We were all in our NS unit but the area looked rather advanced just like those sci-fi movies showing a futuristic military base. Silvery walls surrounded us.

I saw some old NS comrades like Jiacheng and had a good catch up with him; his wife is expecting their 2nd child already and he is still doing his further studies.

I also saw some of my current NS unit's men like Weiqiang while we were gathered in this room full of computers.

Next scene showed me having a meal near CBD with Kent and Vincent and we talked about when we can come out and do photoshooting together again. As we were eating, I could see the sun setting with the orangey glow just like the yolk in a traditional mooncake.

Next scene showed me walking in Inner Sydney, with their awesome architecture surrounding me. After passing Darling Harbour, I saw this man trying to dislodge a fire extinguisher from it's mounting base which was affixed to the wall - the unusual thing is that the extinguisher was fixed in a water-filled container. Soon, I 'possessed' him and could see myself doing the dislodgement work. After extracting the extinguisher, I did a test and it was working fine. Some repair guy doing maintenance work here.

A moment later, I could see myself with some men who were dispatched in batches to eat as the 'cookhouse' set up in the park had limited seating. Seemed like we were all on a route march practice again. As I was collecting my food, I saw a boy's mother talking to him and overheard that he was living on his own and she instructed his uncle to handle the sale of the property, to ensure that the boy doesn't sign blindly and to ensure that the agreed sale price is right before signing the sales agreement document.

Now I am in this park where I can see lots of butterflies; one of them was so near me that some of its legs were on my fingers as it was laying its eggs on a tree branch.

During this period of observation, I was already up on a tree, and now, I saw a koala bear and was trying to snap a photo of him with my camera phone as dearie was calling me out from nearby that the ranger is noticing me getting too close. My camera snapped only when the koala bear was finishing his yawn as it was having difficulties focusing.

My eyes soon opened. It was 9am and I had slept for almost 12 hours.

Sent via Cyrus' BlackBerry

Got a call from this number and learnt from others this number calls them repeatedly.

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I was moving around the town which resembled Sengkang - the area near dearie's place.  There seemed to be a G-virus kind of outbreak as there are people who approached me to ask me to "eat them" - which I chose not to, and dumped the cards which I did not need; just like a card game of poker where you discard as many cards from the most inferior ranking up and the fastest mean.

Next scene showed me battling where each country's king is also moving among the troops; one of the forces is Genghis Khan and the other is of the barbarian tribe; I had secretly moved into their territory and took their "nerve object" which if used against the king, will give me victory.  Hanging it by my flag-spear, I took it to Genghis Khan and he immediately went back to his territory to protect his troop while I held on to that of the barbarian tribe.

These kings are in a different colour - just like those rare monsters in the Diablo game.

Eyes opened.  It was already morning.
I got an email from this sender and suspect that his / her account is hacked for some iPhone deals.  Just to share with everyone:

============ Forwarded message ============
From : Leo Rules<elgin_79@hotmail.com>
Date : Thu, 27 Sep 2012 22:05:54 +0800
Subject : iphone5 is here
============ Forwarded message ============


i ordered an iphone4s and mac from this eshop , Latest price

 much lower than our price.

now i had recive it , i like it very much .you can order iphone5 from here too.

so i tell you , hope you can try too 

take a look :<yesfeo.com> 


Finally we have a rainy weather for the evening - which means, a better night of slumber since I had done my run earlier.

The rain was really heavy indeed, and it seemed like an island-wide shower that got dearie's shoes drenched as she made her way back from school.

There some good news in my hunt for the next battlestation, so let's hope I can get something good this time.  For now, the lookout continues.
Wondered who called at this hour from this number as I wasn't expecting any calls.
Every day seems to awoken by the dream of some sort - some are vivid and some are simply hazy, while some just live an etching impression when I open my eyes in the morning right at a certain hour.

It has been more than a month since I am back from Australia, yet many paths in the world beyond dreamland speaks about the places that I had visited.  I certainly miss the weather though.  Just that kind of lingering thoughts keeps my mind hoping to go back there again.
First adventure was to a town where it seemed like I have revisited Australia 2 weeks after returning to Singapore.  I saw the old towns, the nice people and of course, embraced by the cool weather.

