Pulau Ubin had turned more modern than I expected - proper roads for cycling and many more facilities available nearby.

We rented a bicycle at $6 for full day at a brown building shop nearer to the "city central" near the jetty, and took on the wheels and went by lots of places; there were 4 quarries in Ubin and we managed to see 2 of them while covering the East.

Stop over at a "why you so like that" stall that was also the house of an elderly man who had lived in Ubin for the past 21 years; he made his living as a farmer and were accompanied by 2 cats; the kitten's mother was killed by a wild boar who tried to eat her, so the mother that was with the kitten should be called the "stepmother" so to speak.  We had stayed there for awhile before moving on.  A kodomo dragon was spotted slithering in up in the hill just opposite the uncle's place.

Next stop, Chek Jawa, that proved to be a gruelling journey.  Though the route was short, it was certainly quite a harsh-terrained journey that wasn't far, but had used quite an amount of energy.  Dearie, fortunately, was able to last by taking breaks of dismounting and pushing the bike up those challenging slopes.

Mosquitoes in Chek Jawa had proved merciless.  Just a couple of minutes of stopover had attracted numerous mosquitoes to dearie's legs so we decided to move on - fast.  A couple of minutes down the road appeared 2 Malay tombstones on our left.  Being sensitive to the aura, we decided not to say anything and kept moving on, till there was the main road with a rubber tree, where the bowl to collect latex was still attached to it.  For that route, ahead will bring us back to jetty and returning the bicycle.

A 4 hour journey had proved fun and unforgettable as we made our way back to Singapore.
Finally a long weekend that I got leave approved on Monday.

The plan was to head off to Pulau Ubin early but dearie needed more rest; so I decided to head my way down to her place first.

Weather is looking perfect despite the temperature - a good sweatout as I made my way to her place via public transport since there're no all day parking at Changi Jetty.

Some news were broken to me by Songjie about Indy21 relinquishing license to GamersFirst, another owner who is in no business relation to the current. No matter. Life still goes on.

Lunch stopover at Changi Village food centre and catching the famous nasi lemak before the bump boat ride.

Come to think of it, having 12 solid hours locked out of my awakening each day is no easy feat for the regulars. I'm not in a position ti say that I'm an elite, but the best description would be my exceptional energy level.

When I hear about people who are able to leave on the dot, or earlier, feelings of enviness had faded off. I work off scheudule so will not do any form of comparison to others. Afterall, the remuneration scale is different.

I had taken a walk for some shots at Joo Chiat before picking dearie up from Eunos MRT station; she had went out after work with her cousin, Jessica for a shopping trip - girls' stuff.

The trip at Joo Chiat had proved fruitful despite being crowded.  Nightfall had made me more awake as it was my hour which I am at my best.
I was taken in a bus on a department outing – something similar to that of the farm trip which we had for the past 2 years; this time, it’s a historial temple visit.

I saw the usual – Kent, but looking much thinner, Alex and also Hazel, which I took Kent’s headshot against the sun rising across the misty sky.

The temple resembled that of Angkor Wat, the ruins of Cambodia which proved a substantial tourist attraction.

The bus went past a place which a hill appeared, with endless staircase that was suggesting “Stariway to Heaven”, with really old zinc-roof house built neatly on the side of the slopes. There was a scene showing me talking to Brigitte which I had issues with her work ethics and she sounded pretty aggressive. I was talking to some colleagues who were with me, and were not joining the “temple tour” while I was taking pics of the surroundings.

Strange thing about this village is that it is surrounded by modern architecture, the HDB flats. It went past a bus stop and I saw a student dressed in my secondary school’s uniform and resembled Mingyao. Upon “closer examination”, it’s actually not him.

The journey was fun as we all got a get together outside office hours, with the cool misty morning weather.

It’s 7:40 am and time to get to work.
Had received a call from a friend whom I made during the course of work sometime back. After the call and the mental analysis, I had come to know that she had left the company a year or so ago, and now with one of the agency.

