Slight breach of hull causing a displacement my my airway...unusually wet and causing discomfort while I'm on the phone, but has been suppressed by the Yellow Pill and the Brown Medical Soup.

Just another hour more to complete this battle.

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Just a couple more minutes before returning to battle station.

Tomorrow will the first trip across the causeway after sometime…it has been awhile since I last traveled with my colleagues / friends.

Massive rest is required this evening so that I can be all well and ready to enjoy the day tomorrow.

Free public wifi on the train but a little slow on browsing, so might as well do some writing.

I've not heard from Serene since her rushoff to school, so that will deem that she might still be intensively busy with had been a busy day for us both, yet so sweet to know that she is asking me to calm down; had beem bogged with the work that had blown many away, but for myself, not quite done, considering that I don't have any dire appointments after work, except for yesterday.

Connection check: all's fine, still full-barred so I'll be able to keep posting till I disconnect when entering DWZ (Disconnected Wireless Zone).

Is Serene's break coming up soon? I haven't forget that 'main dish' on her special day, which I'll be handling to her energy bar should suffice for the additional 'sidequest to SIM'.

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The afternoon has been raised to a certain level of intense, while meeting twisted calls which increased handling time, yet passing moments with one engine silenced in the mind.

For once, I had felt tired in the mind; which could be caused by the powerblast workout which was done in less than 40mins.

Turbine's now in the Recovery Mode, for the next round.

As I disinfect my hands using the liquud disinfectant, thoughts about how wonderful and amazing the human skin can can be so tough against grazes (like my high endurance of pain), yet some spots can be brittle like tissue, of that's the right word to use.

Serene's busy and so have been hearing very little from her today...also within myself is a tension upkept, which I need to unwind when I'm at Taman Stulang this Friday...will be missing Serene despite being a short day trip.

Shutdown for 5.

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The wake up cum freshening process was actually the workout itself; much has been done through warpspeed, resulting in more achieved in a shorter period of time.

Bus felt exceptionally cool due to my body still emitting additional heat generated from MSAC activation to get that timely bus; the past 2 days had been borderline case; not very safe...just a day more to complete this month.

That payslip consolidation had yet to be completed as Mar'a couldn't be found at home, so it has to be somewhere at my desk.

MSAC workout had proved effective in time management, ensuring that each second is effectively utilised.

Milestone check as bus passes Geylang FC, just a couple stone's throw from the outside NKF bus stop.

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I had been in time from the morning rush after parking at Eunos MRT station...

Rainy lunch hour but I've already been blasted under the sun...the afternoon felt abit dry without much reply from Serene...guess she's busy at her place too and I too, wrestled with a SOMLord over his trivial issues.

Returning to battlestation after a blankfire.

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Checkpoint refueling done.

Just another hour more before the final battle will be over…hopefully minimal backlog later…

Serene has been unusually quiet “electronically”; it must be that the busy-nes on her side is pretty substantial, considering her own gauge of efficiency.

I’ll be celebrating her birthday with her this evening but strangely, no answer when I called the restaurant for reservation.

In awhile’s time, will be logging unto battlestation again, to complete the final hour of Kombat….chilly weather had made the afternoon more comfortable, after some boosting with 2nd Grade Caffine Octane.

Returning to battle.

Temporal cooling of system temperature through shower, yet will perspire again without going under the fan...ever since the failure of the ancient aircon in my room, the temperature has been at such warmth until the recent hike in climate temperature.

Has Serene turned in for the night? I managed to get her gift in time before her birthday, which she has just turned so!

I could sense that anxiety of wanting to be the first to wish her that, and being able to 'watch' her enter the next band of her life...

The foremost wish has been done...occasional sneeze must be due to weather or the slight dust from the freshly pulled out bedsheet which has been stored for awhile...

Passing through lalagate and awaiting Serene on the other side.

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Finally a chance to go for my usual postlunch routine but seems like all has been done in the morning...

The heat is still merciless outside but on a lessened version compared to last Thursday.

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Seems like schedule in the following month doesn't allow me to take during office hours...guess I have to find alternatives...

A break time which had been pretty quiet since I'm the only person in pantry. Weather somehow looks kinder, but it's still preferred to be indoors.

I'm still not able to do a brim-scheduled workout, despite waking up before the sun. Yesterday was once in a long while since I've experienced the warmest slumber...anyhow it has passed and all systems nominal.

A day is almost over, with 30% depletion mode; nothing that is power-draining and draggy, thus a successful and pretty smootg gliding through the day.

I haven't heard much from Serene's best friend, Eve and co since our last meet a couple of weeks ago; though the fellowship has been temporarily dispersed, those wonderful time of laughter never fades. It's like finding a good company and walking through life together with our own partners and keeping the bond strong; something that had not been experienced for a long time.

Another hour to live through this -3 Battle Day of 04wk.APR.

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Just 3mins more to logging back to battlestation; many thoughts have been left in Mobile mode…

Is Serene busy at this time? Hope all are fine on her side…

Mode set: Battle.
For a long time in awhile, I’ve experienced the Sauna Sleep in my room, causing bedsheets to be soiled with perspiration…it has been unbearably hot though I managed to sleep in with a wake up at 3:38AM.

