It's another sleepless night and I had realised that I haven't wrote for quite a number of days.
This evening will be more activity-filled as I will be going to dearie's place for her mum's birthday celebration after an interview.
These few days had been exceptionally busy since I 'returned to base' over the weekend. I have been secluding myself much from people in the house as I wanted a full concentration while clearing those task I have on hand. 2 hours more to Ultimate Peace at home.
Hopefully, I can sleep soon since I had already done my workout.
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This evening will be more activity-filled as I will be going to dearie's place for her mum's birthday celebration after an interview.
These few days had been exceptionally busy since I 'returned to base' over the weekend. I have been secluding myself much from people in the house as I wanted a full concentration while clearing those task I have on hand. 2 hours more to Ultimate Peace at home.
Hopefully, I can sleep soon since I had already done my workout.
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5:54 AM |
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