Having trying to be nice to advise her the right procedures, she had insisted to go by the "backdoor" and that lead to a tense conversation.  When she could not have her way, she went on to get personal and even got the cheek to ask me "what's wrong with you" when she knew that her request, which was on the deviated route, was wrong.  My conclusion was not to budge despite her insistency, so she had to end the conversation.

It's quite saddening to know that a friend had turned into someone with less positive ethics and behaviour.  After talking to dearie, it's a fact that they're struggling on an undermanpowered basis.  Considering that they just started out, they should not be getting more people to work when the business is yet to be on track.
The midway of the week has reached; and somewhat getting addicted to the long hours.  So far, had been successfully catching 2 sets of workout the past week despite the long hours at work.

An earlier journey to fetch dearie since I had made my way there earlier.  She will be having another lesson tomorrow - that's something mentally challenging which I had also been through; having to put the mind through a 3 hour session of learning after a long day at work.

The festive season's just around the corner and I have to catch some shots in Joo Chiat soon.

Received a messenger from a rude brat whom did not understand my English in the simplest form indicated in the CRM form. He even wrote in full caps for one of the words in his sentence which goes like this...."since you ALREADY know..." I found it a total waste of time rebuking him so I raised it to my immediate supervisor...looks like he's trying to look for trouble by writing such a thing.

Later on learnt that he is tendering...but does it give him the grounds to spew such an attitude?  That reminded me of S W K who lectured me in his replies and even wrote to one of the TLs to "educate" me.  And where is he now?  Being an agent which did not last and now working in some company at Changi Business Park.
Was brough instantly into a world which reminded me of the movie Avatar, that there is a bodied self in the mind. The world looked pinkish and somewha t a dreamy filter effect ambience of 9 Dragons.

I recalled seeing dearie in those pulgistic costume and holding the jade staff like League of Beggar’s Hu Shanshan, completed with a straw hat.

Surroundings were vegetated with a fresh scent of nature and the seemingly endless dirt track where we move from town to town, mob hunting via Lightfoot.

I sprung up from the world that I long to stay in…12:45 and 5 more mins before lunch ends.
2nd day of the last week of long nights; energy level still intact.

I'm looking forward to the weekend as it'll be one that covers up to Monday, and Tuesday will be an early release for me - trade off is that I'll lose the opportunity for increasing my "variable".

Dearie's lessons have increased on the intensity - 3 times on weekdays basis and I have to be sure that I am there to give her the moral support as well as being able to fetch her home.
Some smug callers deserved to be shot. Solutions offered and yet refused to take it, threatening to
get back to me 'as conversation are recorded' and demanding my employment no.

Who does he think he is? These are people who expects to be served just because they got a policy? Some things can be facilitated if they do it based on solutions offered.

He's just degrading his intelligence to that as above described.

We had originally planned for a trip to KL over the coming weekend as we are both on leave on Monday, but in view of dearie's classes, and the rush back, we decided to postpone the trip as it would really be a killer for us to having rush back earlier and not being able to optimise the long weekend as we would wish for.

I've not started working on the cover letter for the opening introduced by Wan, which sounds like an insurer.

Dinner was spent at her aunt's place, and the place was quickly "vacated" as most of them went to Macpherson to watch the Chinese 7th month's singing that stages are sprung up all over the island during this season.  It wasn't my cup of tea so decided to forgo it.

As unexpected quickly as I thought, I had entered slumber soon after reaching home, near 11pm.
At last I can send my car for servicing; all in all took almost 4 hours for the entire process and I had went around Sunplaza Park and Ubi estate for some shots.  The weather had been so mentally challenging and aircon in Bus 22 was so comfortable that I was nearly brought to a chauffeured slumber.  Fortunately, got a caffine booster that kept me awake while I took a walk to collect my car at 3pm.

I had learnt of an opportunity from Wan this morning but have to work on it fast...the best man wins the offer that had already been given those he feels that may fit the role.

Laundry all done, so we have the whole evening for ourselves.
I had left office earlier in view of the invitation by Shima, one of dearie's direct colleagues who had organised a dinner at Seoul Garden.  It took me an hour to get there from my office by my own wheels, considering the jam that had occured at the entrance of CTE!

