What I had experienced through dreamland this morning was something extensive - this should mean that slumber had been deep but not in full serenity when I warped through the dreamland gates.

I had only managed to settle down proper into slumber near 2am as my mind had been active from the single-hour nap before dinner that I had to undertake; probably fatigue to some extend since a great deal of hours in Saturday had been spent on the road, and baking session done in dearie's school before we can find a place for wrap up our time.

Hope dearie enjoyed what I had planned and prepared for her on that special Saturday.

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Certainly not one of a most enjoyable morning after receiving email sent with the same attachment from Queen. 'Asap' isn't a word to use when information furnished isn't even complete for me to take the next step.

Since there's no urgency I see in this matter, there's no need to even bring this to the principal.

Another 3.5 official hours to go before the clock hits the right time for me to switch back to who I should and really am. So that's for the afternoon.

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Seems like I have been receiving calls from such numbers lately.  Wonder who could it be?
It was an adventure through some old Indonesian street where I had passed some red light district that was situated near my destination. I had met up with some locals who were bringing me around town. This place seemed to have some decent concrete built housings as my host stayed at.

On the way out, 2 of his daughters needed to visit the latrine and they seem to have a way of asking neighhours if they can use their latrine from the outside, where neighbour told them they could - access is from outside the home.

My host and I followed his daughters along and we saw ourselves in that neighbour's home. Upon exiting, I had found myself without any footewear and grabbed anything I could find. The neighbour stopped me immediately and asked me which pair of shoes did I take - it was a while, slip on pair which had a unique sole - friction pads were designed like a maze and were popped out with a 3D effect.

Next scene showed me walking past that red light district and I asked the security what do they sell there (appeared more like a bomoh shop); and he told me pocong, pontianak and jetu; the last being a kind of lady spirit that will take care of you like their husband for life.

I saw myself making a turn from that small carpark area just behind this 'bomoh shoppe'. Traffic conditions reminded me of that in HCMC.

Next scene showed me back in my old Bedok North home and there was this well-handicrafted sword in my home. It had a square-cylindrical hilt finished in bronze and brown-lacquered wood. I was holding it for awhile and was told that there will be a spiritual rebirth and certain death had recently occured. This took place for a person named Chen Hao Deng (d 1938) and there was this archived file where his profile could be read. Some photos, including his death, spiritual deliverance could also be seen. In these 'spiritual' photos, one could see how his soul leaves the body.

I felt something in the sword. My grandma was the person who told me about this 'spiritual rebirth' and returned it to me . Now I see an aura of negative glow and asked my mum (sleeping on the sofa bed). She couldn't tell me much.

The spiritual rebirth was something which doesn't feel right. It was heavy and disturbing.

Next scene showed me having just met some of the ECPers and talking about Alienbee strobes. TG then told me that he had ordered 1 set and now it has been billed to ECP where TG decided he doesn't need it after placing his order. It costed US199. Doesn't sound right but certainly a very good price. I decided to 'take over' his purchase as I needed this.

Last scene showed a rainy road along Simei and I saw Ruisheng being interviewed at a TV documentary feed where he was one of the last batches who managed to collect a full bonus before leaving the armed forces. There was also a snippet of him doing a cool gesture before ending the interview session. After sighting this, I saw him running through a portal from a bus stop in Simei in his armed forces uniform.

Eyes wide: 7am.

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It was a walk through a food town that had the concept of Marche where one carries a card and scans it at the various stalls that food is ordered from - at the end of the meal, diners are billed accordingly.

This time round, seems like the cards have gone 'light' and each card is marked with luminous logos which symbolises certain transactions; the place seemed very different from what I saw - all veiled in some dreamy mist filter just like 9D.

When I opened my eyes, 728am. The venture had seemed so short yet enjoyable.

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Lunch hour is almost over and I'll be resuming back to battlebox soon.

Finally the week is coming to a closure. Next week will be 'intermittent' as there are a couple of public holidays laid all in a single week. This in turn, spells 'vacation drought' for many running in the mainstream.

I'm still looking for that break from this run in the mill.