Workout has been done and reached office just on the dot, but not sure if system captures as such…

The lunch hour had been pretty rushing; good thing I made in to the 1st half of the queue, which is usually flooded by Mainland labour workers from the nearby rebuilt HDB apartments, succeeding the 1RM blocks at the back of the de-func Mcdonalds, that has been replaced by a Serai Makan Place.

I realized that my fatigue has been caused by non-breaks between working hours; even during those break time of last week, I had been furiously revising as much as I can, for HI exams, which the approved date has not been given for me to go for a 2nd attempt.
Goodbye to my little friend, 振パターン貝, where he had passed away so suddenly; initially his burial grounds was just at home, but in view of the possible of inviting pests, it had been better that he returns to nature, by burying him beside a big Brother Tree.

I remember those mornings that I'll tell him, along with other 3, to be good before I go to work, and how they'll excitedly swim towards me and look at me with their frog-alike eyes. He was last seen laying motionless in the medicated water and did not move an inch even when I shook him gently...

Heavy rain has started, after my intense revision with an inbuilt fury mode, under seal, which I had accelerated the revision by a shot of 4 chapters at one go...all has been done for the 4th round.

I have to get ready in a moment's time, while I set out to do some preparation for Serene's birthday this coming Tuesday.

The weather may have turned wet, but the process of desalting those foot-fish must still carry upkeep the regular chore-doing.

Sealed-fury had been induced when my dad commented rudely that I'm interrupting when they were discussing about my in-laws initiating a wedding banquet soon after their wedding registration...being a conflict-evader, I decided to keep to myself in the room, and had certainly productivise my time within my own haven.

Though much had been written on mobile mode, it doesn't deter the very fact that I'll continue to write my thoughts here...

Another warm night to retire into, that has been delayed from the keyhunt; the entire bunch went missing and did a sweep at my seated area as well as downstairs, which was done twice; it was finally found by Serene's dad, and the key was jammed inbetween the slit of the couch.

Serene has gone to lalaland to rest for the night. I too, will be joining her soon.

That scenario seemed to be a trial for our relationship, which we have to learn to handle well when encoutering such a problem; probably a way to hone my patience.

Yikes...2am already...shutdown sequence initiated, entering lalaland.

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We have arrived at Serangoon Country Club.

The Jumbo Seafood Restaurant carries the ambience of a Chinese restaurant setting.

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An exceptionally hot day hour ever since I woke up...

Will be going to fetch Serene after her class in a couple of hours more...but now will be a good time to cool myself down with a cold shower and amply prepare myself well for our meet later.

Wonder if she had her lunch?

My mun has asked me some things about her, though we're still quite fresh, it's just so happy being with her. Even at this moment, I can hear her laughter which is so cute and sweet...somehow missing her already...

I better move out to get some things done.

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Am awoken by the sound of the fan...

I was demostrating the game Magic Candle to Serene,!that had long been extinct - graphics aren't that good (considered acceptable that time), yet gamplay was solid.

Switchscene showing a schoolboy with Huang Wenyong in Bras Basah Complex and the schoolboy was telling him about how much he will save...a shopowner came and told him that he left his textbook somewhere and had been taken by a student who dislikes him, "If you don't hurry, he might use this as an opportunity to get back at you" he ran and saw the "rival" walking with the book and the scene zoomed in and by the time Schoolboy with Lost Textbook had reach the 4th floor, his rival had already been walking and exiting the place at ground level, thinking "I'll ask my dad to safekeep"

Fastfforward, the textbook costed about $5+,before the seadch is completed, I was awake.

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Finally entering Lalaland after attempted slumber...

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A return from the omni-searing heat of the afternoon, enhanced radiation done with dark top; at least, not a rushing to eat and eating to rush session like the ususal.

MCD: This is the definition of Mad Callers Day, where some calls can take as long as 30mins. Nevertheless, successfully tided through the first half without any bombish issues.

That searing heat almost depleted all my water reserved for ventilation functions; just did a top up and all going fine now…

I didn’t get to meet Serene for lunch as it had been a time-clash; she was almost returning when I just exited the office to undergo a public baking. More revision will be done tonight as I need this time to rest and settle for the balance of the EWB (End Week Battle).

3 mins to return to battle.

At the rate the temperature is going, I'm turning to became Megaman's Heatman, only minusing off the armour..

Serene just received her examiner's report which took a month to reach...

Making some plans for the long break in two months...may feel that I'm looking forward...but somehow, hoping it won't come so soon.

Temperature decline detected...good.

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Finally waiting for the tap and transport before sunset...has Serene finished her training?

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Finally waiting for the tap and transport before sunset...has Serene finished her training?

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A short spell of the firestorm before the lunch hour, while withholding the Breath of Fire during lunch when stall aunty was busy chatting with a neigbouring stall, risking losibg my business.

Lack of fruits causing a system jam with nil production even on delayed schedule.

I will need to seek the higher council tonight when I get home, after this lessened battle compared to the previous 2 days.

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Finally at my regular schedule...a little sleepy during the ALS hour, all sensory system up and looking forward to the end of the day's Final Kombat.

Wonder how Serene's lunch will be? Heard Shalya hardly lunch with her recently.

I'll catch up a few more chapters during break, for my HI revison later...

More fruits needed...

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I had wanted to sleep in a little more, but not much time...there was a dream about celebrating Uncle Robert's birthday during my leave from 2 - 5 June.