Dinner was 90% made up of various types of marination for same type of meat - beef and chicken, something noticed about the place - menu never got changed after these years - soft drinks without flavour and no atap chee for dearie..what more could we get?  There were some catchups but not as intensive as I had expected cos I'm not close to a few of them, and furthermore, all of us were busy eating...$28; I have to eat my fill...

A $30 fine greeted me after spending some time at dearie's place after sending her home...this had to be the most expensive dinner I had encountered....unofficial "+++" in the meal.
I had dropped by Vincent's chalet for awhile at Aloha Beach resort that was off Pasir Ris Close, further into the vegetation.  Spent  sometime catching up on work issues and his planned, quiet chalet - quite the unusual and for the first time, something quieter than usual at a chalet.

I took my leave at 10:05PM and took me awhile to find my way out, and refuel, before reaching SIM at near 11.  Dearie was fuming mad and hungry so I kept quiet and be the "guilty cory", hoping that she will feel better after seeing me in that cute look....alas, bad time arrangement on my end...and the road from Pasir Ris is sure much farther compared to departing from Tampines to Clementi.

I didn't stay too long after sending dearie back as we both have another battling day tomorrow...she looks much better after she had her dinner and having kept her company....
Rainy lunch session which I was accompanied by an elderly rag-and-bone man who was previously randomly chatting with some folks nearby about the inclement weather which affected his income, commenting that weather is so unpredictable lately. Indeed, it was pretty fair in the morning but had heard the thunderstorm which gave Salasiah a fright in the office.

It’s a good downpour as it does help keep the day cool; hot weather is something which is intolerable except if I’m doing something of my interest, ie, photography for myself.

2 more days and the Long Night will be over, bringing the closure to the week.
I had awoken from the wind of the fan which had kept me cool throughout the night; awoken at 4am by my alarm clock and fell back to slumber for awhile. The drag could be felt in the morning; probably due to the numbness from 6 hours of fan wind directed at me. Might be a good idea to keep fan in oscillation mode instead of direct contact.
I had finally found the charger for my Plantronics headset after a thorough search in my room, and some minor packing of the surroundings. In the course of the hunt, had accidentally tipped the dry box which contained SAL75300 which was within; fortunately, no damage to it after a couple of trail shots.

The hunt had resulted in sweat profusion on a burst mode, but I’m glad it had been located and have since organized all the electronic devices in one spot.

Dearie had shared with me her interview with potential employer and the remuneration is pretty decent compared to where we work now…might be a good chance for me to move on, but once again, to also ensure that employer is able to accommodate my schedule for further studies.

Early day retirement.
2nd day of the 3rd week of Long Night. Calls had surged to a considerable extend…could even see 21 callers on queue before the lunch hour.

All the best for dearie’s interview with new potential employer which she was recommended through a headhunter.


I saw myself in a river-surrounded town, which had those old fish trays used in Ip Man 2, and unbelievable, seeing Fang Xin, my favourite Taiwanese actress in the TV serial, Love, which airs eveyrday 7pm recently.

I was walking through the “fish market” and ended up at a jetty-like platform facing a small river, and Fang Xin was using her camera to take pictures of the surrounding…also saw the actress who starred as Yixin, talking on the phone nearby; seemingly talking to her father. She was dressed in a white top with jeans like how she did when hosting a travel show that was aired recently. Awhile later, I saw the actor, Ni Jiming, who starred as the cad Guo Congmin, on the same show; he was telling Fang Xin to go back with her as he felt so empty in his life without her but she refused. On Fang Xin’s hand was a sleek black camera which she had forgotten that she’s still holding the shutter and it took pictures of the river without composition.

I had asked her to take a photo of me, and the recent pic she took had a natural bokeh, which was only possible with a dSLR…

Dragawakening. It’s time to get off to work.
The third week of Night of Long Hours; surprisingly, still very fresh at this hour; that means I'm ready to expand some muscles when I'm back home later!

