We arrived at Denpasar airport at GMT+800, after a 2.5 hour hour flight. Airpressure change makes the flight sleepier while we stayed awale chatting in the budget airline we took; pretty mentally challenging.

The airport at Denpasar isn't as impressive compared to Singapore's; older interior with almost no improvements except for electronic devices by the local Immigration.

Antzer had arrived pretty earlier with his fiancé, and we were taken by a hired driver to our lodging place at Yulia Inn. A rather quiet place which has the resort feeling which resides in the heart of the shopping zone. Local Chinese also speak Hokkien so somewhat will be able to communicate with his fiancé where we all need to.

Finally, the first League outing!

It was already past 10PM at Bali, thus we settled for supper while chatting over recent happenings and our gameplay in 9D. The worker at the food centre could speak pretty fluent Mandarin despite being a native Indonesian. Learnt from Antzer, the locals are mostly not Muslims, thus they don't have stringent rules on the food they eat. Songjie shared about his navy colleague who dashed into Kuta beach, just opposite the food centre. Apparently, the beach has a closing timing and he was chased back by the patrols...that was certainly embarrassing for him.

Roads are narrower and less organised compared to Singapore's.

Had finally been able to sms dearie on my safe arrival after my phone could be juiced up in our Room 825 with Songjie's portable iPhone charger that was lent to him by Meg.

No free wifi? Hmm...SMS was the only way to keep in touch with dearie.

As the night was late, we decided to turn in before a full day activity the next day: as briefed by our League Guide, Antzer. A temple tour.


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