In one of the towns, I saw Nicole and she was running her own store, selling a certain range of bags which I have not seen / heard - not the usual luxury range which are popular among ladies. She was dressed in this black pair of shorts and the cool weather did not seem to take her on a little.  And there was the monorail which I could take and it brings me to all places in a tight loop but saves a fair bit of walking.

Next scene showed me moving through this place which resembled some kind of theme park but the props used are far more realistic and "brutal", such as the crunching gates which would seem to crush you whenever you try to pass - it was more like a "Mortal Kombat" theme with some of the most brutal names for some of the rooms.  This places was huge and we had to make our way out; I saw some familiar faces as it was a visit given from some kind of complimentary passes; so some of them came down right after work (still in office attire).

Next scene showed me at dearie's place, and a leaking pipe seemed to be fixed and there was a tub of water with some unusual fishes in it.  Upon closer examination, one could see the pondskaters moving across the water surface with their long legs while suspending their bodies above the water.  As we were tidying up some of the laundry, some of the clothes looked a little unfamiliar and it actually belonged to a "designer" who also participated in the theme park outing.  Part of the attraction was in a simulated rainstorm setting and we all got wet.

After observing the fishes for awhile, some of them surfaced and started to eat the pondskaters and also the wild snails in the tub.  With one motion, they sucked the soft body out of their shells; and dearie told me that they are quite tasty except when the "unique smell" (like poultry) burst out, that will be rather disgusting.

Lights on.  Several adventures in a row.  It was already near 10am.
I have to self-quarantine today as I've already begun to 'embrace' the symptoms of flu last night.

An uninterrupted rest of 8 hours was certainly good enough as the sneezing spell is greatly minimised. What's left is to clear the throat of that dry sensation.

I have to get well by the end of today so that the weekend can be well-spent outdoors.

Sent via Cyrus' BlackBerry
Weather is once again picking up the temperature despite the many rainy days in the past few days.

The hope for a clearer-weather sky is somewhat bleak as the evenings have once again been clouded by the haze that spread over from Sumatra, so much so that a charred odour was present. Guess this will not be a good time for any running activities.

Preparation's done for either a run or swim this evening - weather seems ok so far till now and hope it maintains or improves later.

I have to continue the seek for a better battle platform. Right now, battle continues.

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I was on some trip to a western country like Australia and it was my last day of stay; I had to get ready to make my way back to the airport and bade my employer there farewell.  The person in charge was a gorgeous-looking lady in her very own simplicity and I managed to exchange contact with her before I made my way off from the working premises.

This was another time I saw Rui En, and it seemed that we know each other more personally this time and seemingly were seeing each other.  It was the first time to see her true bashful side in person instead of the many shows she acted in a bashful-natured girl.

I have now appeared in a military camp and 3 of us; myself, Peiling and Liling (all from my secondary school) were awaiting to be slot into our units as we were under some "bicycle platoon" by my NS unit's RSM.  We cycled our way back to the main activity area in the carpark where most people are assembled.

By this time, my bicycle had "disappeared" and I was running at a blazing speed; beside me was Rizuan (ECA mate from tertiary school) who was trying to keep up with me and asked how I managed to run so fast. I just smiled and carried on.  At a short distance ahead, there were a few entrances for runs which were categorised into individual and team competitors.  As the team had gone ahead of me, I had to enter the individual section but it was not open yet.  The gatekeeper was Nelson (from ECP) and along with him was Malcom, his son - we had read in our instructions the night before but did not know who his "Malcom" was until we saw him today.

As I was walking through the corridors, I could see some places with stickers placed across the entire wall as advertisements and one of them was advertising some sort of premium rosewood for doors; I took a leap and did a dropkick - it wasn't just stickers but the whole panel was made of the wood sample.

