The evening ended late after sending dearie home and spending some time doing the "durian clearance" at her place...

While on the way to pick dearie up from her school, saw a freak accident where one of the person lay flat on the road junction near Bedok Reservoir Road and many onlookers were gazing at the scene where some people tried to help her up; she was bleeding profusely and definitely in great pain after glancing through my windscreen when passing the scene, and later on via my side mirror.  That accident had caused a great disturbance to the flow of traffic, and vehicles had to make a slight detour around the spot where the lady laid flat on the road, back facing up.

Fortunately, she's still conscious.

In my mind was the scenes of those moments where I had met with an accident while riding my TZR and TZRR many years back.  It had been unforgettable as the graze of the skin, how Baxter was used to wash the wounds before dressing it up was really a torturous event despite being superficial wounds.

That was in 2003.

When passing by Thomson, I was recollecting about the scene and wondered how many motorist had died on the road in LTA and Traffic Police's records, and never made their way home to see their loved ones.  That can be the saddest thing...and I believe most are motorcyclist considering the risk they're exposed being uncovered while riding.

Looking at the clock, it's past 1:30am and time to retire for the night.  Recollection complete.

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