It's been two days since I got back from my recent trip; I still have to say that much of the wonderful experience lingers in my mind.

There's such a vast difference in the way things are between Australia and this place where many Singaporeans are denying to call home. Take for example the driving style of our bus drivers and theirs; waiting to ram the accelerator once the last passenger has boarded and jamming brakes as if they were newly replaced and need some 'seasoning' work to be done.

Climatewise, needless to say as Singapore's situated in a tropic zone.

I'm just wondering what made the pace of life so rushing in our country, along with the accelerating and unjustifiable increased costs of living in such a tiny island that's jammed packed with so many people. Many criticize the leading governing political party who now seemed to be very concerned with the birthrate and seeking opinion 'from the public' for a solution.

Looks like Singapore has a lot to catch up.

Sent via Cyrus' BlackBerry

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