A deep slumber last night, after a stout, except for being awaken in the middle of the night by the numbed forearms caused by the non-oscillated fan, which I've resolved before going back to sleep.

Thinking back through the years, I recall myself being a noob drinker; a couple of drinks and I get rashes all over. I shared this with my friends and they told me that I have to drink more till it doesn't appear anymore; initially I was fearful that I'm allergic to alcohol or something, as those rashes really felt uncomfortable.

Back to current time. No more rashes and with tolerance level of no lower than 40% alcohol, the 6.8% in the stout doesn't have any drastic effects on me; the only thing that is uncomfortable is the gassiness that may hinder a consumer to drink more. But I'm still a far cry from Songjie who had been intensively trained to be a good drinker during his days as a naval specialist with RSN.

Well, about last night, just one can will do, but it's definitely a healthier choice as compared to oridinary beer.

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