I gotta get out of this office attire; simply too restrictive and warm to be wearing them for so many hours...

Most of the people have left, so most likely I'll be the last person leaving the office tonight.  Gone are the days when I leave office and seeing the sunlight...this working schedule somehow reminds me of Wan, but the only thing now is that I don't get to drop him a line while he's still in office...afterall he has moved to another country to work for the next couple of years....good thing is we still have Facebook as a contact point.

I won't be working in NATAS as I prefer working in office for my OTs, as there's minimal scrutinty of me doing out my work and feel more at ease....environment is much better here too.

Hope dearie's enjoying her lessons and not too tired from the day's work - Monday will usually be flooded with work as most people want to clear things up at the beginning of the week.
I had only done one workout last week and none this week - that means I have 3 workouts to catch up on top of the 2 scheduled ones in this week....have read in books / articles to just let it pass on those missed workouts, but it's just uncomfortable as I can't charge up my energy level above what I have now.

Just need to ensure a proper diet and adequate rest in view of my "evening locked weekdays". 

Let's start with the first tonight after sending dearie back, or if I can make it back in time early home, for a burst-mode regime.
A treat before lunch; an insurance noob who refused to listen to my advice after advising on how his plan works...spent a solid 30mins with him on the phone and now getting Christoper to help handle him, since there's no resolution from what I have been trying to help him understand.

Fortunately, no heavy rain when I was lunching with the overcast sky that greeted me when exiting office building.

Vincent had invited me to his birthday at chalet on Thu, but it'll be easier on Fri as I'll be fetching dearie from school on Thur. Dinner with the QM guys had been postponed to Sat in view of everyone's schedule, so, the event will be done on Fri instead.

I had missed the morning workout, although awoken by the alarm at 4am but the previous journey to Woodlands Garden Park had been quite physically draining. I'm glad dearie liked the shots I've done for her :)

Just awhile more before I go back to man that audio battle station which will ceasefire at 5pm, followed by the Long Hour Night.

I was in a cave and at times aboard a vessel which was like those built for voyage by puligist, clan leader was a female and at the end of the voyage, I was told that for me to be promoted to be the Clan Abbot, there are certain quests that I need to fulfill.

Next scene shows me battling in war which a pyramid like building was invaded by modern military forces that reminded of GI Joe, all dressed in flashy black armoured suits. Most were defeated and I was told by my master the reason why I could not defeat them; I had enabled the skills (like selecting skills in 9D), and had chosen the Master level; being the master, whom had spoken to me, that’s the reason why I could not defeat him by choosing the wrong skill level that I’m not suitable to use yet; gold-backed icon instead of the standard blue-backedi icon.

There seems to be more but I had awoken for the week’s long battle.
Streets of Bugis and signs of Lavender Wholesale Distribution Centre surrounded me with all the squarish buildings and big gated doors, with that familiar reek of ikan bilis came to my nose.  It was a street walk where I saw masses of people who seemed to be involved in major events like National Day's mass display and military parades.  There was a street that was old and filled with shops that resembled those I've seen in Bali - old food stalls that were still heavily patronised.

Before I moved out of the area, I saw a bus with policemen, and most of them were wearing the Police style shades, and getting ready to move off.  A crane was sticking out of the rooftop of a food centre and Nicole and I had just came down from that place...a construction site type of lift that was meshed.  We were talking about people who holds a degree should be remunerated much better...just like myself; already having pretty high expectations - that reminded me of my workplace and how some juniors who aren't as efficient as me getting permanent position.

The town turned into a broken town and I saw myself and Yanchao looking for a toilet to answer nature's call - we finally found one which was a old schoo urinal; something we no longer see in today's toilets in coffeeshops.  This one was blue, and will illuminate the foot area where we stand.

Nicole and I had arranged for photo session which attendance was to be signified by the painting order of the crane's structure - by default it's painted red and yellow alternate from the bottom, and when she's nearby, I should see a segmented red and yellow in between the current painting.  When asked how she is going to do that painting, Nicole just went "hehe" in her trademark laughter.