A scene showed I was in some kind of FPS, running backwards and firing at mechanical-like mobs, ranging from head-mount CCTVs to Raiden-faced Japanese moblike creatueres. Weakpoints flashes like the bosses taking damage in Thunderforce 3, an old time Sega shootem up game.

I've learned much from my higher council but all these knowledge will be held and applicable only if I stay on this environment; Serene had suggested i change the environment but I do not have that intention by far...right now, the intention is to clear as many insurance papers as I can.

Bright day denotes a fireweather ahead...I had better replenish more water later even in the cooled environment at office later.

Tuesday will be an important day especially for Serene...plans have already been drafted, hope Serene will enjoy it :)

The aircon in Bus 67 feels unusually stuffy...could the weather be the cause? The eyelids felt like a 10ton castle gate which can crashclose anytime; a sign of fatigue...could the engine be overworked?

Destination arrival almost done.

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I had planned to rest earlier for the night, but had been caught up with 3 episodes of Bleach at one go; the missed anime I had been watching the last round, just before things got busier.

It's another fiery night...get into Lalaland quick! I need that hyperrest...need to upkeep that Muscle Expansion schedule tomorrow.

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Felt a little tired this morning, but all has started cranking up since the coffee boost.

Serene had been woke up in time after the manual activation of self-alarm clock, that got the day going for us.

The morning was so cooling; wished I had been able to rest a little more, but have gotten used to waking up before the sun.

What's left will be a battle of last 1hr after I take my 2nd break at 3:30pm. It has been somewhat busy with multiples of multitask between my primary and secondary scope.

I need more fruits.

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Cease fire. All are wettened as I made my way out to bus stop. The sudden downpour had made slumber more comfortable and I took another 7mins of eyeshut.

Partial emptiness detected, though I've taken 2 servings of cornflakes before coming my digestion rate that high?

The last timing I read on my clock was 2:48am after numerous tossing and turning in the solar-winded fan, and before I knew it, I had entered Lalaland via hyperspace.

Once again, passing bus stop outside NKF Dialysis Centre, denoting recovery point.

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Almost time to get ready to move out on a rain storm morning; the suddance of it came like the raid of locust across the grain plantation; which lasted for a good 20mins before this consistent rain started drizzling.

I have to move out in 5mins as buffer for the slowed traffic.

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5min break for Serene while she catches an eyewink...

It had been an evening of music hunt, to keep
myself company while commuting to and from work; music helps relax the soul in the midst of working hustle.

I had wanted to rest the mind while on the bus home, but somehow, had to write something before I could rest a little...though eyeshut was less than 20mins, it had somewhat proved sufficient for my extraordinary recovery rate.

My primary academic short term goal is to cleat that HI paper so that I can move on to greater things...can sense the anxiety that Serene is having for her exams; yet on the other side of my mind; doing a self-analysis as to when can I achieve a Diploma for entrance for a Degree?

As the thoughts go by, action is being executed while having Serene to company me through these tough times...gone are those days of finding thrill to know more and more girls, as my heart had already been settled with my Tifa.

Time for manual alarm!

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Once again, reminder drawn to those days of email overtime where I'm the everlasting champion of the dining table, collecting unbeatables of series of being the last to eat.

No sign of dad and mum when I got home...maybe they have gone out for a walk?


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It's the 20th of the month especially important date for those season parkin renewal for the 'hot' carpark...

This bloke infront of me has taken more than 5mins for doing multiple transactions...and he's finally done.

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it's the journey home after whipping out at the Battle of Middle Changi, as calls come in non-stop throughout the day.

Aftersun with a darkened sky over the city lights, it reminded me of those days when I volunteered to stay for overtime email duties, gathering massive volume of experience points over the months. Those were Days without Sunlight on every return journey after work. I recall those moments of staying back late, waking up early on weekends to come to work, while many have a day to sleep in later after a busy week.

They're finally now it's to give opportunity to new blood to experience that 'bloodpath' which I've done a killthrough.

SJD556P had to do massive braking, causing accelerated wearing down of the brakepads when Serene and I were crossing the road, just before the lights turned Red. Who knows, massive engine braking may have occured, causing undue stress to the engine core? It was a red Mitsubishi Wannabe Evo which the driver quickly wound up his 90% tinted window tp avoid embarrassment on a failed attempt to beat the traffic light.

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Finally a chance to have lunch with Serene!

Yummy tradiional bachor mee for me and Serene had pig inert soup with least I can eat without the rush.

I made it back in time, with a 3min buffer prior to logging in.

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It's 2mins before midnight, and the day had been wonderfully spent, as I've finished the finetuning revision which was done so after returning from Compassvale with Serene; weather still warm, but mind thinking of how to rid the tummy to have the Perfect Cut.

The thought of acquiring a home in Sengkang area had been on my mind, including the conversation with Serene...I simply like the serenity of the place; more to be developed along the Punggol river from yesterday's news.

So much for this evening, that was completed with a brief chat with Serene, and now, to hit lalaland before the workout schedule tomorrow.

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Finetune revision done and did some resupply of groceries, awaiting the return in a few 5min

Finally got a chance to shop in the NTUC near Compassvale, which though not very big, having the basic needs for families...the profound convenience shop had been replaced by 7-Eleven which had proved more welcome to what they offer. While on the way, Serene had commented my driving was like maneavuring a WRX.

The dinner was yummy! I got to chat with Serene's parents more and gave her a fright on my watermelon-execution techniques which consisted of speed, yet lack practise of the correct angle.

