Queue number finally reads 410 and ticking.

I've been standing here for the past 20mins and certainly, the Singnet promo has attracted many people to come by. Such, by far, is an unusual crowd; a hoarde will be added to the Macbook SiG online.

27 more and will it be my turn.

Stomach's a little rumbly while on tge way here; probably due to couple of callers who doesn't understand the stand that we are not able to assist them in claiming Third Party. Non industry people, so forgiven.

Dearie should be home soon and her mum's not cooking...so self-resolved dinner by packing back on her way home.

This entry has been written to help make time useful while waiting.

Though a Monday, the carparks can be unusally packed; most likely having something to do with the redemption today. My idea was to get it done soonest so I don't have to inconvenient myself on a later date.

Alarm tripped; someone must have yanked the display merchandise. No matter; short but yet shrilling and irritating enough.

I can finally give dearie my Y310 which has served me well, except for the radio unit that can be easily replaced by a wifi stick. It does cost a substantially to me, but to part with it also means an act of unselfishness to my beloved dearie.

429 now, and ticking.

Time to do some cleaning when I get home to prevent more dust affecting my digital sniper.

Radio out.


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