Anyhow, the rest yesterday was indeed deep; once again, another venture had been done in dreamland which I have wrote separately. It seemed that such ventures only occur whenever I am tired enough for a good sleep.

Tomorrow will be a special day for dearie as I had planned ahead to make her day special and memorable being the closest person to her life. Hope she'll enjoy what's planned ahead.

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Seems like Whatsapp is now the network platform to broadcast their business. Have received this today:

<ADV> Looking for 30 contestants to join weight loss contest in Singapore! Stand a chance to win: 1st : S$
1000, 2nd : S$500 and 3rd : S$300.
Lose weight healthily and have fun
Register @ www.mwscentre2u.com (Please send to your friends who needs to lose weight) Thanks!
Reply 'U' to unsub
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It was like one of those military operations where a group of 5 of us have visited a make up training area which consisted of an estate. A cutscene showing 5 of us leaving a convenience store with one of them being a bad guy who tried framing one of the comrades by accusing him of taking the portable HDD from the store. This bad guy was told off with a question of why can't we have our own HDD when I own several pieces at home.

Moving on to the next scene, we had to check a 7-11 store which we had learnt this town had been affected by G-virus, so all of us were armed and loaded when we went to check out the premises. The store was locked yet lights aren't turned off, but no one was inside when we looked at each possible corner from the outside. Nothing, safe. Ceilings have to be observed too as these creatures may pounce on us in an act of ambush.

So far ceilings looked okay, so we have moved on to the backyard where climbing bushes are made into decorative 'walls' surrounding the fountain. Small setup. Clear. While moving out from the backyard, I kept my eye for the entire team's back. In my hands were dual quarterstaffs. Had a casual chat with one of the gunners in the squad just to ease the tension up.

We now saw a vehicle coming in. That's our reinforcements and we had to move into base defence position. One of the group member cried in joy that we'll have our radios soon. During this ops, we had no radio-communication and had stayed close throughout. Upon the arrival of the vehicle, linkup was done and the mission was complete.

Switchscene showed me entering an office where I saw our minister, Lee Hsien Loong. He had told me that his father, LKY has seen the portraits I had taken and LHL himself will be in touch with me for some assignments. I thanked him before leaving and dearie had waited outside anxiously when I was called to see him. My photoworks had been recognised by the government.

Another scene now, showing us preparing to go for Lulu's wedding banquet and we were all in this small town that resembled Little India or the sort of small towns. I couldn't see much details here but it's the first Pinoy wedding we had been invited to.

I opened my eyes and finally see the clock: 730am.

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Finally my energy level has descended far enough for me to hit the bed.

Entering dream world soon, I hope.

I've managed make my evening worthwhile after departing from battlebox at 5:45pm. A preliminary stage started well.

Oh no...those cats are at their caterwauls again.

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The rest last night was really deep as I had experienced many places through dreamland; one of those very few deep rests I have had over a long time.

I'll have more energy to accomplish what I need to this evening. Considering all the time lost in battlebox, I have to work harder with whatever available time. It was terrible having a displaced timing when I could leave only after the sky turned dark last night.

Hope dearie is preparing well for her upcoming examinations.

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A rainy afternoon after a spell of a hot morning. Had met a client whose family runs a F&B business whom King knows through his businessman's network.

It certainly looks nice to be an entrepreneur despite all the responsibilities that they carry. Here, they talk about revenue instead of income.

Anyhow, during the casual conversation, he shared that he enjoys doing what he does now, and if he doesn't, it's better to change job.

That reminds me of myself and all the necessary actions that I am seeking to make the 'real thing' I enjoy doing, a reality. It's not going to be a smooth jounrney, and certainly am look forward that it doesn't take too long to build that path.

Things certainly are easier this morning so I'll foresee that I won't be staying late this evening.

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I was at this building which look pretty industrial, but somewhat reminded me of that uncompleted block of flats which I had ventured into sometime back, where it had the old structure of the now defunct Lim Chu Kang Rural Centre.

Many levels for me to move around, while avoiding securities.  Seems like I was on a mission of some kind.