Another round of revision for bettern equipance for the next attempt.

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It's another hot day, 2 degrees below yesterday's. I've cooled down slightly and sundown has been detected while in the
midst of of penning down these thoughts.

The fragrance of the chicken rice has passed through Serene's living room as her mum's making chicken for dinner...interior has cooled down substantially for me to be able to commence the revision and dinner with her family later.

A massive tidy up part 1, done on the earlier afternoon hours. What's left on the packing operation will be the removal of more old clothings, and yes, Big Red balloon from NATAS has been removed, making the room
more spacious.

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A wonderful day had been spent with Serene, revising together after dropping by my aunt's place for lunch...though weather had been deadly hot, the warmthness of family bonding had made the day good, with a catching up with my uncle and aunt at her place, teaching her how to rip music from CD and tranferring to her MP3 player, and some quick runthrough of functions in Word.

Acceleration mode turned on while Serene took a nap during the course of revision till it was time for us to make our way to her aunt's place...lots of people and company, and they are all very warm and friendly...

I had dozed off during watching of the show starring Miriam Yeung, 千杯不醉,waking only towards the end of the show; another show came up with suggestive scenes about crime invrstigation led me to stay awake for awhile, before I had decided to make my way back on a maximum fatigue.

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4 slices of bread as startup fuel cranked me up for the day...

I had received an unwelcomed call/SMS which I've deleted and ignored...what matters now is being with Serene and us being happy together.

It's already 10am after I've woke up less than an hour ago, while planning what will be the events of the day.

Weather still does not appear one bit less temperaturally kinder, so indoors would be the best plan for today.

Time to do some desalting of feetwrapping 'fish'.

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A wonderful day had been spent with Serene, revising together after dropping by my aunt's place for lunch...though weather had been deadly hot, the warmthness of family bonding had made the day good, with a catching up with my uncle and aunt at her place, teaching her how to rip music from CD and tranferring to her MP3 player, and some quick runthrough of functions in Word.

Acceleration mode turned on while Serene took a nap during the course of revision till it was time for us to make our way to her aunt's place...lots of people and company, and they are all very warm and friendly...

I had dozed off during watching of the show starring Miriam Yeung, 千杯不醉,waking only towards the end of the show; another show came up with suggestive scenes about crime invrstigation led me to stay awake for awhile, before I had decided to make my way back on a maximum fatigue.

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A pretty warm night as I had to direct the fan towards me to keep the cool going...for awhile, weather has not turned this stuffy; a prestorm sign in the temperature aspect.

The journey home from Suntec was the detoured version that set me on Bumfire, after countless winding and bumpy ride finally brought me to Tampines, where I caught Bus 8 at the opposite bus stop.

Still in schedule for workout, refuelled and made my way to pick Serene up... it had felt like such a long time since we last saw each other, and had spent a wonderful time catching up...3 accidents spotted while sending her back...road had been pretty packed, yet managed to find our way out of the crowd.

Retirement for the evening now.

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On the very cooled way to Suntec for my HI exam, beating the searing heat.

Donovan had expressed his recruitmemt campaign as he happened to be lunching with Serene at Halfway House..I've heard the same pitch of 'salary package with commission' many months back; the same axo-skeleton form to attract me.

My goal is still fixed on the specialisation of Underwriting field.

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I've made a gd try; borderline case but at least got to see the questioning pattern which is still pretty raw.

Mango basket detected while walking on the bridge towards Bugis MRT; a mild stop and body language seemed to suggest that some conflicts arose on the 5sec halt, which did not disrupt the pedestrian traffic.

Since it's the faster way by train, I've piloted the journey via that my most displeasure on my conversation; was the noise of a mid-aged psycho, talking loudly with a pendulum-movement of his upper torso, waist-pivoted and switching his self-audienced speech from preaching style in English to Mandarin in a topic-changing frenzy. All have been staring at him while his behaviour had been nothing but sheer public nuisance.

I had to pull out any second or give him the Mortal Kombat uppercut. Decision: Exit at Lavender and hopped onto Bus 12 which will do the Home Run on the Road, airconditioned version.

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Finally system shutdown after the amazing nite book battle.

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Another bomb disposal routine..though still packed with work, the mind seemingly a little liberated as I have proceeded to keep things on schedule.

Hope to clear work earlier today so I can have more time with Serene, as well as the HI exam revision. Still about 33% completion of 2nd round.

Tomorrow will mark the end of a busy week for all of us; though it's just 5 days, the battle has been intense especially for a massive chakara user like me. I need some form of relaxation, but all these will only come after clearing HI.

Return to man station.

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I've just missed the refrigerated Bus 67 which was accompanied by Bus 28.

The previous night rest had scenes of me seeing Sashi, at a place which looks like Chom Chom neighbourhood, and there was a scene where many were falling in as if we are going for Remedial Training. We chatted and asked how he had been as I've not seen him for a long time.

Grunter heard behind as I sit on the upper deck as his throat-clearing sound has been pretty disturbing in the morning.

One more day towards the end of the battle week, which will allow the Octo-turbo to be recharged...

Evasion was done on CPX Type-2, which was disposed near the shoes should be safe from it.

Passing by the One bus stop just before Bedok interchange, will cease writing momentarily while i enter hyperrest mode.

