myself taking a Shinkansen and was talking to Lin Meijiao, the ex-wife of Ng Aik Leong, a local celebrity; was casually talking to her and yet a little to gaze at her eyes directly as she really has a beautiful complexion for her age.

Nex t scene shows me exiting the train , that has suddenly changed to a rosewooded interior, which encompasses a cosy atmosphere. Myself and a few men, who are from my schools of studies, ie EVSS and ITE, were grouped by education level and were embarking on a mission like mercenaries out into the chilling winter, in full battle gear.

Later, at the rear of the cabin, shows that there’s this Japanese lady business owner whom I was tasked to do some delivery for her, but she was still going with me to ensure all goes smoothly. The place we stood was actually the side of the train cabin; where it could open for a ramp that is used like that of Noal’s ark in Baxter Almighty.

The buyer approaches and I was given a flip sign with Japanese words as I’m not fully fluent in the language, thus this was the guiding tool to help me transact the deal. I accidentally flipped the chart wrongly and the buyer chuckled and taught me to do it properly…

Seems like the deal went through successfully…

I’m up…6:45 am.

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