Next scene showed me buying cigarettes from a stall but I only had RM in my wallet; the stallowner would only give me change in RM so I decided to pay via NETS; he took an awful long time to transact as he seem so unfamiliar with the machine; soon I was walking past some corridors which had signboards for my attention on receiving stores back which were marked with my "user IDs".  At the other side of the corridor, I saw some men who wanted to buy cigarettes but they have to wait for the stallowner to return as those instructions for me also included the proper procedures / "standing orders" for purchase of cigarettes within camp premises - a witness has to be present to "officiate" that these products are properly disposed with their coloured labels to account for legitimate sale of cigarettes. 

A short walk and I saw the SP company seemingly ready to move out as they were drawing their weapons from the armory; one of the unusual weapon was a minigun sort of armament which was mounted on a radio that resembled Frenzy in the Transformers movie; one of the men was teaching another how to operate it.

Last scene showed some kind of filming where the camera was pointing at an object which was out of focus and I could hear conversation behind.  It was still in the military camp setting and after listening for awhile, I learnt it was Kevin's voice who was making funny jokes with the rest of the Super Gangsters.  I turned around and saw them as I was doing my shoelaces at an enclosure just behind the cookhouse.  After I was done, I walked out together with them.

Eyes opened, it was already in the morning.
I suspect this is a scam which I have received out of the blue from this sender.  If anyone has received, please take note.

============ Forwarded message ============
From : Norman<normank@asiamail.com>
To :
Date : Mon, 17 Sep 2012 08:06:34 +0800
Subject :
============ Forwarded message ============

Your Fedex package was wrongly delivered to me, Please contact  me with your details so that it can be reposted to you

I appeared in this old hall which was like one of thos ancient buildings of ancient China. There were many rooms and some were unocccupied.

There was a scene where I was talking to my mum and for a moment, I thought I saw my grandmother which later I asked my mum and she told me that grandmother did not resurrect and she had already passed on so many years ago. In the 'dining area', I saw a few relatives - one of my elder cousins told me that the very young cousin - in his teens (named Yifan or something) had already passed on. Quite a shocking news as I had seen him at the last Chinese New Year.

Moving through the rooms now bring me to another scene with my NS comrades who are preparing for an outfield mission, all looking ready to go. I started talking to a few comrades about this pretty Indian lady who also happens to come from a wealthy family and lives in a landed property.

Driving along the highway, I now am giving some of them a lift home and have to take the nearest exit to rejoin back to the correct route to my destinations. Signboards are brown with white wordings just like that I saw in Australia.

When I returned, I was in this smoking room where I saw many comrades - it was furnished with a large pine table in the middle of the room that seemingly was used for meetings, with settings just like that of an Apple store. One section was like a lounge where it goes in really deep and there are comfortable seatings with the trays for depositing the ashes in small clusters of seats.

There seemed to be some preparation work to be done and I saw Zhongkai, this time with copper-coloured hair in a modern cut, and he brought some paint to do his artwork.

Further down the room, I also saw my DYS3 who had a velcro strap across his body, which was pink and yellow in colour. It was in place just like those sports support worn across the chest providing support to the shoulder. The odd thing now is that everyone is dressed in winter clothing and nothing military.

Eyes opened, it's already daylight.

Sent via Cyrus' BlackBerry
I just got a call from this number and the caller told me that I am given a complimentary 'free' spa session at Body Contours Pte Ltd.

When I asked where did she get my number from, she could not give me a satisfactory answer and continued to pitch her sales call to try to convince me to say yes.

Unfortunately for her, this call is going to be traced to the source.

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I appeared in this town that was in some state of battle as there was a powerful phantom that haunted the place.

A female ghost, which was known to devour the souls of innocent people, had gone on a rampage.  She would appear over walls and among a few, I was one of the local military squad who would defend this village.  The chief soceress taught us to recite a chant which will cast the phantom away when in danger, and it goes "Nah-Phoolem Kaw!" by folding our thumb, middle and ring finger, pointing to ourselfs while chanting and at the last phrase, point it out towards the phantom.

While evicting the civlians from danger, the sorceress used this and the phantom was thrown back with a white blast.  Soon, there were not many people left in the open area and I managed to grab one of the girls who was seemingly ready for battle but lacked courage.  In her cloak was some kind of unusual weapon which she had not unleashed the capacity - it was thin as razor and carried an rare aura.

