Managed to finish work earlier than scheduled and got a change to easy clothes after dinner at home. Dearie is at Isabelle's place and will be going for a group date as they are introducing a guy friend to her.

Reached T3 earlier than expected and as usual, armed with my digital sniper.

Eve, Isabelle and Warren all look good; seeing them, though only the 3rd time does bring back great joy of good old friends after not seeing each other for a long time.

We arrived earlier after going to the wrong TCC, which dearie suggested it serves chicken...well it does look more like a restaurant than a place for coffee n bistro-style food.

After settling down in the place, all decided to order food and drinks; I got my peppermint tea, which wad served in a Pyrex flask; an expensive piece of kitchen appliance which makes the cost worthwhile.

We were joined shortly by Jessica and Desmond; the 'quarry' is actually Desmond's friend and this event is organised by Jessica. Desmond, in his usual jovial behaviour makes the conversation session pretty enjoyable.

His friends Andy who works in Orix, Calvin who does business security joined us later, followed by Desmond's business partner, Collis, came later. Who could be the person they wanted to introduce to Isabelle?

They all knew each other through Special Interest, cars as learnt from Demond, his current SiR was owned by Calvin. Warren appeared to be the Public Relationship rep as he got the conversation going from. Desmond's friends.

The fellowship ended at 1030pm, awhile after Jonathan, also from the car interest group came later after he had a long chat on the phone - his girlfriend had called him from Australia for a tiff according to Andy.

Later in the evening, we learnt that Calvin had asked Isabelle out but still on a group basis; since we aren't invited, it might be a good choice not to go.


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