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Another bomb disposal routine..though still packed with work, the mind seemingly a little liberated as I have proceeded to keep things on schedule.

Hope to clear work earlier today so I can have more time with Serene, as well as the HI exam revision. Still about 33% completion of 2nd round.

Tomorrow will mark the end of a busy week for all of us; though it's just 5 days, the battle has been intense especially for a massive chakara user like me. I need some form of relaxation, but all these will only come after clearing HI.

Return to man station.

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I'm a little worried now that I'm not able to reach Serene via's off...could the batteries be flat?

It had occured to me that it might be due to inadequate charging but it's unusually quiet from her...though mind ans body are tired, still can't stop worrying about her...

I pray that she's safely home...

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Phew, just completed my workout awhile after giving Serene a morning call at 650hrs...

The sunlight draped like thr purple veil across the sky through my windowview...see the world through a grill of metal...

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Phew, just completed my workout awhile after giving Serene a morning call at 650hrs...

The sunlight draped like thr purple veil across the sky through my windowview...see the world through a grill of metal...

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Unable to send email...what happened? I'm not able to connect to the net via wired too...could it be an oversight of billing?

No matter...will check it out later where I have net access.

All right on schedule and keying of letters seemed pretty accurate.

I still recall the ride on last Thursday, where a passenger was eating in the bus where there is already a prominently displayed 'no food and drink sign'...the only passenger flouting the rule, displaying sheer obliviance people are staring at her.

Weather looks a little predictively wet in Bedok North area while passing Bedok-Tampines orange-lit service plate 67 came shortly after the Initial 67B zoomed off from bus stop, while I've not made crossing from the opposite.

Sandnes Part 1 played in my mind while mind had been thinking about the SPICE event that was solely done...nothing wonderous, yet glad to know that I still have the support of the Company of the Good.

So much for this morning while bus turns to bus stop outside NKF Dialysis Centre, opposite Bedok Central.

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A moment of peace at the usual bombzone...just receiced an email from my aunt, on the plans ahead for the course I intend to do, which paves me towards where I really strife for.

In another hour or so, will be my 2nd break; will be visiting Serene again; hopefully we can take a bus back together after work today...mindblast done through the completed yet proper workout.

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Bedtime on a tiring get ready for Iron Battle tomorrow@530hrs.

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Another journey on Initial 67B that zips through the towns and comfortably stiff's a much better experience than yesterday's rush, which I made it at 8:27am.

The rest seemed inadequate light entrace to eyes felt like Somersword, the Sword of the Sun from Lonewolf series.

Throat still feeling a little rough from yesterday's intensive VoPC - Voice over Phone Combat.

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On the way home after an improperly done egg hunt session..

All TMs have left and it had been the one-man show...thanks for the cooperativeness, it had been carried out quite successfully.

I'll be home after 3 traffic lights with one turn, just outside Aquarius condominum and through a no pin straight road...lots of things through my mind which Kent has talked to me shan't be discussed detail here.

Right now, to get a good bio-refuelling and the revision instalment.

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Finally on Bus 28 to work...managed to complete workout before the move; this time, all done within 40mins.

The timing to work is crucial now, as the bus must reach opposite Chai Chee tech park bt 8:15am to ensure that I'll reach bus stop in time.

Public miner detected doing ore extraction, while the bus is adequately packed. This should serve as buffer to bring me to work in time.

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Finally, a rest from the extreme gruelling Monday that has passed.

Serene will be staying up for awhile for her revision, while my mind runs through the dream about shooting terrorists dressednin dothi, and leaving only one man standing.

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Phew...the intense reading is finally over...doing some mock exams should help me better understand what I've read so far...

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The rain battle had been a pretty visual-strenous journey while on the way to pick Serene from her lessons.

What had occured to me while walking through Ikea, was how our home together will look, feel and smell like...which theme should we go for, and how where should it be? Somewhere high levelled or in the lushes of Hinhede Walk, or a place away from the hustles, yet still a stone's throw away from where the commumity are?

We had a wonderful time of dinner, viewing photos, blogs and that fumbling moment did not upset me even when Serene was laughing, as. her presence had simmered all. We decided to leave earlier ad my dad may be uncomfortable about it, which occured through verbal expression last Sunday though he meant well.

Mind concussion after a heavy reading session at Serene's place, for the ongoing HI revision, which more understanding is required...Home James was done at 1230 am through the barely utilised road on a wet Sunday Wee Hour, all done within 20mins.

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Serene is reading my blog now!

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This pic will certainly be a good description of myself and Serene...

As the saying goes: Cloudy Wolf has found his Heart-lock, Tifa Lockhart, and will never be the lonely Cloudy Wolf again...

After that heavy-hearted incident, it had served me be more determined to treasure loved ones around me, and let this Final Fantasy never end between myself and Serene...

The order of the priority in life has somewhat changed, with a downtuned sheer determination for wealth and glory, channeling an equance of energy among all sectors: family, work, play ie my favourite workout sessions, time with Serene and also quality company with friends.

Moving on ahead, to put the energy in the most important and practical aspect...
It is to my ulterior surprise to learn that Jason, one our clan members in 9Dragon has passed away in Mar 09...just had a chatup with Songjie and his career is good; advancing to the 2nd phrase without having to wait for the offer from MINDEF...seems like they're changing the adminstration to retain more people in the force...