Next scene showed me communicating with a group leader where we were in some vegetated area and suddenly, our communication lines were cut off with the leader.  What surrounded us was just vegetation; somewhat it looked like we were in the middle of some cemeteries where I had ventured with the ECP group.  One of the members asked where he was but I could only tell that he sounded somewhere distant; now the surrounding had appeared gloomier just like how a filter is applied when we look through the lens.

Next scene shows something different; all of us were dressed in lavish Persian wear in some civilisation; some were cooking up a feast, others chatting and enjoying; the whole setting appeared to be some big celebration where everyone are doing something in various small groups.  That was where I saw Darrel and Fericia (also in lavish Persian wear) and we toasted each other while having our casual conversation.

My eyes opened after hearing the alarm. 5:30am.
A beautiful and sunny afternoon with clear skies and solid clouds. Perfect for being out there doing what I really enjoy but here I am, trapped in this clownsuit which only increases the temperature of trapped heat within.

I had evaded lunch with King and Queen after they had met up with 'ex staffs' who came in to reinforce the office when there was a major 'strike' many years back, even before the time of a few long-timers who had been working with them for some time. The matter lies with waiting for that one particular person who is still at home somewhere far from battlebox, and the rest of us have to wait for her to arrive and thereafter, accompany her down to lunch with the rest.

From what we estimated, she could well reach late far into our scheduled lunchtime and later, we'll most likely be chased to get back to work after 'some quick bites'.

Lunch is meant to be a time for proper bio-refuelling but such instances makes the whole break something...uncomfortable.

I rather have my own at my favourite haunt and then back to work at the scheduled time.

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I call this the reluctance to rest as I didn't want to waste any time for the weekend; had been up pretty early to give dearie a lift for her classes.

Lessons on Sundays sure are dreadful.

It is only when you sit down to relax a little may the sensation of what one calls fatigue sets in, depending on individual's energy level. I guess those energy levels are still keeping up hence I been awake throughout the day despite having still a little lesser rest than usual the night before.

Hope I can turn in fast tonight even though the mind is still active at this hour.


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A very humid afternoon with the droning of grasscutting in the background, blanketed by the rushing sound of vehicles across Clementi Road just outside SIM.  Lunched over some finger food dearie bought from the snack bar in her school as the Subway in the neighbouring polytechnic was closed after braving the heat of the sun to make our way there.

Had done some reading about visiting KL as gears appeared more competitively-priced there.  A surge of nature's call that I had to answer and thereafter, relocating to another place as there was a student who was whispering constantly to herself while doing her assignments; a pretty disturbing sound.

Just realised there was a minor on my MacbookPro's cover; I must have accidentally scratched it with my nails in the rush to pack my bags and visit the latrine.  Ouch; I never hope to see any cosmetic flaw on this machine as I carried it with pride being the mean machine for my works.  Just have to be more careful when handling it.

Dearie's lesson should be over anytime now.

It was an unexpected disturbing surprise when I saw 4 missed calls from battlebox's contacts when I had already reached my car to make my way back home to do my routine chores.

Phone had some difficulty in unlocking as there were some unexplained, queer reasons that I had to plug into some power sources to get the screen lit up before I could finally unlock it and saw this mental concussion grenade's fragments.

It was just a simple email draft that I had prepared long ago for Queen. What was the fuss for?

I am already somewhat behind schedule and have major chores to run then in my mind; this was certainly unnecessary for an alarm.

Just came across some useful articles in this forum under dailymile.com which talks about what we should eat and avoid before a long distance run.

That is just what I need to keep the fuel going as I'm now on the 20th header milestone.  Not forgetting lots of hydration.

I have been receiving calls of such nature over the past few days and wonder who it could be as they have a tendancy to call me during the day hours.  Might just be another surge of telesales calls which I hope the government is clamping down hard on the "lemon law" which they are considering to pass in Parliament afterwhich, all telesales calls have to be made from an unmasked source.

The most common way for them to get our number is via those lucky draws where shoppers / consumers fill up and leaving the number behind.  Undrawn "contestants'" contact will be sold to third party companies to use as leads for their telesales campaigns.  Hence, these lucky draw events are their source of "harvest" where consumers get harassed by these persistent, aggressive and sometimes, terrible callers.  Products nowadays are usually linked to financial tools one has taken up, such as credit cards, personal credit lines etc.

