A massive cyber-housekeeping has commenced over the weekend to put those optical media into good use.

Plans to wake up before sunrise for my run - missing on track for 2 weeks was already something that I had to fulfill but was too busy over the weekend. Tonight will be the recommencement phase to bring myself back to that state I had done so far. Aside from the somewhat unpredictable heavy downpour, regime could take place without much trouble.

If the weekend could be longer, I can certainly fulfill more things that had been outstanding for sometime.

Temperature's picking up and that's a sign that we'll all be expecting a wet afternoon.

Learnt some things about Queen telling King not to approve a colleague's leave despite being a legitimate reason. That was something which many of them, including myself had found pretty ridiculous. Like the saying goes: "we have perfect bosses and clients, but imperfect staff". A joke one would say, in a mockery manner it carries. I won't be very much hopeful for what lies ahead of my trip in August.

Hope dearie has rested well over the weekend as having to confine oneself at home for revisions are one of those the most painful moments.

Sent via my BlackBerry

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