I taught her the chant for self defence before we moved to a safer area.

A surprise attack was done on her and she was pushed right through the ground, into a room full of clay statues and no other humans around.  It was a rather scary moment as the phantom can now sniff her out easily.  I was nearby, and quickly, we moved to another area which now made the place look like a basement convenience shop.  More and more people could be seen and I toppled some of the merchandise to form a defense wall.  A long time friend, Ruisheng, could also be seen nearby and he too, appeared to be part of this defence squad.

Moments later, this place now has turned into a modern supermarket with regular shoppers moving around.

Switchscene shows me now moving into a classroom with a katana and wakizashi, walking to the windows and looking out.

Sounding alarm.  It was daylight.
A primary school scene appeared where I saw 2 students conspiring against another and stole some of her things that consisted of a pink and yellow pouch.  The teacher who conducted a bag search could not find the missing items even in their bags.

After school dismissal, these 2 students could be seen sharing the loot and the pink and yellow pouch was passed to each other.  I could not see what's inside these 2 pouches but it certainly looked like something valuable, and went ahead to confront them.  Upon confrontation, they ran off with all the things being passed to the boy who seemingly was the mastermind of the theft.  He ran across a street and was then knocked down by a car.  I then turned to the students and told them the story of karma.

Next scene showed me getting up an aircraft which resembled a private jet, but there are horizontal rotors at the bottom of the aircraft.  It appeared that I was on some photo assignment which I had to follow a crew to move over vast distances.  The first flight was spent within the cabin, but when the aircraft moved to the 2nd location, I was hanging up at the feet of the aircraft - I'll call it a plane (resembling that of helicopters) and seeing the vast vegetation of forests below me.

Soon I moved back and dearie told me that it was rather dangerous to be out there, because if I fall off, it's going to be fatal.

When the plane landed, the gates opened and I could see someone resembling Darth Vader moving forward, hands streched out and a floating platform materialises along with the sophisicated instrument panel in between his hands.  It was in the desert where reddish sand could be seen, just like that of Mars.

At the next destination, the plane landed in some elevated landing pad which the side panels of the landing area opened and water could be seen gushing and making the first level seemingly like a pool, and wetted my footwear.  This destination was perched at the inclining waterbody on a mountain.  I once again saw that floating platform and moving out with the "commander" Darth Vader.

Eyes opened to the UFO alarm on my iPhone.  It's already daylight.
At intervals, a lady resembling Priscilla Chan would enter this room and discuss with the chief in private. Red wines would be handed through some metal built-up mechanism by the side of the seating area. This 'meeting place' is unseen from the exterior and forms part of the room of both hers and the chief's.

They seemingly had to discuss certain matters in secrecy, hence this was how the meetings are conducted.

A raid has been conducted and in the last part, one of the detectives resembling Lau Ching Yun, spoke through his comms system that this treasure must not fall into the hands of anyone (it was perched in a standalone pillar which was surrounded by matching flooring) and activated the destruction module. With all of us in the safe area, the flooring around the pillar crumbled and the thug's child, who was there, fell through without succession of his father rescuing him.

During the review, I thought, if the child had rolled away quickly, he might be safe but being a child, their reflexes are not as effective as an adult.

Switchscene showed me back in my home to collect some stuffs and I saw the bread dearie had given me gone mouldy.  It seemed that I had brought it back some time ago and did not place it in the fridge to preserve the freshness.

Next scene showed me in this town centre which once again appeared to be that of Australia. I was talking to a friend and told him that all we need to move around in Australia is a bicycle and it's impossible to get lost. The bicycle I had was a very compact and foldable type which could not be seen around much.

Many cyclists could be seen moving past me. Soon, I saw my friend, Bert, appeared and was also riding one of such bikes, with another friend teaching him to do a bunny hop over a crushed paper cup. He did his successfully and I gave my demonstration with a high jump in which he cheered in awe.

