First adventure was to a town where it seemed like I have revisited Australia 2 weeks after returning to Singapore.  I saw the old towns, the nice people and of course, embraced by the cool weather.

In one of the towns, I saw Nicole and she was running her own store, selling a certain range of bags which I have not seen / heard - not the usual luxury range which are popular among ladies. She was dressed in this black pair of shorts and the cool weather did not seem to take her on a little.  And there was the monorail which I could take and it brings me to all places in a tight loop but saves a fair bit of walking.

Next scene showed me moving through this place which resembled some kind of theme park but the props used are far more realistic and "brutal", such as the crunching gates which would seem to crush you whenever you try to pass - it was more like a "Mortal Kombat" theme with some of the most brutal names for some of the rooms.  This places was huge and we had to make our way out; I saw some familiar faces as it was a visit given from some kind of complimentary passes; so some of them came down right after work (still in office attire).

Next scene showed me at dearie's place, and a leaking pipe seemed to be fixed and there was a tub of water with some unusual fishes in it.  Upon closer examination, one could see the pondskaters moving across the water surface with their long legs while suspending their bodies above the water.  As we were tidying up some of the laundry, some of the clothes looked a little unfamiliar and it actually belonged to a "designer" who also participated in the theme park outing.  Part of the attraction was in a simulated rainstorm setting and we all got wet.

After observing the fishes for awhile, some of them surfaced and started to eat the pondskaters and also the wild snails in the tub.  With one motion, they sucked the soft body out of their shells; and dearie told me that they are quite tasty except when the "unique smell" (like poultry) burst out, that will be rather disgusting.

Lights on.  Several adventures in a row.  It was already near 10am.

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