I open my eyes.  It's a dream.
Initially had been told by Songjie about Kevin's birthday at Shin Bar at 12am today, but looking at the very odd timing and that his friends might be those who are much younger than me (Kevin's much younger than me) and also that I have dearie's dad's birthday dinner to attend, I decided that this event shall be given a pass.

The dinner was done at Jumbo at SAFRA Country Club near Laguna Golf Resort, that was area much blocked out on carrier signal till we got into the main building.  Dearie's mum was laughing when Tomcat app on Siew Hui's phone kept mimicking her conversation and laughter...something that truly amused her.

We had ate quite a series of dishes and there was a company event that was ongoing.   Service and food quality are much better compared to the outlet at Stadium Waterfront.

I was once again the photographer for the event.  We had a cake which her brother bought from The Icing Room, that was lined with strawberries, chocolate flakes and filled with prunes.  3x Vodka that reached 25% of the glass kept me company till I slept at 2:15AM.
Finally a battling week had been completed.  In office now, only left me and Vincent, who will be staying till 7:30PM.  For myself, the usual.

Dearie had went for her goddad's birthday dinner which was arranged on the quite a last minute; I had already given the go-ahead for my overtime so won't be able to join them.  It won't be nice if I pop up in the middle of the dinner as they should be quite half way through by then.

The evening will be spent at home doing up those undone photos which are pending to be produced in my Photo Works.
Linda has instructed Christopher to assign me less OT as she concerned about me burning out.  The strange thing is that I'll get more and more productive with long hours.

That's just me...don't mind working late.  I told Linda jokingly that I get to go back at a non-traffic jam timing, plus can be contributing more to the organisation...so why not?

Andy will be collecting his things from me later; hope the works is to his satisfaction and no delays / postponement tonight.
Woke up with a laggy feeling as the previous evening had been spent massively editing photos from Malacca day trip, not all are done yet.

A little sleepy but had been quickly freshened up with the morning bath.
Andy is not able to meet me to collect back his goods and thumbdrive as he had hands soiled with oil after trying to fix up Songjie’s RC….so the collection will be postponed till tomorrow.

It’ll be nice to see how these RC enthusiasts make their cars drift just like those done in Initial D…something which can be dangerously thrilling when done in real life.
The CRM at work is giving me a series of time wastage after trying to tidy up my completed incidenets…haiz…something which our system is frequently subjected to…ultra sensitivity which just can’t be comprehended…I have to use an alternative launch to make things go.
I had spent most of the time working out on the product studio shots at home...watched the NDP on my PC but it was super laggy and could only watched the last part streaming....guess there are too many viewers watching it simultaneously.
I've reached FD6 after finishing up the minor percentage of EXP at Cave of the Conquerers, better known as cc to seasoned gamers like us after accompanying my uncle for shopping a nice shirt at the G2000 50% sale in Tampines 1, in preparation for my brother's wedding that is just around the corner.

I have to watch my percentage of time spent on the game and not be obsessed with it.
Today's the 5x EXP event again...just logged into the game and continuing my grind...but damn!  I had been nuked by Snakecoil Lady who happens to be a boss in that area...

Awaiting revival...
Songjie was “ripped” off by 2 noobs who didn’t contribute when partying and they got a piece of his mind when they were chatting away on nonsense instead. Such are not worth spending his time to help.

Rian had agreed to help me get KoG epic tonight when I’m back from Chjimes around midnight; it’s a good chance for me to also do some leveling. I’m still quite far from the bunch of them as I had not been playing as regularly as them but no worries. Since all of us are on it, go for it.
The final lunchbreak aftera long week. Not working till 8:30PM tonight in view of department event at Chjimes. Over lunch, I had came to the conclusion that many things are really in the mind; such as when we are tired, the effects of fatigue will be determined by what is preset in our mind which affects the overall body system. I may have a long day at work, but mind had been kept alert by the constant emission of chakara and being in full control of it.

Though collection for Joo Chiat shots yesterday wasn’t magnificent, it was a good attempt as by foot, many things can be seen and taken.
I’ve awoken to cand prepared myself to go to work. Not going to be armed with A500 today as evening time will be spent at a place packed with people.