There was also a crowd seated in this open air cafe and they too cheered after I made that jump.

We soon move ahead to the railway station and I bunny-hopped my way up the entrance using only the last wheel of my bike to land.

Eyes opened and it's already daylight.

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Another night with clear skies; a sight to admire and walk through, passing the orchestra of crickets in the serenity of the night's beauty.

Weather has been really rainy the past few days and concrete sunlight can only be seen near sunset; still too much haze in the day hours.

I have to segregate the timing so that I can be doing my work in a more timely order.

Let's start tomorrow.

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Saw myself in this carpark near a block of old flats where I was picking Jeffrey (Nicole's brother) up. He looked a little unusually muscular and even sported a tatoo across part of his left chest and upper arm. He lay on the aged carpark and did some back stretching and we conversed a little about his recent trip.

Now this place resembled Min Xin Primary School where the old architecture was preserved. It was unusually quiet and not a single soul was around us.

My car was not the actual driven, but the DeLorean DMC-12 that was used in Back to the Future. But this time, it's not powered by waste materials at the back of the vehicle.

Soon, we warped into hyperspace and I had opened my eyes. 7:05am.

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It is one of those post-shower nights that I am once again making my way back home.

Had finally finished work for the day. The rest continues when I hit homebase later. A little wider awake now as I had fell asleep after an outdoor activity earlier, made comfortable by the welcoming rain for the afternoon.

I'll be missing dearie tonight again as another week begins.

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The first place that appeared was at NCS where I had a call centre agent job. The layout of the office looked a little different this time as the seat I was assigned was facing the rows of seats that lined up facing each other. Thomas was still the team leader and could be seen holding a lit cigarette while covering the mouth end with a tissue and then spraying some 'mask' to prevent the sprinkler from activating.

There was only Olivia who was the familiar face other than Thomas and I was introduced to an Indian lady colleague as a 'comeback' that I briefly said '...but not sure for how long'.

Now I appeared in this mall that looked like Bukit Panjang shopping centre and then in the arcade where 2 young punks were seen playing this shooting game. Many spectators could be seen crowding around them as they played. Halfway through, one of them stopped playing and wandered into this shop nearby, so I had to to take up the vacant player's place and continue the game.

This game resembled the 'Monster Fighter' that I had played during school days, but there's now a 'cheat detector' in the game which flys past the screen in a silvery spacecraft form - to catch those 'cheat reloading'.

Game ended soon and I joined the rest in the shop. One section sells mobile phone accessories and I saw some familiar faces but could not match to any names.

With the help of a friend, I managed to visit this lady (resembling 江祖泙) whose putting up at some kind of prison where she's allowed visitors. Her family members were with her too and brought her some books and food. After calling her church counsellor, she was told that she can't accept the food due to the 'purity' of the coconut milk and salt that was used in making the food. Over the phone, she wept and explained hard that this was a effort from the heart of her loved ones.

As she talked, the 'halfway door' swung and wiped on some dirt (resembling bird droppings) unto the cover (this food had now turned into a book) and remained in my sight for several minutes as I awaited for her to end the call along with the rest of her visitors.

After she ended her call in tears, we chatted with her while cleaning the soiled book cover. That was where I asked which church is she attending and she answered 'TCC'. It was also the main at Adam Road and I briefly told her I did have experienced some unpleasant issues in my time there. By the time I had finished, dearie's favourite bear also appeared and was taken to dry along with the book that was deemed 'spiritually unclean' by this lady's counsellor which we told her not to worry about it.

We all bade her farewell and she does look happier after our visit.

One of her friends appeared to resemble Sylvia (an ex colleague) who offered to give us a lift - so I told her to just drop me at the MRT station where I had parked my car.

Eyes opened. 6:47am.

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Laying my head on my pillow, it's one of those nights that the mind is filled with thoughts as I will be going for another NS callup tomorrow. Though it's a just a one-day event, it does have considerable disruption to our usual lifestyle.

With the haze's density this evening, I wonder how the military trotting will be carried out tomorrow if the level has reached an unhealthy range. Many of us would not even risk ourselves for a purpose as we have better things to do. But sadly, being 'sons of Singapore', we all have almost no choice if we are based in Singapore.