Hopefully, this "lemon law" will come to past soon so that all these unwelcomed calls can be put off once and for good.
Another hot afternoon that my mind awaits to see the evening before I can go back and complete that 'burst-mode' regime I had before setting off to battlebox this morning.

Maybe it's the hyper-digestion at work once again that is triggering this 'post-lunch syndrome' that I experience only when there is a heavier intake of carbohydrates. Right now, a short nap will aid in mental freshness for the remainder of the day.

No doubt I had made my 21km journey last week, it doesn't mark any final achievement as more the body fat can still be descended further.

I had failed to awaken this morning to the set alarm once again despite maximising volume. Could it just be a sign of fatigue that I had not noticed prior to retiring for the night?

Resumption of my regime commences tonight after exiting battlebox.

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It was a trip to one of those flavour-rich Asean countries which had stone buildings painted white and pale orange, while hawkers are scattered all over the streets peddling merchandises from videos to food to daily neccessities.

A short recap showed the independance and it belonged to Vietnam. Looks like another part of this war-impaled country that I had stayed in. During one of the evenings, I spotted the neighbour's lodging being a little noisy despite the wooden panels (this place does not have proper doors and used wooden panels in place of doors) put up. While seated at the wooden bench and table, a message was 'delivered' to me in a hand-scribbled note and it was written by my NS comrade Chris which doesn't make much sense as they seem to be partying under the influence of alcohol. That was when I noticed a mental hospital's van parked outside his lodging premise for no known reasons.

It was soon time to leave and I had made a few friends there. I was a little anxious as I had to ensure that I was making my way to the airport at the right time. I told the owner that I would love staying, but have to leave.

Switchscene showed me with dearie while her cousin was with her partner. We were walking around some malls and soon they had to visit the ladies, leaving me and her cousin's partner to chat up a little.

There was one scene where I had a short conversation with her cousin with dearie present; as her cousin was asking some nosy questions, I replied in sacarcism that 'it is because your husband is rich' but she doesn't catch anything. Dearie understood what I meant.

10am. What a long and eventful occurrence through dreamland.

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I had sprung up without hearing my alarm clock that was set at 430am, much earlier. The time was just at the moment of the golden moment that the sun was visible while arising out out of the horizon from my window.

Oh well; I guess I have to leave it to another day then.

A very late lunch as a colleague and I were involuntarily retained back. That simply means I will go back later as I had only commenced at a later timing.

It's been awhile since I had embarked on the full-scale run that I should start tonight, since there'll be a chance that we can all leave battlebox on time.

I look forward to this evening's training as it is high time that I resumed this level of training. A good weather will make it optimum for the run.

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Got this number at the following timing but wonder who called:


Another warm afternoon and it's a good sign as there's lesser inconvenience on going out of the building to lunch at my usual spot.

The week will be over soon, but at least, most of us have successfully evaded the event on Saturday which is something out of the scope of work. That leaves us to have our own time.

Just one more full day before the week can be brought to 'near closure'.

The rest once again must have had been something which I needed; bad hair days also signify an inferior state of health where I had been on a reduced rest schedule over the past few days but I'm glad I had that slumber.

Entrance to dreamland was like hyperspace which I had not noticed that I had already gone off to dreamland.

Hope there won't be any 'additional disturbances' from King and Queen for the rest of this week while we wrap up the important matters.

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On the same day, I had received a call from this weird number.  Might just be another syndicate at work.
I had received a call from this number but wonder if anyone else has got it; no leads after googling.
Saw a Real Time Strategy Game right before my eyes and the mission was to destroy a colony of energy silos that was surrounded by rocks.

The game was on touch-screen, which the device somewhat doesn't look like the typical iPad.

At one stage of the game, I had send a scout to uncover the cloaked area of the map so that I could find my way using land units to destroy that energy silo cluster.  I had a special weapon which when launched, will launch a NASA-type rocket.   However, this doesn't land vertically like the A-bomb used in Red Alert, but will travel slowly across the land.  Hence, it isn't as effective as the Red Alert's versions of superweapons.