What had occured to Jason, aka 喬烽 had really been so sudden, coupled with Andy's dad's passing on, all within less than 2 weeks in a had been awhile since he recovered back to his usual self, after his wife had asked Songjie to encourage him to move out, snap out of the depression, moving on with life.

The band is still ongoing, though I've not been playing this game for awhile; been deviating to other games like Perfect World online, Atlantica online (alot of administration) and now, will be returning back to 9 Dragons...a need to strike balance between work, play, studies, time with Serene and not forgetting my workout.

Glad to know that Songjie had been much recovered after a week of sickness from the adverse weather changes that had been happening these few days...
I'm still not asleep~

Now I can sleep...after posting more pics...
wow...2 plus after searching for old friends at Facebook...calling on the reunion and catching up with more old friends...

Retirement time for the night.
It has been a wonderful, despite the erratic weather throughout the lunch buffet at Holiday Inn Riverview.

Greeted by the comfortably-lit dining hall by the window, we had arrived earlier than the rest...the place was none-intensively populated with diners, each group with a different topic over lunch; but most on a leisure purpose.

Eve and her boyfriend, Warren, came shortly after with the rest of the family, and soon, we had warmed up with introductory conversations, of which I had even been called the "golden hair" by Eve's mum, shortly after the arrival of the most important person...Isabel! It's her birthday on 9th (shh, don't ask about age), and they had decided to call on a gathering this day, being also the fact, it's a public holiday.

Python-eats-egg performance done, alongside with more jokes to warm up the company we all had, which made the entire lunch session more lively while we eat...and yum, that gooey durian paste which is superior in taste is addictive, yet wonderful.

Fot the first time, a Friday feels like a Saturday, considering the crowd that we had on the road, malls, pavements...a torrental rain greeted us after we had parted with Eve, Warren and her parents, while the rest of us took unto to more crowd and more water from the sky...

I had to do a drying up by baking under the handdryer, while Junfa (Isabel's brother) helped me with the umbrellas, before we went into Borders for some book browsing...Men's Health, May edition caught my attention and literally skimmed through the entire magazine...but at the sight of the sky outside, it had stopped raining...sigh...hahaha...

Tampines 1, the newest fad in the heart of Tampines, was the merged between DBS building and Pavilion, forming the One Big of no less than 1.5 years and so soon it was up...3 jewellery stores in the 1st level, but being an overwhelmed populated place, we decided to move on to Tampines Mall...sea of homo saipens before reaching the "stairway to shopping heaven" - the escalator...

At least it's not so crowded in stores like Isetan, but still a nice place to see clothes, shoes and Oakley (slippers retailed at $95...wallet-insanity~)...

I will have to put up more pics...or have a centralised photo album on Facebook, where we can all deposit photos of what had been taken on that day, to seal that wonderful moment of fellowship into memory, moving on ahead, redefining family and friendship closeness.

A little cooped up in the house all day resulting in the seekance of ventilation through some out-of-the-house walk preparation...

Just run through a couple more pages before moving out to Giant; one of my favourite night haunt.

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It sounded like a crescendo when Serene was concerned that I might feel out of place if I join her to celebrate with her friend, Eve's birthday at Holiday Inn Parkview, as the entire family will be there, also in view of my un-orthodox hairdo that may leave the impression of otherwise to many...

I've never thought this would make me out of place, but sometimes, it had been better that I do not appear at such events.

Time to refuel.

Am almost braised with the ongoing temperature of the day; subsunny and yet rainy...

Serene is on her way back and we'll all be revising on our own tonight...come tomorrow, we'll be attnding her friend's birthday.

Cooling procedure to be done now!

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An extremely stuffy aftenoon without sun, and yet massive perspiration within me to the extent that I'll rather shower in the evening.

Serene had taken her lunch at Bagus coffeeshop...wonder if food is nice?

I'm on the 2nd mug of HI after lunch and a catchup with Chloe vis MSN about incorrigible people that exists around us, wanting to command people without winning their hearts.

Enough said for now...mugging

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Want to see what I'm having for lunch?

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Much has been written this evening, but the thoughts will continue to run through and be fed in here...

Almost time for the commencement of revision, home version, but without the company of Serene. She's home, no lessons for this week (yayy), so we'll get to see each other more often, on the condition of not forgetting our own share of revision.

Hair feels pretty light, but not the face as I sense some fatigue from all the hustles of today's work.

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Spotted this car while re airing tyre, just before reaching home with Serene. It had been spotted on Sunday evening, cloud-coated.

More to update online later.

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Having woke up just awhile ago, from the fiery slumber, mind had finally departed a little from the review session that had resulted in a sunken mood, though it was supposed to be for improvement.

A very quiet waking up after a dream, seeing Mingyao coming over, popping out of nowhere, following his mum delivering a policy to me...the mailer had indication she's representing MSIG? It appeared that he had brought alot of things over, somewhat like a cooking session or the like.

It's really comforting that Serene had been so listening after telling her abt the heavyness from emergence of the session...I guess I have to constantly get her to inform me should there be unclearness in my speech...

No matter. Today's my leave following a long weekend, so I'm going to make good use of the time.

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Quick return from lunch and bumped into Fidauz at her smoke break, just at the foot of our office building.

Sun had been ablazing, considering the heat, walking and eating speed while I made a quick run after helping Lena with Corporate Assist.