It's a rather unusual early night for me with this passing thought. I decided not to elaborate as much tonight as I look forward to an earlier rest.

Maybe I'll find out more in the world beyond dreamland.

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I was waiting for dearie at this void deck which resembled that of my old home at Bedok North - sitting area in one quadrant of the void deck separated by the kitchen area where the rubbish chute collection door was. 2 men could be seen loitering nearby and as I was waiting for dearie, I left my slippers nearby and walked around barefooted (place was unusually spick and span), one of the 'red indians' took one foot of my slippers and tried to wedge out something from the sole of his shoe.

Soon, dearie came and as I was about to confront him after he tossed the slipper to the floor, he told me that there was a broken arrow wedged in the sole of his shoe. Strangely enough, he attempted to use my slipper to remove it.

Switchscene showed me running in a park where there were many of my unit comrades. We took several runs and as the number of rounds increased, so did the number of runners. The distance seemed pretty long but the run did not feel tiring at all.

Final scene showed a war scene where the Turks have captured St Paul ruins at Macau. As our battle station is raised, our child prodiigy sniper was ready to fire. Several individual Turks could be seen on each platform of St Paul ruins and our sniper took his position and took down several units from different positions.

His last shot missed and our battlestation had touched down on the ruins. The Turks, dressed in purple cloaks, started their melee attack with the traditional curved Arabian daggers on the frontline fighters. In this place, I appeared to be a tourist and quickly signalled the local civilians to evacuate the place to a safer turf of ground behind our frontline.

There was one boy who led a pack of dogs that I had guided him to safety. He had a head of hair that felt like the artificial grass patch used in supermarkets where fruits are placed.

I'm glad that the civilians could be moved to a safe zone.

Final scene showed me appearing seemingly in Hong Kong's Macdonalds where you can mix your own salad and a lady could be seen requesting additional sauce. The manager responded to her in Cantonese and offered to let her have 2 packs at the price of 1.

It was a 6-hour rest but felt like I had been there longer. Sky's bright again.
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I saw myself in this building of colonial style, yet modern inside, just like Queen Victoria Building. Seems like I am working around this area.

Took a walk outside and saw many people making their way home. Shops are already closed as it was 530pm by the time I stepped outside.

Switchscene and I saw myself in some military base and my ex unit's RSM George Cher had stepped in and I greeted him in the course of myself doing some stuff. He was unusually dressed in a 'winter strike' camouflage uniform and his hair and moustache had already turned white.

The next place I saw was myself on the local tram where the transport entry /exit item was a token. An officer was seen doing a sweep as there was someone who did not enter legally. The unusual thing was that this token gives us a unlimited trips for 3 days which was supposed to be a card-style pass - just like the recent travel to KL with dearie.

My eyes opened. It was already a brightly-lit sky.

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A vision of myself driving along TPE and later seeing myself being fined for driving at 110km/h. The fine seemed to come soon after I was driving.

Dinner time soon. Visited AMK during the afternoon but it seems like there aren't anything interesting in the neighbourhood.

Weather is still quite hazy so there aren't many places in the great outdoors that we can visit. Maybe that's the reason that caused a veil-like sensation of that has draped over the mind.

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The first scene I saw was taking cover in a house which I could not be seen by the owner. Somehow, the owner had to hire a maid and I hid from an angle that the cabinet mirror doesn't show my reflection.

The next scene showed me walking in this country-like place where one could experience the serenity and peace of countryside living. There wasn't anyone which reminded me of the countryside which I had visited during my recent trip.

Another scene showed me talking to Peiying, one of the photographers I had known at a friend's wedding. It was a casual setting where we had bumped into each other.

Final switchscene: I saw myself in this basementa where there were many tables of stove-like apparatuses and one of them started to boil very quickly. Water gets boiled really quickly in less than 10mins for a kettle full. Before I could turn it off, there was this girl who had already done so; she seemed very familiar with the place and operating all the equipment.

Eyes opened. 945am.
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