Enemy had launched their tank attacks along with their "battlestation" and I was already attacking one of their outstations with my space-age mammoth tanks. These enemy units were pretty small so with my bigger group of mammoth tanks, the slower firing rate could be made up with more fires from a bigger group.

I tapped the Shutterbomb button when it was ready and it was promptly launched.

Opening my eyes; 7:11am.  I realised it was a dream and I certainly had fun.
Well, almost time for me get back to battlebox. Just want to deposit the last wee bit of thoughts here.

With 5 hours of rest, it might just seem insufficient for many but so far I'm still keeping up well with it. Just a little spell of soul-sleep mode in the early hours.

Tonight will be the continuation of my fitness regime. Let's see how far I can descend that body fat percentage from 15%.

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Seems like another deep sleep though I've only entered slumberland after 2am.

A hot afternoon it is after moving to the usual lunch zone. Some guests came and it was obvious that the Queen really 'looks up' to the guests who were known VIPs.

We might just have some moments of peace when they're out later in the afternoon, so I'm looking to be able to depart from battlebox earlier today. Learnt from peers that Queen had a way to phrase 'involuntary' staying back in office as a voluntary basis from us. Man...what a contrast against facts; self-glorification.

I do not know how long I can hold the helm here, but the best option is to continue on the lookout.

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A massive cyber-housekeeping has commenced over the weekend to put those optical media into good use.

Plans to wake up before sunrise for my run - missing on track for 2 weeks was already something that I had to fulfill but was too busy over the weekend. Tonight will be the recommencement phase to bring myself back to that state I had done so far. Aside from the somewhat unpredictable heavy downpour, regime could take place without much trouble.

If the weekend could be longer, I can certainly fulfill more things that had been outstanding for sometime.

Temperature's picking up and that's a sign that we'll all be expecting a wet afternoon.

Learnt some things about Queen telling King not to approve a colleague's leave despite being a legitimate reason. That was something which many of them, including myself had found pretty ridiculous. Like the saying goes: "we have perfect bosses and clients, but imperfect staff". A joke one would say, in a mockery manner it carries. I won't be very much hopeful for what lies ahead of my trip in August.

Hope dearie has rested well over the weekend as having to confine oneself at home for revisions are one of those the most painful moments.

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The heat of the afternoon is something which calls for one to have a dip in the pool. By the time I got home after making my round for ride's servicing, it felt as though one had just done a short sprint; back had been perspiration-coated.

Today commences the 1st phase of my cyber-housekeeping. I have to sort out those data well so that I won't have to go through the trouble when I find that space is something critical. Not forgetting my physical housekeeping to keep that humble abode welcoming for dearie to visit every weekend.

Weather has lately been a little unpredictable so staying indoors would be the best option. My plans for those runs could possibly be crippled till this monsoon season is very much over.

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I didn't manage to wake up as planned for that run before sunrise; must have been the long hours of driving in my photo journey yesterday. Fortunately there's a ride so I could visit places that are near-extinction to accessibility via public transport.

Anyhow, a 1/2 powered workout has been done so I've fulfilled a portion of my week's regime program less the run.

Blackberry's been behaving a little odd these days; could the cause be due to an 'unsuitable' casing that I have been using to house this phone? Issues like the blackout screen and inability to unlock it are just some growing concerns of the recent happenings.

It's a good idea for me to catch some rest before collecting my ride later, but having the habit to stay awake throughout the day since awakening from slumber might be the best reason to put off a nap in the day. Afterall, being awake allows me to be more productive.

Almost reaching my destination. Time for some biological refuelling.

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An extremely hot afternoon which I could still feel the heat for 10mins after stepping into the cooler, air-conditioned mall to utilise the next 1/2 of this precious lunch break.

It was rather an unexpected feeling of fatigue that gave me a deep slumber, plunging me into 3 different dreams during this period of rest. Seems like the deeper my slumber, the more I would see myself across the Dreamgates. Somehow, it was a sensation that the evening wasn't well-spent as I had planned it to be.

The run regime has not resumed with all the limited time I have so far. Yesterday was one of those unusual times that I have that sort of fatigue. Maybe it's because the scope I am covering is too wide?

