Reached home early after the HI exam, but not carrying that kind of joy when I see a "pass" in my result slip which is immediate upon submission of the exam.

Guess I have to do it again.

Dearie's at her colleague, Doris' late father's wake and wonder if she's home already...or she might stay a little later than I expected?

One day of being free from answering calls as I have a full day training tomorrow...wonder if it will be as interactive as Andrew Sidwell's sales training back then where all of us were "uprooted" from our seats but overall, still a positive experience.

I don't know what the future lies...or how long I'll be staying where I work.   Suddenly the OT is reduced and I do feel a little uneasy on it; the long and late hours at work are seemingly to be coming to an end, but I guess asking for more is somehow beneficial for me in the long run...being a workaholic, that's how I like to work...long hours, and more OT.

Sometimes I do feel like living off the grid but I can't be such a hermit; it'll simply be so weird unless I've been living as one since young...

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