I have been receiving calls of such nature over the past few days and wonder who it could be as they have a tendancy to call me during the day hours.  Might just be another surge of telesales calls which I hope the government is clamping down hard on the "lemon law" which they are considering to pass in Parliament afterwhich, all telesales calls have to be made from an unmasked source.

The most common way for them to get our number is via those lucky draws where shoppers / consumers fill up and leaving the number behind.  Undrawn "contestants'" contact will be sold to third party companies to use as leads for their telesales campaigns.  Hence, these lucky draw events are their source of "harvest" where consumers get harassed by these persistent, aggressive and sometimes, terrible callers.  Products nowadays are usually linked to financial tools one has taken up, such as credit cards, personal credit lines etc.

Hopefully, this "lemon law" will come to past soon so that all these unwelcomed calls can be put off once and for good.

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