Finally on the bus and getting myself cooled under the aircon. The journey towards home sweet home is about to begin.

Come Thursday, it'll be dearie's birthday. Time certainly flies; the end of April coming, and soon, midyear will be here.

The backpacker's journey was indeed interesting, as it teaches one to be resourceful, independent and even more self-responsible to 'survive'; abroad. The only thing I got for myself are just top up necessities, as well as the experience of travelling alone. The other things that I most probably will spend on, will be souvenirs for people who are close to me.

Tender shoulders accompany me home today as I have had been extensively exposed to the sun, walking seemingly endlessly for the past 2 days. Had I walked a little further, I could arrive at St John's Fort, which is a few kilometres away from the end of Jalan Cheng Ho 10.

Living in Melaka for the past 3 days does speak about living into the country and getting accustomed to things here - as true as those quotes in related forums that I've read about.

Thank God that all things are in good order, especially where I have my meals and safeguarding my personal valuables.

Sent via BlackBerry from SingTel@Melaka

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