The previous night had been an intensive session, with reading till slumber enter on subconscious mode, having completed 2 chapters of revision; fortunately, ending on a topic of my favourite: Underwriting.

Crystal had suggested I took the Chinese fan with lace, but that might attract the wrong attention in a joking manner…ask me about it, if you’re reading this, Serene dear J

No replies from Ge Ping via Facebook, but it had been wonderous to know that it is truly his account and himself replying…sometimes just wondering how a celebrity’s life is like, considering the hours, the wealth weaved in and standard of living…

I have to get a hypercool done…internal system already activating the Ooze of temperature reduction; a dip in the server room would be optimum for this purpose.
Back on board after successful logging in through speedwalking from bus stop; the bus had arrived just in time after being adequately packed before the One bus stop just before Bedok Interchange, resulting in inability to pack more passengers.

The morning workout had been also done in sub-burst mode, with proper concentration, but deltoids need more work to get it all beefed up.

Been quite a busy session after the lunch hour that I had to reschedule the disposal session till now...

The sudden recall of the old NSFs I came across had passed through my mind...wondering how everyone has been doing? People like Wong, Shawn (had seen him in co) and Terrence...hope all are doing fine; have learnt that Wong and Shawn are married.

Returning to battlestation.

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SGJ6Z spotted while lunching at the Maybank's a white Fairlady 350Z.

Just a few minutes more to completion of Break 1 on the usual food rush, am glad that swallowing is longer an ordeal for me. Despite being rainy, within is still very warm to the perspiration point.

Continuation online.

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Just logged a little on iphone but blog will still continue to be written here in view of speed vs quantity input / minute.

Returning to battle after this final sentence…SBS is fined once again due to scheduling issues.

Writing has been the delight for my expression of thoughts in written form…some times, odd and rare things can just enter my mind and has to be put down, to also realize that some thoughts may even be on a repeated basis…to those who know a little about Zen and meditation, it’s called Dejavu…
A little tired and vocal amplifier a little not working this morning when I was chatting a little to Jonathan, but not audible…it could be due to the fatigue from the intensiveness of revision yesterday evening, coupled with the wifi chat using IM+ on iphone with a few friends.

Lots of calls coming in but so far, nothing challenging to the point of cornering…writing these will be good to keep the mind active while I sustain myself thorugh out the day…

Tomorrow will be the last day of work week for me as I’ll be on leave on Thursday, following day a Public Holiday.

Heavy charge must be fuelled by Cafebar coffee, coupled with run-in from the workout I had this morning.

Hope Serene had taken sufficient water to relieve those cogestion in throat from the overdose of peanuts yesterday evening. It must have been an uncomfortable experience from her throat-clraring pattern this morning.


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Battle Day 1 over. I managed to catch up a little with Alex & Melphis just before leaving for home.

Melphis is staying within walking distance from Serene with such coincidence. In fact, there are quite a few colleagues who are staying within the vicinity...I like Sengkang very much due to the serenity and not overly-populated setting.

Right now on the journey home, while wondering if Serene has taken her dinner, or at least a light bite...I've got a feeling that she has lessons tonight, so it could mean a tired evening for both of us, apart, my HI revision and her with evening revison classes.

The future may not be very clear yet for us both, and it's my vision to make sure all things come out in the Perfect Light, such as finacially stable (especially so important for a guy), doing well in work and living a balanced family life.

That reverse-engineer concept has not died off. I'm still bent on makibg a turnaround in life for the better, looping in extraordinary income and lifestyle, to proof the existence of The Ultimate Lifestyle

All these possible, with rhe right action and the right mindset.

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Just 5mins more before the 3rd & final round of battle for a busy Monday…

More knowledge of HI uploaded into memory, during the 20min revision in the pantry; conducive environment for optimum concentration. There will be more this evening when I get home after work…just pure revision for the evening and an early retirement for the day.

The run regime must carry on tomorrow to allow me to have a clearer mind of what will come for the day, though I’ve already done my workout…it’s still important for me to have a certain level of athletic fitness on top of my weights training, which grants additional strength to the various muscle groups all over.

Thoughts put aside for now.
No wifi detected at my workplace…so those postings written in iPhone will be held till I have access.

The ALS is sinking in while settling down in my seat, ready for the 2nd round of battle till 3:30pm.

Will be having a QA review session this Wednesday after work…let’s see what it’s all about…

I’ve revised quite a fair bit of HI over the weekend, and will be continuing the session this evening after dinner…I have to sleep earlier tonight for muscle recovery, as well as to get some energy charged for me to kick start that running-before-work regime, which I had been struggling to wake up earlier on even days of the week to fulfill.

That dream I had in the morning just before the wake up of the dream, was like a drama of a girl who is looking for a guy who helped her a great deal, and wanting to keep in touch with him, but somehow, the guy had not revealed his identity match despite having to meet the girl a couple of times in person, even so when in front of her…how he managed to do it, this reason somehow remains a mystery and may just be the thing for me to find out…

Weather is starting to cook up, sending blaze rays through the blinds in office, while I deposit more thoughts here…

Serene had stayed at my place a little later and I had been worried that my dad’s tone had given her the wrong idea that she is not welcomed, but I guess the fact is that we are both working today, so it’s better we all retire early for the night...just hope she don’t feel out of place and can come by my place more often in future.

Time to get a second round of Cafebar octane, Grade 50, to fuel me till 3:30pm.

