The first place that appeared was at NCS where I had a call centre agent job. The layout of the office looked a little different this time as the seat I was assigned was facing the rows of seats that lined up facing each other. Thomas was still the team leader and could be seen holding a lit cigarette while covering the mouth end with a tissue and then spraying some 'mask' to prevent the sprinkler from activating.

There was only Olivia who was the familiar face other than Thomas and I was introduced to an Indian lady colleague as a 'comeback' that I briefly said '...but not sure for how long'.

Now I appeared in this mall that looked like Bukit Panjang shopping centre and then in the arcade where 2 young punks were seen playing this shooting game. Many spectators could be seen crowding around them as they played. Halfway through, one of them stopped playing and wandered into this shop nearby, so I had to to take up the vacant player's place and continue the game.

This game resembled the 'Monster Fighter' that I had played during school days, but there's now a 'cheat detector' in the game which flys past the screen in a silvery spacecraft form - to catch those 'cheat reloading'.

Game ended soon and I joined the rest in the shop. One section sells mobile phone accessories and I saw some familiar faces but could not match to any names.

With the help of a friend, I managed to visit this lady (resembling 江祖泙) whose putting up at some kind of prison where she's allowed visitors. Her family members were with her too and brought her some books and food. After calling her church counsellor, she was told that she can't accept the food due to the 'purity' of the coconut milk and salt that was used in making the food. Over the phone, she wept and explained hard that this was a effort from the heart of her loved ones.

As she talked, the 'halfway door' swung and wiped on some dirt (resembling bird droppings) unto the cover (this food had now turned into a book) and remained in my sight for several minutes as I awaited for her to end the call along with the rest of her visitors.

After she ended her call in tears, we chatted with her while cleaning the soiled book cover. That was where I asked which church is she attending and she answered 'TCC'. It was also the main at Adam Road and I briefly told her I did have experienced some unpleasant issues in my time there. By the time I had finished, dearie's favourite bear also appeared and was taken to dry along with the book that was deemed 'spiritually unclean' by this lady's counsellor which we told her not to worry about it.

We all bade her farewell and she does look happier after our visit.

One of her friends appeared to resemble Sylvia (an ex colleague) who offered to give us a lift - so I told her to just drop me at the MRT station where I had parked my car.

Eyes opened. 6:47am.

Sent via Cyrus' BlackBerry

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