The familiar coffeeshop greeted me while I was queuing up for a meal; ordered some chicken served in a basket like the roasted pig skin which I ate at Bali. The stallowner was nice enough to help me carry the food to a nearby table.

I arrived at an LRT / MRT station where one u need to scan an access card before entering. Another person who was present with me was Guanxiong, Philip's son, but as there was only one access card, I decided not to go with him.

Later on, Guanxiong came around the "loophole" in the gate, attempting to pass me the card. Before he did, the staff who was stationed near the gate said he didn't see anything and allowed me to go through with the same card. I saw dearie later waiting along with others for the train. There was a place where there was a spray of water, and dearie was casted into this "water pose" whereby I was seemingly ready for a shoot of her being drenched in the water spray. Guanxiong, at that juncture, was very amazed at the whole scene.

Next scene, Rash Soccer. Every player had the right to wear illegal "gears", such as hardcore shin guards and the like. One opponent player was hurt after kicking our fellow player (our player resembling Tony Jaa), who revealed his shin guard: a spiked piece of material.

The game was like a soccer game without rules; everyone was free to do whatever they liked. A fight scene followed where he potrayed his martial arts expertise when tackling the soccer ball.

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