Quick return from lunch and bumped into Fidauz at her smoke break, just at the foot of our office building.

Sun had been ablazing, considering the heat, walking and eating speed while I made a quick run after helping Lena with Corporate Assist.

The previous night had been an intensive session, with reading till slumber enter on subconscious mode, having completed 2 chapters of revision; fortunately, ending on a topic of my favourite: Underwriting.

Crystal had suggested I took the Chinese fan with lace, but that might attract the wrong attention in a joking manner…ask me about it, if you’re reading this, Serene dear J

No replies from Ge Ping via Facebook, but it had been wonderous to know that it is truly his account and himself replying…sometimes just wondering how a celebrity’s life is like, considering the hours, the wealth weaved in and standard of living…

I have to get a hypercool done…internal system already activating the Ooze of temperature reduction; a dip in the server room would be optimum for this purpose.

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