The reason for Deep Heat was that windows wasn’t opened at max when I slept last night after reaching home quite late from dearie’s place.

Hope dearie had a good rest last night…my working hours seemed to have immensely reduced our “contact hours” but I have to hang on there for the future benefit.
Finally settled down after reaching home ½ hour earlier before writing this blog; mentally a little tired, for once again, after a long day at work, followed by phootshoot at Joo Chiat before going to fetch dearie.

She had been tasked with new roles to investigate some reports which is quite impossible to do between her service times at counter.
We had a quick bite at the nearby coffeeshop which is about 5mins’ drive from her place, as most eateries have closed for the day considering the hours when she has ended her classes.
Lunch is exceptionally early today at 11:45am, which will mean longer hours after lunch before “silent moments” when we do our callbacks.

Finally Kevin replied our group message in FB as he’s making some progressive towards the girl he likes. Songjie’s part, will be all on his own and he has to learn to be the minor role since his beloved girl is quite a workaholic.

Dearie has told me about the Taiqi mistress at her workplace which some things which are non-core to their role ie building maintenance can be done by the TQM, but instead, have been told to DIY ..sometimes I wonder on the competency as she used to be my HOD but has aroused much unpopularity among all, including those who work closer with her.

Anyway, that’s her nature…I have my massive OT to do and claim here so I look forward to see what I get next month. I’ll do it as long as they’re willing to pay.

Tonight’s another chance to see dearie after her classes again…I have to settle dinner and make my way down after Joo Chiat shots so I can have time to rest or probably get some shots around the campus. Alternatively I can get home to bring Macbook out but that might result in time wastage.
Still able to wake up in time this morning despite having an overdrive from last night; from the 9D grinding.

It’s the 4th consecutive day without workout since my return from Bali, which is almost 2 full weeks of non workout. Maybe I still need a little time to accustom to the limited time schedule which I am now on; full throttle for OT.

I’ve brought my A500 for shots in Joo Chiat as they have put up some festive decorations for Hari Raya…if I finish early tonight, it’ll be a good time to capturre those lightings against the evening sky.
I’ve finally done the last part of the photo editing for my Bali trip.

Some grinding done and made it to FD5 but the next band of mobs, Demon Toads had proved irritating with their silly laughter…LOL…
Lunch is over and weather had been merciful – no deadly sunrays to and from lunch.

Yesterday’s evening had been really limited on time as I reached home only at 9pm after a quick dinner, and managed to edit and upload most of the pics for Bali trip.

What’s left are a handful of pics which I still need to fix before it’s sent online – and not forgetting the Malacca day trip pics which are yet to be uploaded.

Lots of photoworks on hand so I may need to bring my Macbook to office to do them, in event that I finish my OT earlier.
The RC playing at Andy’s place will be held tomorrow instead but I guess I won’t be joining since I finish work so late and Songjie wo uld have been tired by then. He’s still clearing his leave before serving the final month next month and he’ll be out to the civilian world.

For the past 3 days, I have not been able to do my workout in vie of the limted time; maybe it’s a good choice to start tonight so as to keep the momentum going; without a workout; part of my energy is sealed and unable to sustain longer than my usual endurance.

Hope dearie has rested well these few days since she still has her lessons to attend. Will I still be able to move forth at this capacity when I commence my next phase of studies? I certainly do not want to waste time no do I want to lose out on the income that I am able to earn from these OTs…let’s see how things go when I have started my lessons.
Yes, I’m still the last person to leave office despite Ellen and Emily still in office doing their telesales.

Hyped editing was done for Bali pics and still in my work attire at eht middle of the night; managed to chat awhile with dearie before I retired for the night;…in a wink of an eye, it’s already past midnight and too late to grind at 9D.
2nd day of Night of the Long Nights – still feeling pretty good and speed is still upkept considering I had got adequate rest the previous night. Workout is still at large so tonight might catch one soon before sleep; as it helps induce good sleep after sweating out with all the weights.