Let's see if I can finish both my weights regime along with a good run tonight. I probably need this type of run to further increase my energy level.

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I saw myself with a group of friends entering a big complex which resembled a community centre or the similar sort.  We were trying to find a spot where we can sit down and have our own time to chat and relax. but seems like most of the places were packed or simply have no available seating facilities. 

Finally, we found a place where there are some proper space; but this seems like a "no man's zone" where most of the teens here are in boldly coloured hair and dressed outlandishly.  We found a bench to sit down and were reading something together while a bunch of youths sitting opposite us started singing loudly and out of tune.  Soon, there was a mild brawl and a fight almost broke out.  I ordered the youths to "stand down" after giving them some constructive reasons that it would be very troublesome if the community centre people comes and brings the police along.  Thereafter, we both agreed it is better to leave the complex and he (the supposedly leader of the pack) told his followers to leave the place.

No trouble as we walked in scattered groups out of this "no man's zone" in the 4th level of the community centre's complex.

Next scene showed me waiting for my sister along with my mum before setting off on a road journey.  Before departing, my brother had offered to chauffeur them so that leaves me some available time to do other things.  Before me appeared a photobook done by Nicole with some montages such as Madeline's photo artistically displayed at the edge of one of the pages.

Switchscene.  It was like a graduation ceremony during the last of my secondary school years.  We were all being dispatched in groups after the form teacher announced some compliments to each group before we are arranged for a group photo.  Weiqiang was the coordinator and instructed us on how to stand and where to face as a group.  However, this group consisted of some of our 1st - 2nd year's whom factually had been allocated to different classes in our last 2 years.

Another scene showed me talking to my other friends, who were by none, the Super Gangsters about that community centre incident which we managed to fend off conflicts.  That place was like virtually unsupervised and these delinquents could do what they want there.  The "leader" had already moved into a "ready to strike" pose and I commented that at least he has rationale mind to understand it does not good if a fight breaks out.

Now I see myself in a foreign land getting ready to go home.  The guide was showing me the map of where I am; Bangalore / Mumbai which is on the western part of India (that's really very far) and the route to the airport.  Soon, we learnt that the taxi driver's child had passed on and while trying to hold back his tears, he still shook my hand  and wishing us a safe journey home.  Before I left, I wrote my email address on the guide's namecard and as I did not have a pen, I have mentally noted his email as "iLight@LIM.com".  Many of us were there as if we had been there for a group tour and were all also preparing to make our way home.  Some of them recited their emails for the guide to pen down on his own namecard.

7:38am.  This was after 1.5 hours since I woke up to shut the windows from the early rainstorm.
The evening felt a little mentally stretched as I googled online for some activity that could keep my fresh and make the evening something valuable.  So far, nothing much I can find with the limited time.

Had returned home later than usual and by the time dinner had been done, it was already near 9pm.  This is the result of a "ruined evening" of my regime plans, hence had decided to search for an alternative.

Before I realised, soon, time is almost up for slumberland.
A well pumped session gives me some time to relax after refuelling with home-cooked dinner and finally finished the last serving of sister's fruity moouse pastry that had to be frozen for storage purposes.

Looks like my plans for a run later might have to put off till tomorrow as the pump was on a 100-marker on most of the moves' reps.

I have to get some freshening up.
I had already been awake by 6am or so to the morning rushing sound of the rain as the natural alarm clock. This had to be the one of its kind intensity of shower that seemingly gives the whole of Singapore a thorough wash. Skies glowed with an unusal yellow aura along with the downpour. I call this Tiberium Dawn. The rain subsided a little after 8am; not to visible but definitely a brolly, necessary. Journey off to my usual outstation took more time than usual. With the VB reading 'Jam till Clementi', those who are westbound would require far more patience. The lunch break will soon be over and I look forward to the departure this evening. Have to catch up on my regime as a week had gone by without a decent run / workout. However, I have to do this alone since angel's fitness level is not there yet. Shall I descend the weight by another mark?
Finally some time to do some catching up after 2 weeks. Though it had been indoor the whole day, the day had been well-spent to clear off those outstandings. As much as I would love the day to be longer, nightfall came soon and it's time to get ready to move back to my temporal base.