Finally done with burst mode and all completed for the day...I still need to incorporate a running regime with abdominal training to get that fit and fab physique.

Quick shower run and it's time to get ready to fo to work.

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15min burst mode and have done much of the sets;I'll need sometime to revise the workout to streamline into a more effective program without having to tire myself out.

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I saw myself talking to a girl who appeared yo be iike was like a scene before we got together.

It was at Yio Chu Kang MRT station and she told me she's meeting a guy,of whom I asked it might be, and she said "Linda and I will tell you after we have seen him"

Somehow, it's like I'm the guy, whom she wanted to meet, only that she may not realise the similarity of the mobile no used.

Workout time.

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it's coming 1am but still can't sleep..must be the post-sending of Serene with an urge for nightsoil disposal that had caused an unsettled stomache from entering lalaland easily..

Hope Serene's well-slumbered now...that makes me a Slumber Assurance Guardian for her...

Mission complete. I should be able to enter slumber now.

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Just a short note before retiring for the's been a wonderful time revising with Serene at my place, with the quietness of the evening.

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Much time has been spent reading about celebrities on line, while organising songs on my iphone; still looking for something nice to keep me co while on the way to work via Bus 28 / 67.

The weather had been kind, but still pretty stuffy as I'm still perspiring, though it's sun-less outside.

Almost time to get moving to pick Serene up from her studies; still no confirmation if mum's cooking, so I can invite Serene over for dinner, since she has agreed so...I don't want the case where she is anticipating, but mum had not prepared anything.

Enough thoughts...get moving now.
Something I came across this morning in my mailbox...for those who read my blog, it's better to be safe than sorry...a torchlike-gadget with the unhideable nodes for a stungun...

I just thought to let know what my doctor told me recently. I don't think she was lying and neither am I, so please pass this on to your friends. Her clinic is in SS2 and you know how congested that place is.

One morning a few months ago in broad daylight, a girl was getting into her car when a few men approached her with what looked like a torchlight. Quite harmless looking. They pressed the "torchlight" into her back and immediately she went limp and very pale. So she wouldn't be able to fight back, they slashed her thigh with a parang and sped away in her car.

There were many people around and they quickly took her to the nearest clinic which was my doctor's clinic. There were two doctors at that time and they managed to stitch up her wound but the girl remained pulse-less and still pale as paper. No pulse, no BP (blood pressure). Just like dead.

My doctors were confused as to how one wound on the thigh made the girl almost like dead? They managed to revive her and save her life.

After some checking around, the doctors found out what actually happened was that the girl was made unconscious not by a torchlight but actually a high voltage weapon. I forgot how many watts she mentioned. 1000? Anyway, it was high enough to kill a person by electrocution.

It seems this weapon is from China . It's not rampant yet in Malaysia , but with this thing, a person can rob, rape, kill, kidnap, and practically do anything to you. My doctor said that if the girl weren't taken to the clinic immediately she would have died because there was no pulse on her.

So please just beware of your surroundings, if anybody is lurking around with a torchlight-thingy and approaches you, just scream or run away. Better to be embarrassed than ZAPPED and fried, right? Take care.
Mild tension in the course of work after checking some issues with Rebecca, but all’s simmered, but some things cannot go un-noticed.

Such coincidence that Serene’s handling the same agent from her side after she has called the contact centre.

Fuel tank has been illuminated with top up icon as I’m feeling a little empty in the stomach already.

Mind getting ready for the battle of the Electronic Mails tonight.

I’ll try to relax on that mini conflict which I had just now; I had to do something to protect myself.
9mins more to completion of 1st break…weather is much better during the lunch hour, despite being a little bakey and still able to cook an egg on the road.

Tonight will be the Evening of Electronic Battle, but not sure if I’m on solo mode…

My sister’s 17th birthday celebrations tomorrow evening at home…so it’s a good chance for me to show my aunt, on that course I’m interested in at SIM, so I can start registering and commencing studies in July.

Almost time to get back to work, but would still like to lay out the plans for this weekend, which will be packed with studying for HI.
Finally a time to sit down and write after the multi-task mode of checking OT claims, tabulating of OT done and bringing Serene’s file over to her office just within 5mins walk away, under the baking sun…

Still trying to adopt to the new mouse and mousepad from the very generous Melphis who has a spare at home.

Just a few ticks away before the minute arm tells me that it is time to log in to battlestation; weather is still pretty merciless outside especially after getting adapted to the cooling temperature of office…

The discomfort in the throat is somewhat better…need to continue the honey-down-throat to hasten it the recovery, as well as avoiding piping hot food, which may yet again aggrevate the condition, risking inflammation.

Though sunny, it’s good as heat kills germs in most areas, and being a good source of Vitamin D for me…and also for laundry drying and those “ss ss ahhhh” for footwear germs…

Fortunately, training this evening has been cancelled, so I can go for dinner at Serene’s place with a peace of mind.

Tomorrow will be the next battle of the emails, which I’ll be staying back for an hour for that electronic battle. Just hope not to get complicated matters on hand so I can clear off the week peacefully.

Mind is still in the high alert mode, while running through thoughts of previously played games, and how I can turn wealthy like Lara Croft with her 86-roomed mansion.

The wonder of those risk involved in their occupation sometimes bewilders me…interestingly yet dangerously exposed to many unknown curses of the ancient that has no logical explanations to date.