Chris wen t to tease about my reason for doing OT and also about Mr Big Hole…he just simply pull a trick that makes all of us laugh – a jovial nature of himself. He’ll be on his own now as DM since Lim Li has stepped down – probably the stress level is so much higher compared to being a CSR.

I have to admit that the role here arent’ as easy as those days in NCS where the product knowledge isn’t as wide, and having so many systems to deal with. Anyhow, I’ll be staying on her for awhile and earning as much as I can.
Is dearie home already? I hope she’s back home safe and sound; oh yes, haven’t taken the shot of the gifts I got them; pretty local and could see from the sparkle in her eyes that she likes them all….that certainly brings about a warmth from within.

Though the Bali trip is over, lingering thoughts of the fellowship we had still lives on. All of us are still in touch via Facebook and saw one of Rian’s wedding pic; it was beautifully taken at a location called Taman Ujung, 3 hours drive from Kuta. That picture really look beautiful and from their eyes, could tell that they’re really happy together. I look forward to making that day come to reality for me and dearie too.
Awoken at 7:14am after a deep sleep; the fatigue felt was something that wasn’t very mentally draining as compared to last time when I came back for OT even on Saturdays.

Songjie had called me early in the morning and told me about Andy’s invitation to his place for RC car playing…Andy and his brother had been into this hobby since young and could build his own track and play on the upper deck of his home. It’ll be on one of the weekdays and I would like to drop by after work to see them play as well as to take some pics.

Hope dearie slept well last night as I received her SMS only this morning at 1:20AM...
The first Night of the Long Hours has been completed before schedule…dearie is already somewhere through her lessons and I was nearly toxic-induced by Melphis’ breath; wondered what he ate or had he had a late sleep last night…he was telling me about his plans in 9 Dragons but I couldn’t give full attention as I was concentrating on my overtime; those days are back where I am the last to leave office.

I just realized that I was the only person left except for Linda who had just left after running her report for the day; probably also auditing through a couple of calls as their role requires.

Just learnt that Cassandra has left; so that makes the NATAS group we have only left with me and Szewei who is in the same department as Cassandra and Sharon.

In another 30mins will I be liberated to leave the office; this time; not feeling mentally tired but rather, looking forward to see dearie after her lessons and being able to give her a lift home to preserve those energy that could be worn out from the long-hour travel from her school back to her home in the East.

I had been thinking if I had been too quick tempered in the past – thought it may be of little harm initially, but I really do not wish to see myself making dearie upset with my short burst of movements. Something I have to work on. Hope she enjoyed the dinner we had last night and some picture viewing at my place before sending her back as it was quite late in the night already.

Songjie had shared with me some tips on 9D which I will be able to log in if time permits tonight; the hunger is bayed probably from the filling snacks of Arnotts Chicken and shepard’s pie which Linda bought for the DM team who managed to make some good productions.
Gone are the days where our roles are just to answer phone enquiries. Now we have to be hybrids just like 9D’s, being able to do both service and sales. The nice people are something that will keep me here for awhile…the comfort zone which many might label it as – maybe it’s really not a wise time to move out since I have plans to further my studies.
I had awoken after seeing myself in a car, going past Bedok Reservoir Road near my primary school, where the actor for Guo Congmin in the Taiwanese serial, “Love” was talking to us and I was asking about his age. He jokingly told us that he was born in the year of 1980s which infact, he is most probably in his mid 30s, and went to tell us that he has many siblings.

When I awoken, I had seen myself laying on the other end of the bed, somehow, not able to wake up at 4am as planned for workout followed by 9D grinding as there’s a multiplied EXP event this morning from 6 – 10am.
The fatigue could be caused by the massive uploading or the early hours of grinding as there was a double EXP event which I leveled up 2 grades from 6 – 10am. That had been challenging when I woke up dreamily and moved myself to start the grind.

FD4 and halfway towards the next level!

I had dozed off at dearie’s place after arriving slightly near lunch hour, after completing the laundry and some photo editing; I had a total of 400+ pics and only the best will be published online.