Weixiong had told me about a specialist in his camp who is strict, and yet plays hard with the men when it's time to rest, and thus, I was brought to see who this person is.

It turned out to be a lady, prettier than I expected. The only thing is that she is visually impaired and have great sensory like hearing and sensing things around her. Her countenance brought the first name,Zhao Ruilan, a character whom I have created in my comic series.

She had the centre-parted shoulder length hair, slim shaped face and soft features.

I saw a scene of how she played with her men during non-duty / training times, all were played fair and none tried anything funny on her. Such a command respected by them.

She did not reveal to me the cause of her visual impairment, but what captured my attention, was the abandoned camp buildings, that were nearby her camp. It seemed to suggest something about her lost vision, but never mentioned upfront.

According to her, there's a lurking spirit that caused the mental damage to a couple of her men. The survivor now is actually the younger of the 2 brothers who happened to come in on 2 different intake. The surviving brother looks pretty frail, spotting a recruit hairdo and dressed shabbily in patient's robes. One look and you can tell that a tragic past had took place.

There were a few instances that the surviving brother was talking sense, but details are not clear.

Soon, it was time I had to wake up for work; still feeling a little tired from the Melaka trip.

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